Rethinking our Approach to Educating New Learners in Movement Disorders Phenomenological Diagnosis
Schaefer S. Rethinking our Approach to Educating New Learners in Movement Disorders Phenomenological Diagnosis. Movement Disorders 2023, 38: 1379-1383. PMID: 37403965, DOI: 10.1002/mds.29530.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Viewpoint on Milestones for Fellowship Training in Movement Disorders.
Ratliff JB, Schaefer SM, Chitnis S, Cooney JW, Hess CW, Okubadejo N, Shalash A, Moro E, Sue C, Pandey S, Pal PK, Yang L. Viewpoint on Milestones for Fellowship Training in Movement Disorders. Movement Disorders : Official Journal Of The Movement Disorder Society 2022, 37: 1605-1609. PMID: 35816077, PMCID: PMC9543200, DOI: 10.1002/mds.29146.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMyoclonic status epilepticus after severe hyperthermia in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019
Hill K, Peters J, Schaefer S. Myoclonic status epilepticus after severe hyperthermia in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019. Acute And Critical Care 2022, 38: 509-512. PMID: 35545241, PMCID: PMC10718496, DOI: 10.4266/acc.2021.01452.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMyoclonic status epilepticusCoronavirus disease 2019Status epilepticusDisease 2019Severe hyperthermiaAcute respiratory distress syndromeSevere neurologic injuryCommunity-acquired pneumoniaRespiratory distress syndromeCardiac arrest patientsSustained feverCortical injuryFever resolutionNeurologic injuryDistress syndromeHypovolemic shockArrest patientsIntubated patientsMultifocal myoclonusGastric lavageAggressive measuresPatient's armPatientsEpilepticusHyperpyrexia
Multi-Residency Implementation of an Online Movement Disorders Curriculum Based on Real Patient Videos
Schaefer SM, London Z, Ferrara JM, McCoyd MA, Cronin C, Pharr EP, Price R, Rigby HB, Vota S, Cincotta M, Slade MD, Moeller JJ. Multi-Residency Implementation of an Online Movement Disorders Curriculum Based on Real Patient Videos. Tremor And Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2021, 11: 38. PMID: 34621598, PMCID: PMC8462470, DOI: 10.5334/tohm.654.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntervention groupMovement disordersImmediate postResidency programsIntervention group residentsMultiple residency programsInteractive online curriculumNeurology residency programsControl residentsClinical exposureGroup residentsPatient videosVariable periodDidactic educationModule completionInconsistent availabilityDisordersHigher scoresScoresGroupClinical learningExposureOnline curriculumResidentsLeast half
Deep Brain Stimulation Target Selection in Co-Morbid Essential Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease
Wadhwa A, Schaefer S, Gerrard J, Deeb W, Okun MS, Patel A. Deep Brain Stimulation Target Selection in Co-Morbid Essential Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease. Tremor And Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2020, 10: 17. PMID: 32775031, PMCID: PMC7394224, DOI: 10.5334/tohm.62.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDeep brain stimulationParkinson's diseaseEssential tremorHead trialsDBS targetsAction tremorSubthalamic nucleus (STN) DBSThalamus deep brain stimulationLimited evidenceDBS target selectionVentral intermediate nucleusBilateral STNPD patientsDBS treatmentEquivalent efficacyRest tremorMild improvementCurrent evidenceET patientsET tremorBrain stimulationComparative efficacyPatientsExpert consensusTremor reductionImplications of Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis in Parkinson’s Disease: A Literature Review. (103)
Elfil M, Kamel S, Kandil M, Ahmed N, Schaefer S, Koo B. Implications of Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis in Parkinson’s Disease: A Literature Review. (103). Neurology 2020, 94 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.94.15_supplement.103.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImplementation of an Online, Interactive Curriculum in Movement Disorders at 9 Neurology Residency Programs: A Randomized Controlled Study (679)
Schaefer S, London Z, Rigby H, Price R, Ferrara J, Pharr E, McCoyd M, Vota S, Cronin C, Cincotta M, Moeller J. Implementation of an Online, Interactive Curriculum in Movement Disorders at 9 Neurology Residency Programs: A Randomized Controlled Study (679). Neurology 2020, 94 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.94.15_supplement.679.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImplications of the Gut Microbiome in Parkinson's Disease
Elfil M, Kamel S, Kandil M, Koo BB, Schaefer SM. Implications of the Gut Microbiome in Parkinson's Disease. Movement Disorders 2020, 35: 921-933. PMID: 32092186, DOI: 10.1002/mds.28004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsParkinson's disease patientsDisease patientsParkinson's diseaseMotor symptomsNervous systemEnteric nervous systemGut microbiome dysbiosisGut microbiome changesDifferent body systemsRelease of neurotoxinsCentral nervous systemCommon neurodegenerative disorderNormal gut microbiomeΑ-synuclein aggregatesNonmotor manifestationsAutoimmune responseNeuroprotective factorsAutopsy studyDopaminergic neuronsSubstantia nigraPathophysiologic changesMicrobiome dysbiosisMotor featuresGastrointestinal systemSystemic circulationAn online curriculum in movement disorders for neurology housestaff
Schaefer SM, Vadlamani L, Juthani P, Louis ED, Patel A, Tinaz S, Rodriguez AV, Moeller JJ. An online curriculum in movement disorders for neurology housestaff. Clinical Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2020, 3: 100035. PMID: 34316621, PMCID: PMC8298796, DOI: 10.1016/j.prdoa.2020.100035.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Successful Treatment of Primary Orthostatic Tremor Using Perampanel
Wadhwa A, Schaefer SM. Successful Treatment of Primary Orthostatic Tremor Using Perampanel. Tremor And Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2019, 9 PMID: 31413897, PMCID: PMC6691907, DOI: 10.7916/tohm.v0.681.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The Future of the Lecture in Neurology Education
Schaefer SM, Dominguez M, Moeller JJ. The Future of the Lecture in Neurology Education. Seminars In Neurology 2018, 38: 418-427. PMID: 30125896, DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1667042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeurology educationMedical educationComputer-based learning moduleProblem-based learningTeam-based learningAlternative teaching methodsSelf-directed learningModern medical curriculumSelf-study activitiesModern medical educationVideo-based lecturesModern learning theoryFormal medical educationFlipped classroomPedagogical methodsTeaching methodsTraditional lectureTime teachingMedical curriculumLearning modulesFormal lecturesLearning theoryClinical reasoningEducationLecturesA Neurology Clerkship Curriculum Using Video-Based Lectures and Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT)
Dominguez M, DiCapua D, Leydon G, Loomis C, Longbrake EE, Schaefer SM, Becker KP, Detyniecki K, Gottschalk C, Salardini A, Encandela JA, Moeller JJ. A Neurology Clerkship Curriculum Using Video-Based Lectures and Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT). MedEdPORTAL 2018, 14: 10691. PMID: 30800891, PMCID: PMC6342385, DOI: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10691.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVideo-based lecturesTime teachingStudent performanceMost studentsNeurology clerkshipClerkship examinationStudent focus groupsSurvey of studentsFocus groupsMultiple-choice questionsSense of responsibilityClerkship curriculumLearning activitiesNew curriculumTeaching activitiesClinical clerkshipsPerson lecturesFaculty lecturersEducational strategiesLong lecturesStudentsKnowledge assessmentTeachingCurriculumClerkship
Brain circuits and neurochemical systems in essential tremor: insights into current and future pharmacotherapeutic approaches
Schaefer SM, Rodriguez A, Louis ED. Brain circuits and neurochemical systems in essential tremor: insights into current and future pharmacotherapeutic approaches. Expert Review Of Neurotherapeutics 2017, 18: 101-110. PMID: 29206482, DOI: 10.1080/14737175.2018.1413353.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEssential tremorGABA systemReceptor subtypesΓ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmissionT-type calcium channelsHuman data pointUnderlying biochemical dysfunctionGABA-ergic neuronsRole of GABAInferior olivary nucleusPurkinje cell outputCertain GABANumerous medicationsClinical guidelinesPharmacotherapeutic approachesOlivary nucleusGABA receptorsPubMed searchCalcium channelsBiochemical dysfunctionNeurochemical systemsBrain circuitsMedicationsDegeneration modelGABA
Reflections: Neurology and The Humanities. Caring for Maggie.
Schaefer SM. Reflections: Neurology and The Humanities. Caring for Maggie. Neurology 2015, 85: 553-4. PMID: 26484367, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000001836.Peer-Reviewed Original Research