Nanoparticle-Binding Immunoglobulins Predict Variable Complement Responses in Healthy and Diseased Cohorts
Li Y, Saba L, Scheinman R, Banda N, Holers M, Monte A, Dylla L, Moghimi S, Simberg D. Nanoparticle-Binding Immunoglobulins Predict Variable Complement Responses in Healthy and Diseased Cohorts. ACS Nano 2024, 18: 28649-28658. PMID: 39395006, PMCID: PMC11651220, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c05087.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPegylated liposomal doxorubicinComplement activationPredictive valuePlasma concentrationsC-reactive protein levelsAnti-PEG IgGTriggers proinflammatory responsesAnti-PEG IgMEfficacy of nanomedicinesPoor predictive valueAnti-PEG antibodiesLiposomal doxorubicinIron oxide nanowormsHealthy donorsHigher complement activationAcute infectionInflammatory disease conditionsChronic inflammationProinflammatory responseSystemic administrationComplement cascadeComplement factorsComplement responseIgMProtein levelsOptimized Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Anti-PEG Antibody Detection in Healthy Donors and Patients Treated with PEGylated Liposomal Doxorubicin
Li Y, Ettah U, Jacques S, Gaikwad H, Monte A, Dylla L, Guntupalli S, Moghimi S, Simberg D. Optimized Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Anti-PEG Antibody Detection in Healthy Donors and Patients Treated with PEGylated Liposomal Doxorubicin. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2024, 21: 3053-3060. PMID: 38743264, DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.4c00278.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assayLiposomal doxorubicinHealthy donorsPatients treated with pegylated liposomal doxorubicinEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay signalCancer patientsAnti-PEG IgGPegylated liposomal doxorubicinImmunosorbent assayOptimized ELISAEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay protocolsAnti-PEG antibodiesChemotherapy cyclesBetween-assay variabilityPEGylated liposomesCutoff valueAccelerated clearanceTreatment cyclesDrug delivery systemsAntibody titersComplement activationInfused drugAnti-PEGOptimized assayPatients
Provider Perceptions of Oxygenation Strategies for Critically Ill Trauma Patients With and Without Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Dylla L, Douin D, Cwik J, Steinwand A, Rice J, Jackson C, Anderson E, Higgins H, Monte A, Ginde A. Provider Perceptions of Oxygenation Strategies for Critically Ill Trauma Patients With and Without Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Military Medicine 2023, 188: 166-175. PMID: 37948260, PMCID: PMC11022338, DOI: 10.1093/milmed/usad076.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCritically ill trauma patientsCritical care providersTraumatic brain injuryCare providersTrauma patientsSupplemental oxygenNon-TBI patientsCross-sectional surveyUniversity of Colorado HospitalCase-based scenariosProviders' perceptionsProvider practicesCritically ill TBI patientsProviders' viewsOxygen useProvider typeAdministration of supplemental oxygenTargeted educationAssociated with increased mortalityBrain injuryOxygen saturation thresholdsModerate-to-severeSupplemental oxygen useFisher's exact testCritically ill patientsResponse to: Acute ischemic stroke and cardioemboli: Does sex matter?
Higgins H, Chen L, Ravare B, Jeppson K, Bina H, Herson P, Monte A, Poisson S, Dylla L. Response to: Acute ischemic stroke and cardioemboli: Does sex matter? The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2023, 74: 170-171. PMID: 37867013, PMCID: PMC10792528, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2023.10.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSex differences in acute ischemic stroke presentation are a matter of infarct location
Higgins H, Chen L, Ravare B, Jeppson K, Bina H, Herson P, Monte A, Poisson S, Dylla L. Sex differences in acute ischemic stroke presentation are a matter of infarct location. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2023, 74: 95-99. PMID: 37802001, PMCID: PMC10843056, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2023.09.046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEmergency medical servicesMultivariate logistic regressionStroke symptomsFrequency of patient presentationLogistic regressionStroke screening toolElectronic health recordsRecognition of strokeAcute ischemic strokeInfarct locationClassic symptomsEmergency department treatmentDistribution of strokeIschemic strokeIschemic stroke presentingHealth recordsRetrospective cohort studyMedical servicesUnilateral weaknessAnterior circulation infarctionCohort studyScreening toolStroke presentationEtiology of strokePosterior circulation infarctionA Multi-Omic Mosaic Model of Acetaminophen Induced Alanine Aminotransferase Elevation
Monte A, Vest A, Reisz J, Berninzoni D, Hart C, Dylla L, D’Alessandro A, Heard K, Wood C, Pattee J. A Multi-Omic Mosaic Model of Acetaminophen Induced Alanine Aminotransferase Elevation. Journal Of Medical Toxicology 2023, 19: 255-261. PMID: 37231244, PMCID: PMC10212224, DOI: 10.1007/s13181-023-00951-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesTricarboxylic acid cycleMitochondrial energy productionLiver injuryGenomic dataALT elevationIdentification of genesTherapeutic doses of APAPAlanine aminotransferase elevationPredicting liver injuryDose of APAPMaltose metabolismAPAP-induced liver injuryMechanism of injuryAssociation studiesGenetic analysisRandomized controlled trialsAminotransferase elevationGenetic variantsAcid cycleClinical outcomesTherapeutic dosesMultiomics approachGenetic controlAPAP liver injuryHyperoxia is associated with a greater risk for mortality in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients than in critically ill trauma patients without brain injury
Douin D, Dylla L, Anderson E, Rice J, Jackson C, Bebarta V, Neumann R, Schauer S, Ginde A. Hyperoxia is associated with a greater risk for mortality in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients than in critically ill trauma patients without brain injury. Science Progress 2023, 106: 00368504231160416. PMID: 36879502, PMCID: PMC10450323, DOI: 10.1177/00368504231160416.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTraumatic brain injury statusTraumatic brain injuryIntensive care unitTraumatic brain injury patientsIn-hospital mortalityCritically ill trauma patientsTrauma patientsState Trauma RegistryNon-TBI patientsRisk of mortalityIntensive care unit daysCritically ill TBI patientsRegional trauma centerRetrospective cohort studyIntensive care unit length of stayLength of stayBrain injuryIntensive care unit lengthTrauma registryInjured adultsSecondary analysisBrain injury patientsCohort studyPatient observationSecondary outcomes
Metabolomic Evaluation of N-Acetyl-p-Benzoquinone Imine Protein Adduct Formation with Therapeutic Acetaminophen Administration: Sex-based Physiologic Differences
Arnold C, Dylla L, Monte A, Heard K, Heard S, D’Alessandro A, Reynolds K, Dart R, Rumack B, Sonn B. Metabolomic Evaluation of N-Acetyl-p-Benzoquinone Imine Protein Adduct Formation with Therapeutic Acetaminophen Administration: Sex-based Physiologic Differences. Journal Of Medical Toxicology 2022, 18: 297-310. PMID: 35751009, PMCID: PMC9492831, DOI: 10.1007/s13181-022-00903-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTherapeutic APAP dosingAdduct formationN-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imineFalse discovery rate correctionAPAP doseProtein adduct formationAdduction groupLiquid chromatography mass spectrometryUltra-high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometryMetabolite expressionN-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneAlanine aminotransferaseChromatography mass spectrometrySeverity of hepatic injuryMethodsThis retrospective studyProtein adductsMass spectrometryAdductsAdduct productionAPAP-protein adductsT-testTransaminase elevationMetabolomics evaluationIndependent of sexRetrospective studyAnalysis of stroke care among 2019-2020 national emergency medical services information system encounters
Dylla L, Rice J, Poisson S, Monte A, Higgins H, Ginde A, Herson P. Analysis of stroke care among 2019-2020 national emergency medical services information system encounters. Journal Of Stroke And Cerebrovascular Diseases 2022, 31: 106278. PMID: 34998044, PMCID: PMC8851983, DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106278.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Emergency Medical Services Information SystemEmergency medicine servicesGuideline-concordant carePrehospital stroke careImpression of strokeStroke careService information systemImprove prehospital stroke careAmerican Stroke Association (ASA) guidelinesGuideline-compliant careMinority of patientsMultivariate logistic regressionInitiation of treatmentPotential targeted interventionsGuideline-concordantMedicine serviceSuspected strokeCareLogistic regressionPatient outcomesPrimary outcomeAssess compliancePatient characteristicsASA guidelinesGender-based differences
A multicenter cluster randomized, stepped wedge implementation trial for targeted normoxia in critically ill trauma patients: study protocol and statistical analysis plan for the Strategy to Avoid Excessive Oxygen (SAVE-O2) trial
Dylla L, Douin D, Anderson E, Rice J, Jackson C, Bebarta V, Lindsell C, Cheng A, Schauer S, Ginde A. A multicenter cluster randomized, stepped wedge implementation trial for targeted normoxia in critically ill trauma patients: study protocol and statistical analysis plan for the Strategy to Avoid Excessive Oxygen (SAVE-O2) trial. Trials 2021, 22: 784. PMID: 34749762, PMCID: PMC8574946, DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05688-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCritically ill trauma patientsImplementation trialStatistical analysis planMultimodal interventionTrauma patientsTraining periodStudy protocolTargeted normoxiaVentilator-free daysOne-month training periodGlasgow Outcome ScoreAnalysis planLevel 1 trauma centerCombat casualty careUsual carePre-implementationInjured trauma patientsSupplemental oxygenPost-implementationReduced logistical burdensIntervention phaseOutcome measuresCasualty careMulticenter clusterOutcome scoresResponse to: “Does statistical difference in a pre/post quasiexperimental study mean utility of a multimodal education intervention in targeted normoxia in critically ill trauma patients?”
Dylla L, Rice J, Ginde A. Response to: “Does statistical difference in a pre/post quasiexperimental study mean utility of a multimodal education intervention in targeted normoxia in critically ill trauma patients?”. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2021, 91: s270-s270. PMID: 34039928, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000003299.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA quasiexperimental study of targeted normoxia in critically ill trauma patients
Dylla L, Anderson E, Douin D, Jackson C, Rice J, Schauer S, Neumann R, Bebarta V, Wright F, Ginde A. A quasiexperimental study of targeted normoxia in critically ill trauma patients. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2021, 91: s169-s175. PMID: 33797494, PMCID: PMC9709909, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000003177.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCritically ill trauma patientsPostintervention subjectsPostintervention periodTrauma patientsTargeted normoxiaIntervention increased adherenceSupplemental oxygenChronic Health Evaluation II scoreEmergency department arrivalNeurosurgical intensive care unitMilitary trauma patientsIntensive care unitCOnsensus-basedQuasiexperimental studyPostinterventionLevels of FiO2Acute PhysiologyPatient timeII scoreClinical outcomesMm HgTherapeutic/care managementAvoidance of hypoxiaReduce morbidityPrimary outcomeAssociation Between Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Stroke-Associated Pneumonia – An Epidemiological Study
Dylla L, Herson P, Poisson S, Rice J, Ginde A. Association Between Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Stroke-Associated Pneumonia – An Epidemiological Study. Journal Of Stroke And Cerebrovascular Diseases 2021, 30: 105605. PMID: 33482567, PMCID: PMC7946738, DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.105605.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAssociated with reduced in-hospital mortalityRisk of stroke-associated pneumoniaIn-hospital mortalityStroke-associated pneumoniaIn-hospital stroke-associated pneumoniaAssociated with increased risk of strokePost-acute ischemic strokeAssociated with increased riskMultivariate logistic regressionNational Inpatient SampleAssociated with reduced ratesRisk of strokeStroke morbidityRheumatoid arthritisDecreased riskHospital dischargeInpatient SampleLogistic regressionEpidemiological studiesChronic inflammatory diseaseStrokeIschemic strokeMultiple chronic inflammatory diseasesInflammatory bowel diseaseMortality
Retrospective analysis of the hemodynamic consequences of prehospital supplemental oxygen in acute stroke
Dylla L, Cushman J, Abar B, Benesch C, Jones C, O'Banion M, Adler D. Retrospective analysis of the hemodynamic consequences of prehospital supplemental oxygen in acute stroke. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2020, 38: 2125-2129. PMID: 33069547, PMCID: PMC7704903, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2020.07.021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMean arterial pressureCerebral blood flowHemodynamic profileSupplemental oxygenRetrospective analysisHemodynamic consequencesOxygen saturationPrehospital oxygen saturationAcute strokePeripheral vascular resistanceLevels of supplemental oxygenAcademic comprehensive stroke centerSubjects' medical records.Comprehensive stroke centerClinical characteristicsAcute stroke patientsVascular resistanceArterial pressureMultivariate linear regressionMultivariate analysisImprove stroke outcomesMedical recordsGuidelines-Stroke registryPenumbral tissueBlood flow
Prehospital supplemental oxygen for acute stroke – A retrospective analysis
Dylla L, Adler D, Abar B, Benesch C, Jones C, O'Banion M, Cushman J. Prehospital supplemental oxygen for acute stroke – A retrospective analysis. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2019, 38: 2324-2328. PMID: 31787444, PMCID: PMC7231670, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2019.11.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRespiratory complicationsNeurological outcomeSupplemental oxygenRetrospective analysisRate of respiratory complicationsPrehospital oxygen saturationAdministration of supplemental oxygenAssociated with neurological outcomeMultivariate logistic regressionAcademic comprehensive stroke centerSubjects' medical records.Comprehensive stroke centerClinical characteristicsRespiratory compromiseAcute stroke patientsRetrospective natureEligible patientsNo significant increaseImprove stroke outcomesMedical recordsGuidelines-Stroke registryOxygen saturationPenumbral tissuePotential confoundersControl):
Dexamethasone-Related Perineal Burning in the Prehospital Setting: A Case Series
Dylla L, Acquisto N, Manzo F, Cushman J. Dexamethasone-Related Perineal Burning in the Prehospital Setting: A Case Series. Prehospital Emergency Care 2018, 22: 655-658. PMID: 29485338, DOI: 10.1080/10903127.2018.1440039.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Along the Colorado Trail: Assessing the average hikers' knowledge of altitude sickness
Dylla L, Saulle M, Daingerfield E, Jones C, Bodkin R. Along the Colorado Trail: Assessing the average hikers' knowledge of altitude sickness. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2017, 36: 1108-1109. PMID: 29033345, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2017.10.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssessing adherence with preventive screening recommendations among ED patients: Piloting an effective use of wait time
Abar B, Dylla L, Sergeant M, Pasternack J, Adler D. Assessing adherence with preventive screening recommendations among ED patients: Piloting an effective use of wait time. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2017, 36: 1105-1106. PMID: 28978401, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2017.09.053.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Growth-Promoting Role of the miR-106a∼363 Cluster in Ewing Sarcoma
Dylla L, Jedlicka P. Growth-Promoting Role of the miR-106a∼363 Cluster in Ewing Sarcoma. PLOS ONE 2013, 8: e63032. PMID: 23638178, PMCID: PMC3637464, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063032.Peer-Reviewed Original Research