The Prefrontal Cortex Transcriptomic Landscape of the Comorbidity Between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Misuse
Martinez-Magaña J, Nagamatsu S, Nunez-Rios D, Krystal J, Girgenti M, Group T, Montalvo-Ortiz J. The Prefrontal Cortex Transcriptomic Landscape of the Comorbidity Between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Misuse. Biological Psychiatry 2024, 95: s69. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.02.169.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Modeling Gene by Environment Interactions in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Across the Post-Mortem Brain and in hiPSC-Derived Neurons
Seah C, Signer R, Young H, Rusielewicz T, Bader H, Xu C, dePins A, Breen M, Paull D, Girgenti M, Yehuda R, Brennand K, Huckins L. Modeling Gene by Environment Interactions in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Across the Post-Mortem Brain and in hiPSC-Derived Neurons. Biological Psychiatry 2023, 93: s11. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.02.048.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Positive modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the mPFC reduces the spontaneous recovery of fear
Lee B, Pothula S, Wu M, Kang H, Girgenti MJ, Picciotto MR, DiLeone RJ, Taylor JR, Duman RS. Positive modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the mPFC reduces the spontaneous recovery of fear. Molecular Psychiatry 2022, 27: 2580-2589. PMID: 35418600, PMCID: PMC9135632, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-022-01498-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderFear extinctionInfralimbic medial prefrontal cortexFear conditioning modelEnhanced fear extinctionFear-based behaviorsProlonged stress modelMedial prefrontal cortexSpontaneous recoveryIL-mPFCPTSD modelPTSD treatmentStress disorderPrefrontal cortexSPS modelN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor modulatorsBrain-derived neurotrophic factorN-methyl-D-aspartate receptorsBehavioral effectsIncreased attentionMPFCPreclinical findingsPyramidal neuronsNeurotrophic factorMale mice
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Brain Transcriptomics: Convergent Genomic Signatures Across Biological Sex
Wang J, Zhao H, Girgenti MJ. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Brain Transcriptomics: Convergent Genomic Signatures Across Biological Sex. Biological Psychiatry 2021, 91: 6-13. PMID: 33840456, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.02.012.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderConvergent genomic signaturesSpecific cell typesGene regulationGenomic regulationGenomic signaturesGenomic technologiesMolecular determinantsCell typesBrains of malesMolecular effectsGABAergic signalingMolecular pathologyImmune functionPTSD brainsSex impactRegulationStress disorderStructural differencesEffects of sex
PTSD is associated with neuroimmune suppression: evidence from PET imaging and postmortem transcriptomic studies
Bhatt S, Hillmer AT, Girgenti MJ, Rusowicz A, Kapinos M, Nabulsi N, Huang Y, Matuskey D, Angarita GA, Esterlis I, Davis MT, Southwick SM, Friedman MJ, Duman R, Carson R, Krystal J, Pietrzak R, Cosgrove K. PTSD is associated with neuroimmune suppression: evidence from PET imaging and postmortem transcriptomic studies. Nature Communications 2020, 11: 2360. PMID: 32398677, PMCID: PMC7217830, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15930-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAcetamidesAdaptor Proteins, Signal TransducingAdultBrainCase-Control StudiesFemaleGene Expression ProfilingHealthy VolunteersHumansMaleMicrogliaMiddle AgedPositron-Emission TomographyPyridinesRadiopharmaceuticalsReceptors, GABAReceptors, Tumor Necrosis Factor, Member 14Sex FactorsStress Disorders, Post-TraumaticYoung AdultConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderPeripheral immune activationImmune activationHigher C-reactive protein levelsC-reactive protein levelsTSPO availabilityTranslocator proteinBrain microglial activationTomography brain imagingStress-related pathophysiologyPositron emission tomography (PET) brain imagingNeuroimmune activationMicroglial activationPTSD symptom severityImmunologic regulationPostmortem studiesPTSD subgroupHealthy individualsSymptom severityTrauma exposurePTSD groupStress disorderLower relative expressionBrain imagingPET imagingNeural Transcriptomic Alterations Associated With Neuropeptide Y and Ghrelin in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Stone L, Girgenti M, Krystal J, Duman R, Group T. Neural Transcriptomic Alterations Associated With Neuropeptide Y and Ghrelin in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Biological Psychiatry 2020, 87: s421-s422. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.02.1075.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Transcriptome Alterations in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Girgenti MJ, Duman RS. Transcriptome Alterations in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Biological Psychiatry 2017, 83: 840-848. PMID: 29128043, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.09.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderNext-generation sequencing technologiesAberrant gene expressionGene expression changesAmount of transcriptsGene expression studiesGene profiling studiesAlternative splicingTranscriptome alterationsTranscriptomic technologiesRNA sequencingSequencing technologiesTranscript identificationExpression studiesGene expressionExpression changesStress disorderBlood of patientsCellular mechanismsPeripheral blood cellsProfiling studiesHuman peripheral bloodPeripheral bloodLifetime prevalenceGeneral populationMolecular and Cellular Effects of Traumatic Stress: Implications for PTSD
Girgenti MJ, Hare BD, Ghosal S, Duman RS. Molecular and Cellular Effects of Traumatic Stress: Implications for PTSD. Current Psychiatry Reports 2017, 19: 85. PMID: 28944401, PMCID: PMC5907804, DOI: 10.1007/s11920-017-0841-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPathophysiology of PTSDPreclinical modelsReviewPosttraumatic stress disorderPeripheral blood studiesMolecular changesGlucocorticoid receptor signalingPrimary brain regionsPeripheral bloodInflammatory systemBlood studiesGlucocorticoid signalingHuman studiesPTSD patientsMolecular alterationsBrain regionsStress disorderAltered gene expressionPathophysiologyReceptor signalingCellular pathophysiologyNeurobiological determinantsCellular effectsMechanistic evidencePTSDPatientsAltered metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 markers in PTSD: In vivo and postmortem evidence
Holmes SE, Girgenti MJ, Davis MT, Pietrzak RH, DellaGioia N, Nabulsi N, Matuskey D, Southwick S, Duman RS, Carson RE, Krystal JH, Esterlis I, Friedman M, Kowall N, Brady C, McKee A, Stein T, Huber B, Kaloupek D, Alvarez V, Benedek D, Ursano R, Williamson D, Cruz D, Young K, Duman R, Krystal J, Mash D, Hardegree M, Serlin G. Altered metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 markers in PTSD: In vivo and postmortem evidence. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2017, 114: 8390-8395. PMID: 28716937, PMCID: PMC5547601, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1701749114.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderMGluR5 availabilityPositron emission tomographyGlutamate systemMetabotropic glutamate receptor 5Treatment of PTSDHuman posttraumatic stress disorderGlutamate receptor 5Mechanism-based treatmentsExpression of FKBP5Promising treatment targetHuman postmortem tissueTargeted pharmacological treatmentStress psychopathologyPharmacological treatmentExpression of proteinsReceptor 5MGluR5Treatment targetsPostmortem tissueEmission tomographyStress disorderPostmortem samplesPromising targetDisorders
Ketamine accelerates fear extinction via mTORC1 signaling
Girgenti MJ, Ghosal S, LoPresto D, Taylor JR, Duman RS. Ketamine accelerates fear extinction via mTORC1 signaling. Neurobiology Of Disease 2016, 100: 1-8. PMID: 28043916, PMCID: PMC5907920, DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2016.12.026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-traumatic stress disorderMedial prefrontal cortexTreatment of PTSDFear conditioningRetrieval of extinctionExpression of extinctionActivity-dependent effectsTraumatic memoriesStress disorderExtinction exposurePTSD patientsPrefrontal cortexEffects of ketamineGlutamate NMDA receptor antagonistSymptom severityConditioningInfusion of ketamineExtinctionCuesRodent modelsMemoryKetamine administrationReceptor antagonistPresent studyNMDA receptor antagonist