Protocol description for a randomized controlled trial of fMRI neurofeedback for tics in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome
Awasthi J, Harris-Starling C, Kalvin C, Pittman B, Park H, Bloch M, Fernandez T, Sukhodolsky D, Hampson M. Protocol description for a randomized controlled trial of fMRI neurofeedback for tics in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging 2023, 336: 111692. PMID: 37673711, PMCID: PMC10722977, DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2023.111692.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTourette syndromeFunctional magnetic resonance imagingStudy protocolChronic tic disorderSupplementary motor areaLower functional connectivityMagnetic resonance imagingResearch study protocolLarge trialsClinical trialsTic disordersMotor areaBrain areasControl groupResonance imagingBrain regionsNew trialsFunctional connectivityNeurofeedback interventionFMRI neurofeedbackNF protocolTrialsNF studiesSyndromeIntervention
Empiric Recurrence Risk Estimates for Chronic Tic Disorders: Implications for Genetic Counseling
Heiman GA, Rispoli J, Seymour C, Leckman JF, King RA, Fernandez TV. Empiric Recurrence Risk Estimates for Chronic Tic Disorders: Implications for Genetic Counseling. Frontiers In Neurology 2020, 11: 770. PMID: 32849224, PMCID: PMC7432137, DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00770.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChronic tic disorderRecurrence risk estimatesTic disordersRecurrence riskTourette's disorderRisk estimatesNeuropsychiatric disordersPopulation-based family studyGenetic counselingFirst-degree relativesQuality of lifeFamily studiesVocal ticsPopulation prevalenceFamilial recurrence riskSuch counselingGenetic testingDisordersRiskCounselingEmpiric recurrence riskGenetic variantsRange of risksHeterogeneous genetic architectureComorbidities
Chapter 23 Tourette disorder and other tic disorders
Fernandez TV, State MW, Pittenger C. Chapter 23 Tourette disorder and other tic disorders. Handbook Of Clinical Neurology 2018, 147: 343-354. PMID: 29325623, DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-444-63233-3.00023-3.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsAssociation studiesLarge-effect variantsCandidate gene association studiesGene association studiesGenomewide association studiesSubstantial genetic contributionMultiple genesDevelopmental neuropsychiatric conditionsComplex neuropsychiatric disorderGenetic variantsGenetic contributionRare mutationsTic disordersGenomewide significanceTourette's disorderGenesEnvironmental factorsAccumulated evidenceLarge patient cohortPatient cohortMotor ticsInadequate sample sizePositive findingsNeuropsychiatric conditionsNeuropsychiatric disorders
Extended-Release Guanfacine Does Not Show a Large Effect on Tic Severity in Children with Chronic Tic Disorders
Murphy TK, Fernandez TV, Coffey BJ, Rahman O, Gavaletz A, Hanks CE, Tillberg CS, Gomez LI, Sukhodolsky DG, Katsovich L, Scahill L. Extended-Release Guanfacine Does Not Show a Large Effect on Tic Severity in Children with Chronic Tic Disorders. Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2017, 27: 762-770. PMID: 28723227, DOI: 10.1089/cap.2017.0024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtended-release guanfacineLack of efficacyChronic tic disorderGuanfacine groupPlacebo groupYGTSS total scoreAdverse eventsTotal scoreTic disordersYale Global Tic Severity Scale total scoreClinical Global Impressions-Improvement scaleCommon adverse eventsPlacebo-controlled trialKey secondary outcomesPrimary outcome measureLarger efficacy trialScale total scoreDry mouthSecondary outcomesPreliminary efficacyWeek 8Efficacy trialsOutcome measuresTic severityTourette's disorder
Pre- and perinatal complications in relation to Tourette syndrome and co-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Abdulkadir M, Tischfield JA, King RA, Fernandez TV, Brown LW, Cheon KA, Coffey BJ, de Bruijn SF, Elzerman L, Garcia-Delgar B, Gilbert DL, Grice DE, Hagstrøm J, Hedderly T, Heyman I, Hong HJ, Huyser C, Ibanez-Gomez L, Kim YK, Kim YS, Koh YJ, Kook S, Kuperman S, Lamerz A, Leventhal B, Ludolph AG, Madruga-Garrido M, Maras A, Messchendorp MD, Mir P, Morer A, Münchau A, Murphy TL, Openneer TJ, Plessen KJ, Rath JJ, Roessner V, Fründt O, Shin EY, Sival DA, Song DH, Song J, Stolte AM, Tübing J, van den Ban E, Visscher F, Wanderer S, Woods M, Zinner SH, State MW, Heiman GA, Hoekstra PJ, Dietrich A. Pre- and perinatal complications in relation to Tourette syndrome and co-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2016, 82: 126-135. PMID: 27494079, PMCID: PMC5026935, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2016.07.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAge FactorsAgedAged, 80 and overAttention Deficit Disorder with HyperactivityCase-Control StudiesChildChild, PreschoolEuropeFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedObsessive-Compulsive DisorderParent-Child RelationsPregnancyPregnancy ComplicationsPsychiatric Status Rating ScalesRepublic of KoreaRetrospective StudiesSeverity of Illness IndexSex FactorsTic DisordersTourette SyndromeUnited StatesYoung AdultConceptsCo-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorderChronic tic disorderAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderObsessive-compulsive disorderPerinatal complicationsTic disordersTourette syndromeUnaffected family controlsHyperactivity disorderNeonatal complicationsDelivery complicationsPremature birthClinical expressionMorning sicknessMedical attentionComplicationsSymptom severityPropensity scoreFirst weekDisordersEarly exposureADHD severitySeverityCollaborative Genetics StudySyndrome