Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in trauma patients: a study using the Trauma Quality Program Participant User File
Jones T, Bhattacharya B, Schuster K, Becher R, Kodadek L, Davis K, Maung A. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome in trauma patients: a study using the Trauma Quality Program Participant User File. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open 2023, 8: e001047. PMID: 37188153, PMCID: PMC10175962, DOI: 10.1136/tsaco-2022-001047.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAlcohol withdrawal syndromeAlcohol use disorderPositive blood alcohol concentrationHistory of AUDBlood alcohol concentrationParticipant User FileAdult patientsTrauma patientsWithdrawal syndromeAbbreviated Injury Scale headHigh-risk patient populationInjury scale headAdult trauma patientsPositive toxicology screenMultivariable logistic regressionRetrospective reviewRetrospective studyToxicology screenPatient populationTricyclic antidepressantsMAIN OUTCOMEAmerican CollegePatientsUse disordersUncommon occurrencePalliative Care in a Pandemic: A Multicenter Cohort of Critically Ill Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019
Kodadek L, Moore M, Miller S, Schneider E, Ahuja V, Maerz L, Davis K. Palliative Care in a Pandemic: A Multicenter Cohort of Critically Ill Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019. Surgical Infections 2023, 24: 190-198. PMID: 36757283, PMCID: PMC10081705, DOI: 10.1089/sur.2022.377.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntensive care unitPalliative careIll patientsCoronavirus disease 2019Life careClinical characteristicsMechanical ventilationDisease 2019Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infectionSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infectionSyndrome coronavirus 2 infectionCoronavirus 2 infectionPalliative care consultationPalliative care servicesCOVID-19Outcomes of interestHospital lengthAdult patientsComorbid diseasesDisease courseMulticenter cohortCare unitCare consultationsVaccination dataPatients
Occult traumatic pneumothorax: Is routine follow up chest X-ray necessary?
Bhattacharya B, O'Connor R, Becher R, Schuster K, Davis K, Maung A. Occult traumatic pneumothorax: Is routine follow up chest X-ray necessary? Surgery In Practice And Science 2022, 9: 100073. DOI: 10.1016/j.sipas.2022.100073.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChest X-rayRoutine chest X-rayInjury Severity ScoreClinical managementInitial trauma evaluationUrban trauma centerComputerized tomography scanPaucity of evidenceOccult pneumothoracesPneumothorax progressionAdult patientsTrauma centerClinical evolutionClinical symptomsInjury scoreMean ageTrauma evaluationSeverity scoreTomography scanPatientsInterventionPneumothoracesSymptomsAgeX-ray
Regionalization of emergency general surgery operations: A simulation study.
Becher RD, Sukumar N, DeWane MP, Gill TM, Maung AA, Schuster KM, Stolar MJ, Davis KA. Regionalization of emergency general surgery operations: A simulation study. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2019, 88: 366-371. PMID: 31804419, PMCID: PMC7472889, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000002543.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEmergency general surgeryHigh-volume hospitalsEGS careEmergency general surgery operationsCalifornia inpatient databaseCommon EGS operationsRisk-adjusted deathsSignificant survival benefitLow-volume hospitalsUmbilical hernia repairSmall bowel resectionHigh-mortality hospitalsGeneral surgery operationsRegional trauma systemEGS operationsBowel resectionAdult patientsPrimary outcomeSurvival benefitInpatient DatabaseHernia repairTrauma systemLevel IVGeneral surgeryCare managementTop-tier emergency general surgery hospitals: Good at one operation, good at them all.
DeWane MP, Sukumar N, Stolar MJ, Gill TM, Maung AA, Schuster KM, Davis KA, Becher RD. Top-tier emergency general surgery hospitals: Good at one operation, good at them all. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2019, 87: 289-296. PMID: 31349347, PMCID: PMC6771423, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000002367.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk-adjusted mortalityEGS hospitalsHospital risk-adjusted mortalityOperation typeEGS operationsCalifornia State Inpatient DatabaseGeneral surgery hospitalsHospital-level factorsAcute care hospitalsState Inpatient DatabasesAmerican Hospital Association databasePoor-performing hospitalsSystems of careLow-risk operationAssessment of mortalityAdult patientsCare hospitalSurgery HospitalInpatient DatabaseHospital characteristicsMultinomial logistic regressionMortality rateHospitalLevel IIIZ-scoreContemporary management of spontaneous retroperitoneal and rectus sheath hematomas
Warren MH, Bhattacharya B, Maung AA, Davis KA. Contemporary management of spontaneous retroperitoneal and rectus sheath hematomas. The American Journal Of Surgery 2019, 219: 707-710. PMID: 31109633, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2019.05.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSheath hematomaSurgical interventionBlood product transfusionOptimal treatment strategySpontaneous retroperitonealIntravenous heparinProduct transfusionAdult patientsMedian ageAntiplatelet agentsHemorrhagic shockDisease progressionBlood productsTreatment strategiesCT scanHematomaOutcome dataPatientsOne-year periodContemporary managementSpecific agentsAngioembolizationRetroperitonealInterventionAgentsThe Economic Footprint of Acute Care Surgery in the United States
Knowlton LM, Minei J, Tennakoon L, Davis KA, Doucet J, Bernard A, Haider A, Scherer L, Spain DA, Staudenmayer KL. The Economic Footprint of Acute Care Surgery in the United States. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2019, Publish Ahead of Print: &na;. PMID: 30589750, PMCID: PMC6433481, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000002181.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute care surgeryEmergency general surgeryACS patientsClinical Modification diagnosisInpatient populationInternational ClassificationAdult ACS patientsNon-surgical patientsHealth care utilizationHigher mean costSurgical critical careNonoperative conditionsACS diagnosisAdult patientsPatient characteristicsCare surgeryCare utilizationAdult admissionsEGS conditionsInpatient costsInpatient hospitalizationCritical careGeneral surgeryMean costPatientsHospital Volume and Operative Mortality for General Surgery Operations Performed Emergently in Adults
Becher RD, DeWane MP, Sukumar N, Stolar MJ, Gill TM, Maung AA, Schuster KM, Davis KA. Hospital Volume and Operative Mortality for General Surgery Operations Performed Emergently in Adults. Annals Of Surgery 2019, Publish Ahead of Print: &na;. PMID: 32675542, PMCID: PMC6803029, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000003232.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHospital operative volumeSurgical emergencyAcute care hospitalsGeneral surgery operationsHospital volumeCare hospitalOperative volumeVolume thresholdEmergency general surgery operationsRetrospective cohort studyHigh-volume hospitalsUmbilical hernia repairRisk-adjusted mortalitySurgery operationsAverage mortality riskSurgical outcomes researchOperative mortalityAdult patientsCohort studyPublic health crisisHernia repairMortality riskTrauma surgerySurvival rateEmergency operation
Opioid dependency is independently associated with inferior clinical outcomes after trauma
Hsiang WR, McGeoch C, Lee S, Cheung W, Becher R, Davis KA, Schuster K. Opioid dependency is independently associated with inferior clinical outcomes after trauma. Injury 2018, 50: 192-196. PMID: 30342762, DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2018.10.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-home dischargeOpioid-dependent patientsLength of stayInjury Severity ScoreOpioid dependencyVentilator daysMajor complicationsClinical outcomesPrescription abuseIllicit abuseLonger LOSChronic pain subgroupsMore ventilator daysOpioid-naïve patientsUse of opioidsAcademic Level IHigher readmission ratesInferior clinical outcomesChronic pain patientsOpioid subgroupsNaïve patientsAdult patientsPain subgroupsPatient demographicsReadmission ratesTotal bilirubin trend as a predictor of common bile duct stones in acute cholecystitis and symptomatic cholelithiasis
Gillaspie DB, Davis KA, Schuster KM. Total bilirubin trend as a predictor of common bile duct stones in acute cholecystitis and symptomatic cholelithiasis. The American Journal Of Surgery 2018, 217: 98-102. PMID: 29929909, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2018.06.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommon bile duct stonesBile duct stonesAcute cholecystitisSymptomatic cholelithiasisDuct stonesBilirubin levelsProcedural interventionTotal bilirubinPresence of CBDSElevated total bilirubinTotal bilirubin levelsElevated serum bilirubinBiliary colicAdult patientsSerum bilirubinSerum makersImmediate imagingCholecystitisBilirubinCholelithiasisPatientsInterventionColicLevels
Natural history of splenic vascular abnormalities after blunt injury
Zarzaur BL, Dunn JA, Leininger B, Lauerman M, Shanmuganathan K, Kaups K, Zamary K, Hartwell JL, Bhakta A, Myers J, Gordy S, Todd SR, Claridge JA, Teicher E, Sperry J, Privette A, Allawi A, Burlew CC, Maung AA, Davis KA, Cogbill T, Bonne S, Livingston DH, Coimbra R, Kozar RA. Natural history of splenic vascular abnormalities after blunt injury. Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 2017, 83: 999-1005. PMID: 28570347, DOI: 10.1097/ta.0000000000001597.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlunt splenic injurySplenic vascular injuryVascular injuryVascular abnormalitiesSplenic injuryTomography scanNatural historyRisks of splenectomyOutcomes of patientsComputed tomography scanNonoperative failureAdult patientsBlunt injuryEarly splenectomyUnderwent splenectomyInjury characteristicsMultivariable analysisTrauma centerTrauma radiologistSplenectomyHigh riskPrognostic studiesPatientsAppropriate managementLevel IIIImpact of hospital volume on outcomes for laparoscopic adhesiolysis for small bowel obstruction
Jean RA, O'Neill KM, Pei KY, Davis KA. Impact of hospital volume on outcomes for laparoscopic adhesiolysis for small bowel obstruction. Journal Of Surgical Research 2017, 214: 23-31. PMID: 28624050, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2017.02.045.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmall bowel obstructionLength of stayHigh-volume hospitalsBowel obstructionHospital volumeVolume statusProcedural volumeSurgical proceduresDiagnosis of SBODecreased LOSShorter LOSNationwide Inpatient Sample dataHigh-volume statusHospital volume statusInstitutional procedural volumeIntra-abdominal malignanciesHigher hospital volumeLow-volume hospitalsHigh-volume centersMajor surgical proceduresSmall bowel resectionLow volume statusComplex surgical proceduresLaparoscopic lysisAdult patients
Postoperative delirium is associated with increased intensive care unit and hospital length of stays after liver transplantation
Bhattacharya B, Maung A, Barre K, Maerz L, Rodriguez-Davalos MI, Schilsky M, Mulligan DC, Davis KA. Postoperative delirium is associated with increased intensive care unit and hospital length of stays after liver transplantation. Journal Of Surgical Research 2016, 207: 223-228. PMID: 27979481, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2016.08.084.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLiver transplantationHospital lengthEnd-stage liver disease (MELD) scoreIntensive care unit LOSHigher preoperative modelImportant postoperative complicationLiver Disease scoreLiver transplant patientsImpact of deliriumTertiary care centerRetrospective case seriesUrinary tract infectionFurther prospective studiesIntensive care unitLong-term outcomesSpecific risk factorsFrequency of hospitalPaucity of dataPostoperative deliriumPostoperative hospitalPostoperative complicationsTransplant patientsVentilator daysAdult patientsDelirious patients
Routine Nasogastric Decompression in Small Bowel Obstruction: Is it Really Necessary?
Fonseca AL, Schuster KM, Maung AA, Kaplan LJ, Davis KA. Routine Nasogastric Decompression in Small Bowel Obstruction: Is it Really Necessary? The American Surgeon 2013, 79: 422-428. PMID: 23574854, DOI: 10.1177/000313481307900433.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmall bowel obstructionNasogastric decompressionHospital lengthNG decompressionBowel obstructionRespiratory failureDiagnosis of SBOYale-New Haven HospitalNasogastric tube useRisk of pneumoniaRoutine nasogastric decompressionDevelopment of pneumoniaRetrospective chart reviewNew Haven HospitalBowel restIntravenous hydrationChart reviewAdult patientsTube useNGT placementPatientsStayOutcome variablesDecompressionNGT
Management of the Most Severely Injured Spleen: A Multicenter Study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT)
Velmahos GC, Zacharias N, Emhoff TA, Feeney JM, Hurst JM, Crookes BA, Harrington DT, Gregg SC, Brotman S, Burke PA, Davis KA, Gupta R, Winchell RJ, Desjardins S, Alouidor R, Gross RI, Rosenblatt MS, Schulz JT, Chang Y. Management of the Most Severely Injured Spleen: A Multicenter Study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT). JAMA Surgery 2010, 145: 456-460. PMID: 20479344, DOI: 10.1001/archsurg.2010.58.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlunt splenic injuryFailure of NOMNonoperative managementGrade IVF-NOMBrain injurySevere blunt splenic injuryTrial of NOMOverall high success rateMortality of patientsRetrospective case seriesSuccessful nonoperative managementPredictors of failureRequire surgerySplenic injuryAdult patientsIndependent predictorsCase seriesTrauma centerMulticenter studyHigh success ratePatientsMultivariate analysisInjurySuccess rate