Impact of Preoperative Lymphopenia on Survival Following Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement
Stawiarski K, Agboola O, Park J, Geirsson A, Jacoby D, Bellumkonda L, Ahmad T, Chou J, Lee F, Mangi A, Bonde P. Impact of Preoperative Lymphopenia on Survival Following Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement. ASAIO Journal 2020, 67: 650-657. PMID: 33074860, DOI: 10.1097/mat.0000000000001289.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAbsolute lymphocyte countCause mortalityLymphopenia groupLeft ventricular assist device patientsVentricular assist device patientsVentricular assist device placementCox proportional hazards modelImpact of lymphopeniaHeart failure populationKaplan-Meier plotsFurther clinical investigationProportional hazards modelLog-rank statisticsDurable LVADPreoperative lymphopeniaLVAD placementLymphocyte countLymphopenic patientsDevice patientsSingle centerPoor outcomePrognostic implicationsALC levelsFailure populationStudy populationBlood Conservation Strategy at Time of Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement Improves Survival
Stawiarski K, Agboola O, Park J, Mangi A, Geirsson A, Lee F, Jacoby D, Bellumkonda L, Ahmad T, Chou J, Testani J, Chen M, McCloskey G, Bonde P. Blood Conservation Strategy at Time of Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement Improves Survival. The Journal Of Heart And Lung Transplantation 2020, 39: s151. DOI: 10.1016/j.healun.2020.01.1086.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVentricular assist device placementBlood conservationLeft ventricular assist device placementBCS groupDevice placementAnti-platelet useLarger ventricular sizeLiberal transfusion strategyStandardized transfusion protocolTime of LVADLength of hospitalBlood conservation strategiesUnits of PRBCsLiberal groupCirculatory support devicesDevice use ratesExcessive transfusionICU stayTransfusion protocolCommon complicationHeart failureLVAD patientsTransfusion strategyTransfusion triggerSingle centerThe Effects of Less Invasive Extra-Pericardial Placement of Left Ventricular Assist Devices on Right Ventricular Failure in the Early Postoperative Period
Stawiarski K, Agboola O, Park J, Mangi A, Geirsson A, Bellumkonda L, Lee F, Chen M, Jacoby D, Chou J, Ahmad T, Testani J, McCloskey G, Bonde P. The Effects of Less Invasive Extra-Pericardial Placement of Left Ventricular Assist Devices on Right Ventricular Failure in the Early Postoperative Period. The Journal Of Heart And Lung Transplantation 2020, 39: s151-s152. DOI: 10.1016/j.healun.2020.01.1087.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRight ventricular failureVentricular failureMedian sternotomyLeft ventricular assist deviceBlood product useChest tube outputGiant cell myocarditisPoor surgical candidatesPulmonary vascular resistanceSingle-center experienceEarly postoperative periodStandard median sternotomyVentricular assist deviceMann-Whitney testIABP useINTERMACS profileMS implantationRVAD placementRVAD useLess transfusionRV dilationSurgical candidatesVascular resistanceAdverse eventsLVAD patients
Improving Outcomes in INTERMACS 1 Category 1 Patients with Pre-LVAD, Awake Venous-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support
Mori M, McCloskey G, Geirsson A, Mangi AA, Yun JJ, Jacoby D, Ahmad T, Bellumkonda L, Lee F, Chen ME, Bonde P. Improving Outcomes in INTERMACS 1 Category 1 Patients with Pre-LVAD, Awake Venous-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support. ASAIO Journal 2019, Publish Ahead of Print: &na;. PMID: 30664019, DOI: 10.1097/mat.0000000000000908.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCategory 1 patientsECMO supportDurable LVADECMO groupDurable left ventricular assist device implantationVenous-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenationLeft ventricular assist device implantationVentricular assist device implantationCox proportional hazards analysisExtracorporeal membrane oxygenation supportECMO-supported patientsPost-LVAD survivalVenous-arterial ECMOOutcomes of patientsAssist device implantationEnd-organ functionMembrane oxygenation supportProportional hazards analysisExtracorporeal membrane oxygenationRisk of deathINTERMACS scaleInteragency RegistryOxygenation supportECMO patientsUnadjusted survival
Serial Assessment of Coronary Flow Reserve by Rubidium-82 Positron Emission Tomography Predicts Mortality in Heart Transplant Recipients
Feher A, Srivastava A, Quail MA, Boutagy NE, Khanna P, Wilson L, Miller EJ, Liu YH, Lee F, Sinusas AJ. Serial Assessment of Coronary Flow Reserve by Rubidium-82 Positron Emission Tomography Predicts Mortality in Heart Transplant Recipients. JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 2018, 13: 109-120. PMID: 30343093, PMCID: PMC6461525, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2018.08.025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedCoronary Artery DiseaseFemaleFractional Flow Reserve, MyocardialHeart TransplantationHumansMaleMiddle AgedMyocardial Perfusion ImagingPositron-Emission TomographyPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesRadiopharmaceuticalsReproducibility of ResultsRubidium RadioisotopesTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeConceptsPositron emission tomographyLong-term prognostic valueSerial assessmentPET-2Pet-1Cause mortalityHT patientsPrognostic valueHigh CFRLow CFRRb positron-emission tomographyEmission tomographyRb-82 positron emission tomographyRubidium-82 positron emission tomographyPET imagingHeart transplantation patientsHistory of HTCardiac allograft vasculopathyHeart transplant recipientsLong-term mortalitySingle-center studyMultivariate Cox regressionCoronary flow reserveAllograft vasculopathyHT recipientsPREVALENCE AND PREDICTORS OF DECISION REGRET IN LEFT VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICE PATIENTS
Sciria C, Jacoby D, Bonde P, Lee F, Ahmad T, Testani J, Chen M. PREVALENCE AND PREDICTORS OF DECISION REGRET IN LEFT VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICE PATIENTS. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2018, 71: a971. DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(18)31512-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA Noble and Independent Course: The Life of the Reverend Edward Mitchell
Lee, F. A., Pringle, J. S. (2018). A Noble and Independent Course: The Life of the Reverend Edward Mitchell. Lebanon: Dartmouth College Press.Books
Cumulative stress and autonomic dysregulation in a community sample
Lampert R, Tuit K, Hong KI, Donovan T, Lee F, Sinha R. Cumulative stress and autonomic dysregulation in a community sample. Stress 2016, 19: 269-279. PMID: 27112063, PMCID: PMC5072401, DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2016.1174847.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeart rate variabilityAdverse life eventsChronic stressLife eventsPoor cardiovascular outcomesChronic stressorsCardiac autonomic functionPrimary preventive strategiesAmbulatory ECG monitoringCumulative stress scoreRegression analysisLow-frequency powerNon-invasive measureRecent life eventsCumulative stressCardiovascular outcomesAutonomic functionAutonomic dysregulationPreventive strategiesNN intervalsAutonomic statusHealthy individualsHealth behaviorsECG monitoringRate variability
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Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Elevations In Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant (ASCT) Recipients at the Time of WBC Engraftment. Correlation with Engraftment Syndrome and Cardiac Dysfunction.
Isufi I, Barile A, Russell K, Hryniewicz K, Baker J, Medoff E, Jacoby D, Lee F, Foss F, Cooper D, Seropian S. Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Elevations In Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant (ASCT) Recipients at the Time of WBC Engraftment. Correlation with Engraftment Syndrome and Cardiac Dysfunction. Blood 2010, 116: 1309. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v116.21.1309.1309.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigher cumulative anthracycline doseCumulative anthracycline doseEngraftment syndromeAnthracycline doseWBC engraftmentPercent of ptsDay 0Pg/ASCT recipientsHD-CYHigher BNPCardiac complicationsElevated BNPCardiac dysfunctionIntensity conditioningOne-year non-relapse mortalityAllogeneic stem cell transplant recipientsBrain natriuretic peptide elevationIncidence of ESStem cell transplant recipientsWeight gainAcute cardiac complicationsHistory of HTNMore diagnostic criteriaNatriuretic peptide elevationEffects of Reiki on Autonomic Activity Early After Acute Coronary Syndrome
Friedman RS, Burg MM, Miles P, Lee F, Lampert R. Effects of Reiki on Autonomic Activity Early After Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2010, 56: 995-996. PMID: 20828654, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2010.03.082.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCommon Genes Contribute to Depressive Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability: The Twins Heart Study
Su S, Lampert R, Lee F, Bremner JD, Snieder H, Jones L, Murrah NV, Goldberg J, Vaccarino V. Common Genes Contribute to Depressive Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability: The Twins Heart Study. Twin Research And Human Genetics 2010, 13: 1-9. PMID: 20158303, PMCID: PMC2905576, DOI: 10.1375/twin.13.1.1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeart rate variabilityCoronary artery diseaseDepressive symptomsHRV indicesReduced heart rate variabilityRate variabilityElectrocardiographic Holter recordingsMeasurements of HRVBeck Depression Inventory-IICurrent depressive symptomsSignificant inverse correlationVietnam Era Twin RegistryFrequency domain variablesBivariate genetic modelingCommon neurobiological dysfunctionArtery diseaseAutonomic dysregulationHolter recordingsHeart StudyMiddle-aged male twinsHRV frequencySymptomsCommon genetic componentInventory-IIHigh frequency574: Risks of Invasive Hemodynamics in UNOS 1A Patients
DePasquale E, Jacoby D, Lee F. 574: Risks of Invasive Hemodynamics in UNOS 1A Patients. The Journal Of Heart And Lung Transplantation 2010, 29: s186. DOI: 10.1016/j.healun.2009.11.592.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Pleiotropy of C-Reactive Protein Gene Polymorphisms With C-Reactive Protein Levels and Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Male Twins
Su S, Lampert R, Zhao J, Bremner JD, Miller A, Snieder H, Lee F, Khan D, Goldberg J, Vaccarino V. Pleiotropy of C-Reactive Protein Gene Polymorphisms With C-Reactive Protein Levels and Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Male Twins. The American Journal Of Cardiology 2009, 104: 1748-1754. PMID: 19962488, PMCID: PMC2818743, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2009.07.063.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsC-reactive protein levelsHeart rate variabilityCRP gene polymorphismsCoronary artery diseaseCRP levelsGene polymorphismsArtery diseaseHRV indicesSymptomatic coronary artery diseaseReduced heart rate variabilityRate variabilityLower heart rate variabilityC-Reactive Protein Gene PolymorphismsPlasma CRP levelsCRP plasma levelsCRP single-nucleotide polymorphismsMale twinsProtein levelsSingle nucleotide polymorphismsHealthy male twinsBivariate structural equation modelingHigh-frequency powerCRP geneFrequency domain measuresProtein gene polymorphismsA Twin Study of Metabolic Syndrome and Autonomic Tone
GEHI AK, LAMPERT R, VELEDAR E, LEE F, GOLDBERG J, JONES L, MURRAH N, ASHRAF A, VACCARINO V. A Twin Study of Metabolic Syndrome and Autonomic Tone. Journal Of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2009, 20: 422-428. PMID: 19054251, PMCID: PMC2722434, DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-8167.2008.01363.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLower heart rate variabilityHeart rate variabilityAutonomic toneMetS componentsMetabolic syndromeMetS risk factorsHigher cardiovascular mortalityCoronary heart diseaseOne-unit incrementTwin pairsCardiovascular mortalityCardiac deathOverall mortalityAtrial fibrillationPotential confoundersHeart diseaseRisk factorsHeart StudyMiddle-aged male twinsAbnormal modulationRate variabilityMale twinsMetS.MetSSyndrome
Decreased heart rate variability is associated with higher levels of inflammation in middle-aged men
Lampert R, Bremner JD, Su S, Miller A, Lee F, Cheema F, Goldberg J, Vaccarino V. Decreased heart rate variability is associated with higher levels of inflammation in middle-aged men. American Heart Journal 2008, 156: 759.e1-759.e7. PMID: 18926158, PMCID: PMC2587932, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2008.07.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsC-reactive proteinCoronary artery diseaseBody mass indexHeart rate variabilityTraditional risk factorsInterleukin-6Risk factorsAutonomic functionPhysical activityDevelopment of CADSymptomatic coronary artery diseaseTraditional CAD risk factorsHigh-density lipoprotein cholesterolRate variabilityGraded inverse relationshipCAD risk factorsMiddle-aged menHigh-density lipoproteinAmbulatory electrocardiogram monitoringHigh-frequency powerAutonomic dysfunctionLipoprotein cholesterolArtery diseaseMass indexAutonomic dysregulationPacemaker Therapy for Early and Late Sinus Node Dysfunction in Orthotopic Heart Transplant Recipients: A Single‐Center Experience
LUEBBERT JJ, LEE FA, ROSENFELD LE. Pacemaker Therapy for Early and Late Sinus Node Dysfunction in Orthotopic Heart Transplant Recipients: A Single‐Center Experience. Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology 2008, 31: 1108-1112. PMID: 18834460, DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-8159.2008.01149.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOrthotopic heart transplantationSinus node dysfunctionOHT recipientsEarly complicationsTransplant recipientsLate sinus node dysfunctionSignificant sinus node dysfunctionOrthotopic heart transplant recipientsHeart transplant clinicMean age 50.2Heart transplant recipientsSingle-center experienceAge 50.2Electrophysiology serviceTransplant clinicHeart transplantationHeart transplantPermanent pacemakerLikely multifactorialPacemaker therapyLarge cohortPatientsAmbulatory monitoringRecipientsPacemakerDepressive Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability: Evidence for a Shared Genetic Substrate in a Study of Twins
Vaccarino V, Lampert R, Bremner JD, Lee F, Su S, Maisano C, Murrah NV, Jones L, Jawed F, Afzal N, Ashraf A, Goldberg J. Depressive Symptoms and Heart Rate Variability: Evidence for a Shared Genetic Substrate in a Study of Twins. Psychosomatic Medicine 2008, 70: 628-636. PMID: 18606724, PMCID: PMC5884077, DOI: 10.1097/psy.0b013e31817bcc9e.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Effect of acetylcholinesterase inhibition with pyridostigmine on cardiac parasympathetic function in sedentary adults and trained athletes
Dewland TA, Androne AS, Lee FA, Lampert RJ, Katz SD. Effect of acetylcholinesterase inhibition with pyridostigmine on cardiac parasympathetic function in sedentary adults and trained athletes. AJP Heart And Circulatory Physiology 2007, 293: h86-h92. PMID: 17322413, DOI: 10.1152/ajpheart.01339.2006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeart rate recoveryPostexercise heart rate recoveryCardiac parasympathetic functionCardiac parasympathetic toneHeart rate variabilityRate recoveryParasympathetic toneSedentary adultsFrequency domain indicesHeart rateParasympathetic functionRate variabilityParasympathetic regulationSingle oral doseCardiac parasympathetic regulationExercise trainingCrossover trialOral doseParasympathetic pathwaysSedentary subjectsPyridostigmineHuman studiesPlaceboEfferent signalsAcetylcholinesterase inhibitors