An integrative TAD catalog in lymphoblastoid cell lines discloses the functional impact of deletions and insertions in human genomes.
Li C, Bonder M, Syed S, Jensen M, Gerstein M, Zody M, Chaisson M, Talkowski M, Marschall T, Korbel J, Eichler E, Lee C, Shi X. An integrative TAD catalog in lymphoblastoid cell lines discloses the functional impact of deletions and insertions in human genomes. Genome Research 2024, 34: 2304-2318. PMID: 39638559, PMCID: PMC11694747, DOI: 10.1101/gr.279419.124.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCell LineChromatinGene Expression RegulationGenome, HumanHumansMutagenesis, InsertionalConceptsTopologically associating domainsTopologically associating domains boundariesImpact of structural variantsLymphoblastoid cell linesStructural variantsHuman genomeGene regulationAdjacent TADsHuman lymphoblastoid cell linesCell linesSub-TADGenomic structureInsulate genesChromatin architectureImpact of deletionChromatin structureGenomeAberrant regulationAnalysis pipelineMammalian speciesGenesCCREsFunctional impactChromatinRegulationUsing a comprehensive atlas and predictive models to reveal the complexity and evolution of brain-active regulatory elements
Pratt H, Andrews G, Shedd N, Phalke N, Li T, Pampari A, Jensen M, Wen C, Consortium P, Gandal M, Geschwind D, Gerstein M, Moore J, Kundaje A, Colubri A, Weng Z. Using a comprehensive atlas and predictive models to reveal the complexity and evolution of brain-active regulatory elements. Science Advances 2024, 10: eadj4452. PMID: 38781344, PMCID: PMC11114231, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj4452.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpigenetic dataCell-type-specific gene regulationCis-regulatory elementsComprehensive atlasGenetic variants associated with psychiatric disordersLineage-specific transcription factorsBrain cell typesMammalian elementsPsychENCODE ConsortiumNoncoding regionsEvolutionary historyGene regulationRegulatory elementsSequence mutationsTranscription factorsSequence syntaxRegulatory informationPrimate-specific sequencesBinding sitesHuman traitsCell typesFunctional implicationsPsychiatric disordersSequenceFetal brain development
Integrative Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome by the modENCODE Project
Gerstein MB, Lu ZJ, Van Nostrand EL, Cheng C, Arshinoff BI, Liu T, Yip KY, Robilotto R, Rechtsteiner A, Ikegami K, Alves P, Chateigner A, Perry M, Morris M, Auerbach RK, Feng X, Leng J, Vielle A, Niu W, Rhrissorrakrai K, Agarwal A, Alexander RP, Barber G, Brdlik CM, Brennan J, Brouillet JJ, Carr A, Cheung MS, Clawson H, Contrino S, Dannenberg LO, Dernburg AF, Desai A, Dick L, Dosé AC, Du J, Egelhofer T, Ercan S, Euskirchen G, Ewing B, Feingold EA, Gassmann R, Good PJ, Green P, Gullier F, Gutwein M, Guyer MS, Habegger L, Han T, Henikoff JG, Henz SR, Hinrichs A, Holster H, Hyman T, Iniguez AL, Janette J, Jensen M, Kato M, Kent WJ, Kephart E, Khivansara V, Khurana E, Kim JK, Kolasinska-Zwierz P, Lai EC, Latorre I, Leahey A, Lewis S, Lloyd P, Lochovsky L, Lowdon RF, Lubling Y, Lyne R, MacCoss M, Mackowiak SD, Mangone M, McKay S, Mecenas D, Merrihew G, Miller DM, Muroyama A, Murray JI, Ooi SL, Pham H, Phippen T, Preston EA, Rajewsky N, Rätsch G, Rosenbaum H, Rozowsky J, Rutherford K, Ruzanov P, Sarov M, Sasidharan R, Sboner A, Scheid P, Segal E, Shin H, Shou C, Slack FJ, Slightam C, Smith R, Spencer WC, Stinson EO, Taing S, Takasaki T, Vafeados D, Voronina K, Wang G, Washington NL, Whittle CM, Wu B, Yan KK, Zeller G, Zha Z, Zhong M, Zhou X, Consortium M, Ahringer J, Strome S, Gunsalus KC, Micklem G, Liu XS, Reinke V, Kim SK, Hillier LW, Henikoff S, Piano F, Snyder M, Stein L, Lieb JD, Waterston RH. Integrative Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome by the modENCODE Project. Science 2010, 330: 1775-1787. PMID: 21177976, PMCID: PMC3142569, DOI: 10.1126/science.1196914.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCaenorhabditis elegansCaenorhabditis elegans ProteinsChromatinChromosomesComputational BiologyConserved SequenceEvolution, MolecularGene Expression ProfilingGene Expression RegulationGene Regulatory NetworksGenes, HelminthGenome, HelminthGenomicsHistonesModels, GeneticMolecular Sequence AnnotationRegulatory Sequences, Nucleic AcidRNA, HelminthRNA, UntranslatedTranscription FactorsConceptsAccurate gene modelsGenome-wide identificationTranscription factor-binding sitesKey model organismTranscription factor bindingAlternative splice formsFactor-binding sitesChromatin compositionModENCODE projectChromatin organizationHistone modificationsGenome annotationModel organismsNematode CaenorhabditisChromosomal locationPutative functionsGene modelsTranscriptome profilingChromosome armsTranscription factorsNoncoding RNAsFactor bindingSplice formsX chromosomeGene expression