Portable, low-field magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of Alzheimer’s disease
Sorby-Adams A, Guo J, Laso P, Kirsch J, Zabinska J, Garcia Guarniz A, Schaefer P, Payabvash S, de Havenon A, Rosen M, Sheth K, Gomez-Isla T, Iglesias J, Kimberly W. Portable, low-field magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 10488. PMID: 39622805, PMCID: PMC11612292, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-54972-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWhite matter hyperintensitiesMachine learning pipelineMild cognitive impairmentAlzheimer's diseaseWhite matter hyperintensities volumeLearning pipelineAssessment of patientsIncrease accessCognitive impairmentEvaluation of Alzheimer's diseaseDementiaLF-MRIPoint-of-care assessmentMagnetic resonance imagingHippocampal volumeResonance imagingImage qualityDiseaseReduce costsAnisotropic counterpartIncreasing availabilityManual segmentationLife's Essential 8 and Poor Brain Health Outcomes in Middle-Aged Adults
Clocchiatti-Tuozzo S, Rivier C, Renedo D, Huo S, Hawkes M, de Havenon A, Schwamm L, Sheth K, Gill T, Falcone G. Life's Essential 8 and Poor Brain Health Outcomes in Middle-Aged Adults. Neurology 2024, 103: e209990. PMID: 39442069, PMCID: PMC11498939, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000209990.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLife's Essential 8Poor cardiovascular healthCardiovascular healthBrain healthLife's Essential 8 scoreUnadjusted riskEssential 8Determinants of cardiovascular healthUK Biobank (UKBCardiovascular health profileModifiable cardiovascular risk factorsBrain health outcomesRisk factorsComposite outcomePublic health constructsPopulation studiesMiddle-aged adultsCox modelLate-life depressionCox proportional hazards modelsBrain health benefitsMultivariate Cox modelCardiovascular risk factorsFollow-up timeAoU participantsTwenty Years of Sustained Improvement in Quality of Care and Outcomes for Patients Hospitalized With Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: Data From The Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Program
Xian Y, Li S, Jiang T, Beon C, Poudel R, Thomas K, Reeves M, Smith E, Saver J, Sheth K, Messé S, Schwamm L, Fonarow G. Twenty Years of Sustained Improvement in Quality of Care and Outcomes for Patients Hospitalized With Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: Data From The Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Program. Stroke 2024, 55: 2599-2610. PMID: 39429153, PMCID: PMC11518659, DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.124.048174.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGuidelines-Stroke programEvidence-based stroke careDoor-to-needle timeTransient ischemic attackGuidelines-Stroke hospitalsEvidence-based careQuality of careSmoking cessation counselingSustained improvementQuality improvement initiativesSkilled nursing facilityIndependence of patientsAcute ischemic strokeIschemic strokeRelevant to patientsIschemic attackDoor-to-puncture timeCessation counselingGuidelines-StrokeAssociated with sustained improvementStroke careDysphagia screeningNursing facilitiesHospital characteristicsImprovement initiativesBrain Health Outcomes in Sexual and Gender Minority Groups: Results From the All of Us Research Program.
Huo S, Rivier C, Clocchiatti-Tuozzo S, Renedo D, Sunmonu N, de Havenon A, Sarpong D, Rosendale N, Sheth K, Falcone G. Brain Health Outcomes in Sexual and Gender Minority Groups: Results From the All of Us Research Program. Neurology 2024, 103: e209863. PMID: 39321407, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000209863.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrain health outcomesSexual minoritiesGender minoritiesSGM groupHealth outcomesSGM personsLate-life depressionGender identitySexual orientationHigher odds of dementiaUS population-based studyElectronic health record dataOdds of dementiaHealth record dataGender minority groupsPopulation-based studyOdds of strokeCross-sectional studyMultivariate logistic regressionHealth disparitiesBaseline questionnaireNon-SGMSubgroups of genderTransgender womenUS adultsDisability and Recurrent Stroke Among Participants in Stroke Prevention Trials
de Havenon A, Viscoli C, Kleindorfer D, Sucharew H, Delic A, Becker C, Robinson D, Yaghi S, Li V, Lansberg M, Cramer S, Mistry E, Sarpong D, Kasner S, Kernan W, Sheth K. Disability and Recurrent Stroke Among Participants in Stroke Prevention Trials. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2423677. PMID: 39028666, PMCID: PMC11259901, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.23677.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrevention trialsPoststroke disabilityRecurrent stroke ratesRecurrent strokeCohort studyRate of recurrent strokeStroke Prevention TrialIncreased hazardInsulin Resistance InterventionSecondary prevention trialsBaseline disabilityAssociated with increased ratesStroke rateMain OutcomesFunctional statusResistance InterventionStudy baselineSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeWorsening heart failureModified Rankin ScaleProfession's participationLong-term followVascular deathDisabilityAutomated detection of early signs of irreversible ischemic change on CTA source images in patients with large vessel occlusion
Mak A, Matouk C, Avery E, Behland J, Haider S, Frey D, Madai V, Vajkoczy P, Griessenauer C, Zand R, Hendrix P, Abedi V, Sanelli P, Falcone G, Petersen N, Sansing L, Sheth K, Payabvash S, Malhotra A. Automated detection of early signs of irreversible ischemic change on CTA source images in patients with large vessel occlusion. PLOS ONE 2024, 19: e0304962. PMID: 38870240, PMCID: PMC11175522, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0304962.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDiffusion-weighted imagingLarge vessel occlusionIrreversible ischemic changesPoor functional outcomeFunctional outcomesIschemic changesInfarct volumeAlberta Stroke Program Early CT ScorePredicting poor functional outcomeVessel occlusionFollow-up diffusion-weighted imagingAnterior circulation LVO strokeCTA source imagesReceiver operating characteristic curveExpert human readersPredicting final infarctionASPECTS regionsAdmission CTANon-inferior performanceBaseline CTACT scoreFinal infarctEndovascular therapyHU attenuationValidation cohortMapping the Ecological Terrain of Stroke Prehospital Delay: A Nationwide Registry Study
Dhand A, Reeves M, Mu Y, Rosner B, Rothfeld-Wehrwein Z, Nieves A, Dhongade V, Jarman M, Bergmark R, Semco R, Ader J, Marshall B, Goedel W, Fonarow G, Smith E, Saver J, Schwamm L, Sheth K. Mapping the Ecological Terrain of Stroke Prehospital Delay: A Nationwide Registry Study. Stroke 2024, 55: 1507-1516. PMID: 38787926, PMCID: PMC11299104, DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.123.045521.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocial Vulnerability IndexPrehospital delayHospital arrivalZIP Code Tabulation AreasEmergency medical servicesCommunity-level social vulnerabilityGuidelines-Stroke registryCommunity socioeconomic statusCommunity-level factorsPatient-level factorsNationwide registry studyAmerican Heart AssociationSocial vulnerabilityCox proportional hazards modelsSocially vulnerable areasAssociated with delaySocial determinantsProportional hazards modelAcute stroke treatmentGeospatial mappingSocioeconomic statusMedical servicesIncreased social vulnerabilityPrimary exposureQuartile 3Secondary Prevention in Patients With Stroke Versus Myocardial Infarction: Analysis of 2 National Cohorts
Rivier C, Acosta J, Leasure A, Forman R, Sharma R, de Havenon A, Spatz E, Inzucchi S, Kernan W, Falcone G, Sheth K. Secondary Prevention in Patients With Stroke Versus Myocardial Infarction: Analysis of 2 National Cohorts. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2024, 13: e033322. PMID: 38639369, PMCID: PMC11179946, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.123.033322.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAntihypertensive AgentsBlood PressureCross-Sectional StudiesFemaleHumansHydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase InhibitorsMaleMiddle AgedMyocardial InfarctionPlatelet Aggregation InhibitorsPractice Guidelines as TopicRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSecondary PreventionStrokeUnited KingdomUnited StatesConceptsMyocardial infarctionPrevention scoreSecondary preventionImplementation of preventive therapyNational cohortUK BiobankAntiplatelet therapy useGuideline-directed therapyPrevention profilesBlood pressure controlAdherence to guideline-directed therapyLow-density lipoprotein controlNeighborhood deprivation levelHistory of strokeVascular risk profileStatin useAntiplatelet useTherapy usePreventive therapyComparison to participantsPrevention criteriaCross-sectional analysisBlood pressurePatientsPressure control
National- and State-Level Trends in Medicare Hospice Beneficiaries for Stroke During 2013 to 2019 in the United States
de Havenon A, Skolarus L, Mac Grory B, Bangad A, Sheth K, Burke J, Creutzfeldt C. National- and State-Level Trends in Medicare Hospice Beneficiaries for Stroke During 2013 to 2019 in the United States. Stroke 2023, 55: 131-138. PMID: 38063013, PMCID: PMC10752263, DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.123.045021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDisability Status and Secondary Prevention Among Survivors of Stroke: A Cross‐Sectional Analysis of the 2011 to 2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Zhou T, de Havenon A, Sheth K, Ross J. Disability Status and Secondary Prevention Among Survivors of Stroke: A Cross‐Sectional Analysis of the 2011 to 2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2023, 12: e030869. PMID: 38014672, PMCID: PMC10727323, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.123.030869.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinical implications of Peri-hematomal edema microperfusion fraction in intracerebral hemorrhage intravoxel incoherent motion imaging – A pilot study
Abou Karam G, Tharmaseelan H, Aboian M, Malhotra A, Gilmore E, Falcone G, de Havenon A, Sheth K, Payabvash S. Clinical implications of Peri-hematomal edema microperfusion fraction in intracerebral hemorrhage intravoxel incoherent motion imaging – A pilot study. Journal Of Stroke And Cerebrovascular Diseases 2023, 32: 107375. PMID: 37738914, PMCID: PMC10591892, DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2023.107375.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsModified Rankin ScaleSecondary brain injuryIntracerebral hemorrhagePerihematomal edemaSubacute intracerebral hemorrhageIntravoxel incoherent motion imagingAdmission NIHSSBrain injuryMedian baseline National InstitutesPilot studyBaseline National InstitutesHealth Stroke ScalePerfusion fractionSupratentorial intracerebral hemorrhageIVIM metricsIncoherent motion imagingStroke ScaleNeuroprotective therapiesParenchymal injuryRankin ScaleRisk patientsConsecutive patientsUnivariable analysisPoor outcomeICH volumeImprovement in the Prediction of Cerebrovascular Events With White Matter Hyperintensity
de Havenon A, Smith E, Sharma R, Falcone G, Bangad A, Prabhakaran S, Sheth K. Improvement in the Prediction of Cerebrovascular Events With White Matter Hyperintensity. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2023, 12: e029374. PMID: 37345754, PMCID: PMC10356061, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.123.029374.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWhite matter hyperintensitiesIncident strokePrimary outcomeHypertensive individualsMatter hyperintensitiesAtherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk scoreCognitive impairmentCardiovascular disease risk scoreVascular risk factorsCurrent cigarette smokingDisease risk scoreMagnetic resonance imagingLogistic regression modelsRandomization armCerebrovascular eventsVascular riskCigarette smokingPrognostic informationRisk factorsPrognostic abilityRisk scoreCognitive declineResonance imagingDeLong testStrokeTwenty-Year Disparity Trends in United States Stroke Death Rate by Age, Race/Ethnicity, Geography, and Socioeconomic Status
de Havenon A, Zhou L, Johnston K, Dangayach N, Ney J, Yaghi S, Sharma R, Abbasi M, Delic A, Majersik J, Anadani M, Tirschwell D, Sheth K. Twenty-Year Disparity Trends in United States Stroke Death Rate by Age, Race/Ethnicity, Geography, and Socioeconomic Status. Neurology 2023, 101: e464-e474. PMID: 37258298, PMCID: PMC10401675, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000207446.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStroke death ratesSocial deprivation indexSocial determinantsDeath rateOlder individualsYoung individualsCounty-level social determinantsHigher social deprivation indexDeprivation indexNon-Hispanic white individualsPublic health strategiesHigher substance abuseMedical insurance coverageCounty-level increasesRace/ethnicityStroke deathsStroke mortalityBlack raceDistinct social determinantsHealth strategiesAge groupsDisease controlSubstance abusePercentage changeSocioeconomic statusA genome-wide association study of frailty identifies significant genetic correlation with neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, and inflammation pathways
Ye Y, Noche R, Szejko N, Both C, Acosta J, Leasure A, Brown S, Sheth K, Gill T, Zhao H, Falcone G. A genome-wide association study of frailty identifies significant genetic correlation with neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, and inflammation pathways. GeroScience 2023, 45: 2511-2523. PMID: 36928559, PMCID: PMC10651618, DOI: 10.1007/s11357-023-00771-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFried frailty scoreBiology of frailtyEuropean descent participantsOccurrence of frailtyGenome-wide association studiesMendelian randomization analysisFrailty scoreChronic painJoint disordersPolygenic risk scoresRespiratory diseaseInflammation pathwaysRisk scoreClinical phenotypeBrain tissueCausal associationFrailtyAge-related pathwaysRandomization analysisGenetic factorsAssociation studiesUK BiobankRetirement StudyPerson's vulnerabilitySignificant genetic correlations
The Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network: Rationale, Design, Feasibility, and Stage 1 Results
Lyden PD, Bosetti F, Diniz MA, Rogatko A, Koenig JI, Lamb J, Nagarkatti KA, Cabeen RP, Hess DC, Kamat PK, Khan MB, Wood K, Dhandapani K, Arbab AS, Leira EC, Chauhan AK, Dhanesha N, Patel RB, Kumskova M, Thedens D, Morais A, Imai T, Qin T, Ayata C, Boisserand LSB, Herman AL, Beatty HE, Velazquez SE, Diaz-Perez S, Sanganahalli BG, Mihailovic JM, Hyder F, Sansing LH, Koehler RC, Lannon S, Shi Y, Karuppagounder SS, Bibic A, Akhter K, Aronowski J, McCullough LD, Chauhan A, Goh A, Siddiqui S, Sheth K, Matouk C, Cruz C, Zhou J, Dawson V, Dawson T, Liang J, van Zijl P, Zeiler S, Taylor Kimberly W, Erdogan T, Yu L, Mandeville J, Whittier J. The Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network: Rationale, Design, Feasibility, and Stage 1 Results. Stroke 2022, 53: 1802-1812. PMID: 35354299, PMCID: PMC9038686, DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.121.038047.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreclinical assessmentStroke treatmentCandidate treatmentMiddle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) surgeryClinical stroke trialsSuccessful stroke treatmentInclusion/exclusion criteriaStroke clinical trialsClinical trial designYoung male animalsComorbid diseasesOcclusion surgeryCerebral ischemiaNeurological disabilityComorbid conditionsStroke trialsProtocol adherenceBlinded assessmentSuch therapyClinical trialsClinical studiesExclusion criteriaTrial designAged animalsOutcome assessment
Sex Differences in Ablation Strategy, Lesion Sets, and Complications of Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: An Analysis From the GWTG-AFIB Registry
Yunus F, Perino A, Holmes D, Matsouaka R, Curtis A, Ellenbogen K, Frankel D, Knight B, Russo A, Lewis W, Piccini J, Turakhia M, Day J, Desai N, Feld G, Fonarow G, Hurwitz J, Joglar J, Sheth K, Sidhu M. Sex Differences in Ablation Strategy, Lesion Sets, and Complications of Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: An Analysis From the GWTG-AFIB Registry. Circulation Arrhythmia And Electrophysiology 2021, 14: e009790. PMID: 34719235, DOI: 10.1161/circep.121.009790.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAblation strategyNonparoxysmal AFLesion setsPatient sexInitial AF ablation procedureAdvanced atrial diseaseAtrial linear ablationNonpulmonary vein triggersQuality improvement registryAF ablation proceduresAtrial fibrillation ablationOptimal ablation strategyAF ablation strategiesAF ablationPatient demographicsCatheter ablationFibrillation ablationMultivariable analysisAtrial diseaseAtrial fibrillationLinear ablationAF typeAblation proceduresComplicationsPatientsAssessment of Discrepancies Between Follow-up Infarct Volume and 90-Day Outcomes Among Patients With Ischemic Stroke Who Received Endovascular Therapy
Ganesh A, Ospel J, Menon B, Demchuk A, McTaggart R, Nogueira R, Poppe A, Almekhlafi M, Hanel R, Thomalla G, Holmin S, Puetz V, van Adel B, Tarpley J, Tymianski M, Hill M, Goyal M, Barber P, Smith E, Bal S, Subramanian S, Peters S, Couillard P, Klein G, Stys P, Coutts S, Wong J, Mitha A, Eesa M, Morrish W, Alqatani S, Kashani N, Venkatesan P, Teleg E, Sitaram A, Graham B, Gaal S, Moussaddy A, Chakraborty D, Maraj N, Lockey A, Chen S, Singh R, Alsultan A, Asunsian R, Tse D, Doshi D, Volny O, Ojha P, Wadhwa A, Marko M, Singh N, Wasyliw S, Ryckborst K, Kenney C, Save S, Jambula A, Newcommon N, Hull G, Blackstock D, Kiszczak S, Zimmel L, Wright M, Jahraus C, Andersen L, Bohn S, Paul J, Buck B, Butcher K, Shuaib A, Jeerakathil T, Jickling G, Emery D, Rempel J, Ower R, Ashforth R, Yeo T, Kotylak T, O;Kelly C, Chow M, Siddiqui M, Saqqur M, D'Souza A, Lloret M, Butt A, Nomani A, Kalashyan H, Thirunavukkarasu S, Jabs J, Fairall P, Piquette L, Phillips S, Green A, Gubitz G, Heidenreich J, Huynh T, Shankar J, Maloney W, Vandorpe R, Schmidt M, Pickett G, Weeks A, Jarrett J, MacDonald D, Arsenault J, Kinnear R, Mandzia J, Mayich M, Boulton M, Bullrich M, Fridman S, Kiwan R, Lee D, Lownie S, Khaw A, Pandey S, Sharma M, Sposato L, Wade K, Beauchamp B, Lambourn L, Amato-Marziali B, Roy D, Deneault N, Deschaintre Y, Gioia L, Jacquin G, Odier C, Stapf C, Iancu D, Raymond J, Weill A, Lapierre M, Jadil N, Jolteus J, Teitelbaum J, Angle M, Hannouche M, Badawy M, Letourneau J, Cortes M, Linnell G, Tampieri D, Vieira L, Legault C, Durcan L, Moore A, Cole E, Magnussen C, Salmon K, Khalil S, Desloges I, Waxman L, Abdon W, Lai S, Dowlatshahi D, Shamy M, Stotts G, Blacquiere D, Lesiuk H, Quateen A, Drake B, Dewar B, Daham Z, Kelly M, Hunter G, Peeling L, Graham B, Whelan R, Garner A, Urroz L, Maley S, Silver F, Casaubon L, Pikula A, Campo M, Schaafsma J, Jaigobin C, Krings T, Pereira V, Agid R, Farb R, Kalman L, Cayley A, Williams J, Stewart T, Misquitta K, Bharatha A, Selchen D, Marotta T, Sarma D, Montanera W, Spears J, Saposnik G, Kostyrko P, Li Y, Parra-Farinas C, Diestro J, Camden M, Verreault S, Mackey A, Audet M, Milot G, Lavoie P, Gariépy J, Collard K, Haché A, Sahlas D, Alshanbari A, Baldwin J, Catanese L, Chen B, Sa Boasquevisque D, Deshmukh A, Knapman J, Lamers S, Larrazabal R, MacMillan S, Mai L, Mattai A, Nayar S, Ng K, Oczkowski W, Perera K, Shawawrah M, Shoamanesh A, Sobhi G, Syed N, Yaher N, Vandervelde C, Wang D, Field T, Van Gaal S, Teal P, Benavente O, Wilson L, Mann S, Yip S, Murphy C, Heran M, Rohr A, Settecase F, Redekop G, Haw C, Maclean G, Murray K, Chiu R, Flexman A, Strecha E, Gayton Y, Yip J, Swartz R, Boulos M, Gladstone D, Yu A, Hopyan J, Khosravani H, Manosalva Alzate H, Southwell A, Kamra M, Lopes K, Kapoor A, da Costa L, Yang V, Dyer E, Shah R, Knowles B, Nichols J, Patterson J, Cope K, Dickerson L, Barton K, Gray K, Massengale T, Miller M, Simpson C, Walker S, Tennyson-Yemm C, Frei D, Bellon R, Atchie B, Kaminsky I, Wilson D, Schraeder N, Arias E, Kodis L, Talley M, Edinger A, Talley T, Dempsey I, Williams L, Williams S, Kupniewski S, Fasbinder B, Snead J, Choe H, Mackenzie L, Weisman D, Kozak O, Shah Q, Gzesh D, Kulandaivel K, Khoury J, Klein B, Bussinger P, Griffin L, DePalmo A, Oliva C, Jadhav A, Jovin T, Kenmuir C, Jankowitz B, Gross B, Rocha M, Starr M, Brown M, Hawkes C, Shah K, Tememe D, Walker G, Patel P, Klein B, Ziayee H, Limaye K, Baxendell L, Glichrist V, Feineigle P, Toseki Haibach K, Van Every C, Desai S, Zulfiqar M, Gibson L, Barrett S, Turkel-Parrella D, Arcot K, DiCrescento S, Farkas J, Filipowski G, Frontera J, Joset D, Liff J, Scher E, McDougall C, Kelly C, Patel A, Monteith S, Starkman S, Atchaneeyasakul K, Burgos A, Anne Y. Chua J, Gaines N, Grunberg I, Guzy J, Liu Z, Maluste N, Ramirez L, Sharma L, Heck D, Brown M, McDonald C, Calderon M, Hargis M, Roels C, Emmady P, Alvi T, Jayaraman M, Cutting S, Smith W, Foley S, Paolucci G, Haas R, Quinn K, Fuller L, Brierley R, Watkins C, Demir N, Lopez G, Vargas A, Osteraas N, Holtz B, Sauvageau E, Aghaebrahim A, Chmayssani M, Naval N, Day J, Dellorso S, Ludwig B, Schemmel D, Ebreo N, Bell K, Lewis L, Delucia M, Haussen D, Frankel M, Bhatt N, Bianchi N, Anderson A, Belagaje S, Liberato B, Rangaraju S, Al-Bayati A, Grossber J, Craft L, Schindler K, Schaad E, Schultz M, Sutherly L, Doppelheuer S, Charlton J, Faggard J, Barbret Z, DukSoo Han E, Walters R, Dolia J, El-Jamal S, Eby B, Saleem Y, Pearl H, Patel K, Rahman H, Butt R, English S, Puri A, Howk M, Singh J, Massari F, DeMacedo Rodrigues K, Kuhn A, English J, Barazangi N, Telischak N, Kim W, Ross J, DeVole N, Redford J, Ferreira M, Ponting K, Shen H, Bedenk A, Patel S, Fernandess J, Ke M, Spokoyny I, Gao B, Tong D, Chen C, Wong C, Choe J, Martin C, Summers D, Boutwell C, Olds K, Crandall S, Eatman J, Akhtar N, Holloway W, Halpin J, Donegan B, Schindler J, Hwang D, Gilmore E, Petersen N, Sheth K, Brown S, Beekman R, George B, Kaddouh F, Falcone G, Wira C, Matouk C, Loomis C, Amin H, Stretz H, Narula R, Jasne A, Sansing L, Agarwal T, Jasak S, Fontaine B, King Z, Kouhn L, Orgass H, Leary M, Nye J, Halbert K, Nystrom K, Neuschatz K, Petrucci D, Coppola A, Joyce T, Hou S, Umekubo M, Nakamura C, Ovando R, Zuniga D, Nien Y, Basto F, Arch A, Jong L, Conrad W, Abbott T, Yao J, Caganap S, Jordan J, Teitelbaum G, Darflinger R, Kelly D, Gupta R, Budzik R, Czerniak J, Groezinger K, Hicks W, Kaskar O, Katz B, Loochtan A, Pema P, Rai V, Vora N, Brown A, Goodman D, Danenbergs B, Gossett M, Bang O, Chung J, Jeon P, Kim K, Lim Y, Hoe Heo J, Nam H, Kim Y, Park H, Hwang I, Ha W, Choi J, Jeong K, Rha J, Park H, Yoon C, Kim B, Sohn S, Kim C, Yoo J, Hong J, Park H, Kim S, Choi M, Bae H, Lee J, Lee J, Jun G, Jeon S, Campbell B, Mitchell P, Yassi N, Davis S, Donnan G, Parsons M, Yan B, Dowling R, Bush S, Wu T, Shan D, Zhao H, Salvaris P, Alemseged F, Ng F, Williams C, Balabanski A, dos Santos A, Ng J, McDonald A, Jackson D, Tsoleridis J, Pesavento L, Kleinig T, Drew R, Cranefield J, Scroop R, Cagi L, Harvey J, Waters M, Thornton J, Brennan R, O'Hare A, Power S, Williams D, Boyle K, Moynihan B, Liddy A, Large M, Cullen A, Walsh R, Martin E, Lynch J, McElroy S, Murphy S, Coveney S, Deegan C, Horgan G, Kelly P, Laffan A, Llamas-Osorio Y, Lynch C, Mac Mahon P, Marnane M, McCabe J, Burns P, Tauro S, Cuddy S, Rennie I, Smyth G, Flynn P, Wiggam I, Kerr E, Gordon P, Fearon P, Roberts G, Patterson C, Adams K, Wells B, McFarland M, Moreira T, Sjöstrand C, Mazya M, Almqvist H, Wahlgren N, Steinberg A, Cooray C, Eriksson E, Thorén M, Keselman B, Ahmed N, Holmberg Å, Axelsson M, Berglund A, Golsari A, Hoppe J, Deb-Chatterji M, Cheng B, Barow E, Schlemm E, Lettow I, Jensen M, Otto D, Jaramillo K, Appelbohm H, Fiehler J, Bester M, Schönfeld M, Brekenfeld C, Holst B, Wortmann G, Koch F, Gerber J, Abramyuk A, Kaiser D, Winzer S, Prakapenia A, Pallesen L, Siepmann T, Barlinn K, Haase K, Sauer A, Psychogios M, Liman J, Brehm A, Maus V, Hollstein N, Reinke A, Neitz G, Schnieder M, Schwarz M, Ibrahim A, Müller J, Meister S, Bäumle B, Chapot R, Pilgram-Pastor S, Wallocha M, Stauder M, Celik E, Stracke P, Müller N, Weber R, Veltkamp R, Nagel S, Ringleb P, Heyse M, Amiri H, Mundiyanapurath S, Chen M, Beyrle E, Beck P, Möhlenbruch M. Assessment of Discrepancies Between Follow-up Infarct Volume and 90-Day Outcomes Among Patients With Ischemic Stroke Who Received Endovascular Therapy. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e2132376. PMID: 34739060, PMCID: PMC8571657, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.32376.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerious adverse eventsHigher mRS scoreLower mRS scoresMRS scoreInfarct volumeEndovascular therapyPretreatment factorsPosttreatment factorsBlood pressureHemoglobin levelsFunctional outcomeAnterior Circulation Proximal OcclusionDiscrepant casesHighest FIVTomography/magnetic resonance imagingHigher baseline hemoglobinRecanalization Times (ESCAPE) trialAbsence of diabetesStroke unit careSymptomatic intracerebral hemorrhageCongestive heart failureDiastolic blood pressureRankin Scale scoreMagnetic resonance imagingStepwise model
Efficacy and safety of nerinetide for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke (ESCAPE-NA1): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial
Hill MD, Goyal M, Menon BK, Nogueira RG, McTaggart RA, Demchuk AM, Poppe AY, Buck BH, Field TS, Dowlatshahi D, van Adel BA, Swartz RH, Shah RA, Sauvageau E, Zerna C, Ospel JM, Joshi M, Almekhlafi MA, Ryckborst KJ, Lowerison MW, Heard K, Garman D, Haussen D, Cutting SM, Coutts SB, Roy D, Rempel JL, Rohr AC, Iancu D, Sahlas DJ, Yu AYX, Devlin TG, Hanel RA, Puetz V, Silver FL, Campbell BCV, Chapot R, Teitelbaum J, Mandzia JL, Kleinig TJ, Turkel-Parrella D, Heck D, Kelly ME, Bharatha A, Bang OY, Jadhav A, Gupta R, Frei DF, Tarpley JW, McDougall CG, Holmin S, Rha JH, Puri AS, Camden MC, Thomalla G, Choe H, Phillips SJ, Schindler JL, Thornton J, Nagel S, Heo JH, Sohn SI, Psychogios MN, Budzik RF, Starkman S, Martin CO, Burns PA, Murphy S, Lopez GA, English J, Tymianski M, Demchuk A, Barber P, Smith E, Bal S, Subramaniam S, Peters S, Couillard P, Klein G, Stys P, Menon B, Coutts S, Almekhlafi M, Hill M, Goyal M, Wong J, Mitha A, Eesa M, Morrish W, Alqatani S, Kashani N, Joshi M, Zerna C, Ospel J, Venkatesan P, Teleg E, Sitaram A, Graham B, Van Gaal S, Moussaddy A, Chakraborty D, Maraj N, Loockey A, Chen S, Singh R, Alsultan A, Asuncion R, Tse D, Doshi D, Volny O, Ojha P, Wadhwa A, Marko M, Singh N, Wasyliw S, Ryckborst K, Kenney C, Save S, Jambula A, Newcommon N, Hull G, Blackstock D, Kiszczak S, Zimmel L, Wright M, Jahraus C, Andersen L, Bohn S, Paul J, Zhang O, Doram C, Lowerison M, Hanley A, Campbell L, Ure A, Taylor F, Hul D, Wiebe S, Saluzzi M, Blenkin N, Frayne R, Buck B, Butcher K, Shuaib A, Jeerakathil T, Jickling G, Emery D, Rempel J, Owen R, Ashforth R, Yeo T, Kotylak T, O'Kelly C, Chow M, Siddiqui M, Saqqur M, D'Souza A, Lloret M, Butt A, Nomani A, Kalashyan H, Thirunavukkarasu S, Jabs J, Fairall P, Piquette L, Phillips S, Green A, Gubitz G, Heidenreich J, Huynh T, Shankar J, Maloney W, Vandorpe R, Schmidt M, Pickett G, Weeks A, Jarrett J, MacDonald D, Arsenault J, Kinnear R, Mandzia J, Mayich M, Boulton M, Bullrich M, Fridman S, Kiwan R, Lee D, Lownie S, Khaw A, Pandey S, Sharma M, Sposato L, Wade K, Beauchamp B, Lambourn L, Amato-Marziali B, Poppe A, Roy D, Daneault N, Deschaintre Y, Gioia L, Jacquin G, Odier C, Stapf C, Iancu D, Raymond J, Weill A, Lapierre M, Jadil N, Jolteus J, Teitelbaum J, Angle M, Hannouche M, Badawy M, Letourneau J, Cortes M, Linnell G, Tampieri D, Vieira L, Moussaddy A, Legault C, Durcan L, Moore A, Cole E, Magnussen C, Salmon K, Khalil S, Desloges I, Waxman L, Abdon W, Lai S, Dowlatshahi D, Iancu D, Shamy M, Stotts G, Blacquiere D, Lesiuk H, Quateen A, Drake B, Dewar B, Daham Z, Kelly M, Hunter G, Peeling L, Graham B, Whelan R, Garner A, Urroz L, Maley S, Silver F, Casaubon L, Pikula A, Del Campo M, Schaafsma J, Jaigobin C, Krings T, Pereira V, Agid R, Farb R, Kalman L, Cayley A, Williams J, Stewart T, Misquitta K, Bharatha A, Selchen D, Marotta T, Sarma D, Montanera W, Spears J, Saposnik G, Kostyrko P, Li Y, Parra-Farina C, Diestro J, Camden M, Verreault S, Mackey A, Audet M, Milot G, Lavoie P, Gariépy J, Collard K, Haché A, Van Adel B, Sahlas D, Alshanbari A, Baldwin J, Catanese L, Chen B, Boasquevisque D, Deshmukh A, Knapman J, Lamers S, Larrazabal R, MacMillan S, Mai L, Mattia A, Nayar S, Ng K, Oczkowski W, Perera K, Shawawrah M, Shoamanesh A, Sobhi G, Syed N, Taher N, Vandervelde C, Pharm D, Field T, Van Gaal S, Teal P, Benavente O, Wilson L, Mann S, Yip S, Murphy C, Heran M, Rohr A, Settecase F, Redekop G, Haw C, Maclean G, Murray K, Chiu R, Flexman A, Strecha E, Gayton Y, Yip J, Swartz R, Boulos M, Gladstone D, Yu A, Hopyan J, Khosravani H, Alzate H, Southwell A, Kamra M, Lopes K, Kapoor A, da Costa L, Yang V, Dyer E, Shah R, Knowles B, Nichols J, Patterson J, Cope K, Dickerson L, Barton K, Gray K, Massengale T, Miller M, Simpson C, Walker S, Tennyson-Yemm C, Devlin T, Frei D, Bellon R, Atchie B, Kaminsky I, Wilson D, Schraeder N, Arias E, Kodis L, Talley M, Edinger A, Talley T, Dempsey I, Williams L, Williams S, Kupniewski S, Fasbinder B, Snead J, Choe H, Mackenzie L, Weisman D, Kozak O, Shah Q, Gzesh D, Kulandaivel K, Khoury J, Klein B, Bussinger P, Griffin L, dePalmo A, Oliva C, Jadhav A, Jovin T, Kenmuir C, Jankowitz B, Gross B, Rocha M, Starr M, Brown M, Hawkes C, Shah K, Tememe D, Walker G, Patel P, Klein B, Ziayee H, Limaye K, Baxendell L, Gilchrist V, Feineigle P, Haibach K, Van Every C, Desai S, Zulfiqar M, Gibson L, Barrett S, Turkel-Parrella D, Arcot K, DiCrescento S, Farkas J, Filipowski G, Frontera J, Joset D, Liff J, Scher E, McDougall C, Kelly C, Patel A, Monteith S, Starkman S, Atchaneeyasakul K, Burgos A, Chua J, Gaines N, Grunberg I, Guzy J, Liu Z, Maluste N, Ramirez L, Sharma L, Heck D, Brown M, McDonald C, Calderon M, Hargis M, Roels C, Emmady P, Alvi T, McTaggart R, Jayaraman M, Cutting S, Smith W, Foley S, Paolucci G, Has R, Quinn K, Fuller L, Brierley R, Watkins C, Demir N, Lopez G, Vargas A, Osteraas N, Holtz B, Sauvageau E, Hanel R, Aghaebrahim A, Chmayssani M, Naval N, Day J, Dellorso S, Ludwig B, Schemmel D, Ebreo N, Bell K, Lewis L, Delucia M, Nogueira R, Haussen D, Frankel M, Bhatt N, Bianchi N, Anderson A, Belagaje S, Liberato B, Rangaraju S, Al-Bayati A, Grossberg J, Craft L, Schindler K, Schaad E, Schultz M, Southerly L, Doppelheuer S, Charlton J, Faggard J, Barbret Z, Han E, Walters R, Dolia J, El-Jamal S, Eby B, Saleem Y, Pearl H, Patel K, Rahman H, Butt R, English S, Puri A, Howk M, Singh J, Massari F, Rodrigues K, Kuhn A, English J, Barazangi N, Telischak N, Kim W, Ross J, DeVole N, Redford J, Ferreira M, Ponting K, Shen H, Bedenk A, Patel S, Fernandess J, Ke M, Spokoyny I, Gao B, Tong D, Chen C, Wong C, Choe J, Martin C, Summers D, Boutwell C, Olds K, Crandall S, Eatman J, Akhtar N, Holloway W, Halpin J, Donegan B, Schindler J, Hwang D, Gilmore E, Petersen N, Sheth K, Brown S, Beekman R, George B, Kaddouh F, Falcone G, Wira C, Matouk C, Loomis C, Amin H, Stretz H, Narula R, Jasne A, Sansing L, Agarwal T, Jasak S, Fontaine B, King Z, Kuohn L, Orgass H, Leary M, Nye J, Halbert K, Nystrom K, Neuschatz K, Petrucci D, Coppola A, Tarpley J, Joyce T, Hou S, Umekubo M, Nakamura C, Ovando R, Zuniga D, Nien Y, Basto F, Arch A, Jong L, Conrad W, Abbott T, Yao J, Caganap S, Jordan J, Teitelbaum G, Darflinger R, Gupta R, Bain M, Budzik R, Czerniak J, Groezinger K, Hicks W, Kaskar O, Katz B, Loochtan A, Pema P, Rai V, Vora N, Brown A, Goodman D, Danenbergs B, Gossett M, Bang O, Chung J, Jeon P, Kim K, Lim Y, Heo J, Nam H, Kim Y, Park H, Hwang I, Ha W, Choi J, Jeong K, Rha J, Park H, Yoon C, Kim B, Sohn S, Kim C, Yoo J, Hong J, Park H, Kim S, Choi M, Bae H, Lee J, Lee J, Jun G, Jeon S, Campbell B, Mitchell P, Yassi N, Davis S, Donnan G, Parsons M, Yan B, Dowling R, Bush S, Wu T, Shah D, Zhao H, Salvaris P, Alemseged F, Ng F, Williams C, Balabanski A, Dos Santos A, Ng J, McDonald A, Jackson D, Tsoleridis J, Pesavento L, Kleinig T, Nurs R, Cranefield J, Scroop R, Cagi L, Harvey J, Waters M, Thornton J, Brennan R, O'Hare A, Power S, Williams D, Boyle K, Moynihan B, Liddy A, Large M, Cullen A, Walsh R, Martin E, Lynch J, McElroy S, Murphy S, Coveney S, Deegan C, Horgan G, Kelly P, Laffan A, Llamas-Osorio Y, Lynch C, Mac Mahon P, Marnane M, McCabe J, Burns P, Tauro S, Cuddy S, Rennie I, Smyth G, Flynn P, Wiggam I, Kerr E, Gordon P, Fearon P, Roberts G, Patterson C, Adams K, Wells B, McFarland M, Holmin S, Moreira T, Sjöstrand C, Mazya M, Almqvist H, Wahlgren N, Steinberg A, Cooray C, Eriksson E, Thorén M, Keselman B, Ahmed N, Holmberg Å, Axelsson M, Berglund A, Thomalla G, Golsari A, Hoppe J, Deb-Chatterji M, Cheng B, Barrow E, Schlemm E, Lettow I, Jensen M, Otto D, Jaramillo K, Appelbohm H, Fiehler J, Bester M, Schönfeld M, Brekenfeld C, Holst B, Wortmann G, Koch F, Puetz V, Gerber J, Abramyuk A, Kaiser D, Winzer S, Prakapenia A, Pallesen L, Siepmann T, Barlinn K, Haase K, Sauer A, Psychogios M, Liman J, Brehm A, Maus V, Hollstein N, Reinke A, Neitz G, Schnieder M, Schwarz M, Ibrahim A, Müller J, Meister S, Bäumle B, Chapot R, Pilgram-Pastor S, Wallocha M, Stauder M, Celik E, Stracke P, Müller N, Weber R, Velktamp R, Nagel S, Ringleb P, Heyse M, Amiri H, Mundiyanapurath S, Chen M, Bevrle E, Beck P, Möhlenbruch M, Tymianski M, Potvin A, Harris C, Wang C, Adams C, Mayor D, Garman D, Chau D, Wu J, Lunn J, Heard K, Bermanis L, Teyes L, Constant M, Galsim M, Helbin M, Leroux M, Felix N, Bendre N, Cuthbert S, Brokx S, Zhang Y, Lingham T, Kohli Y, Salter M, Liebeschuetz J, Hofmann F, Constant J, Soeder T, Snoke K, Bologa M, Stahl K, Graziewicz M. Efficacy and safety of nerinetide for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke (ESCAPE-NA1): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 2020, 395: 878-887. PMID: 32087818, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(20)30258-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlberta Stroke Program Early CT ScoreAcute ischemic strokeIschemic strokeEndovascular thrombectomySecondary outcomesScale scoreHealth Stroke Scale scoreModified Rankin Scale scorePost-synaptic density protein 95H treatment windowIntravenous alteplase treatmentBaseline National InstitutesPlacebo-controlled studySerious adverse eventsStroke Scale scoreExcellent functional outcomeProportion of patientsTime of randomisationLarge vessel occlusionPreclinical stroke modelsRankin Scale scoreBetter clinical outcomesMultiphase CT angiographyAcute care hospitalsGood collateral filling
Surgical Performance Determines Functional Outcome Benefit in the Minimally Invasive Surgery Plus Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation (MISTIE) Procedure
Awad I, Polster S, Carrión-Penagos J, Thompson R, Cao Y, Stadnik A, Money P, Fam M, Koskimäki J, Girard R, Lane K, McBee N, Ziai W, Hao Y, Dodd R, Carlson A, Camarata P, Caron J, Harrigan M, Gregson B, Mendelow A, Zuccarello M, Hanley D, Abdul-Rahim A, Abou-Hamden A, Abraham M, Ahmed A, Alba C, Aldrich E, Ali H, Altschul D, Amin-Hanjani S, Anderson C, Anderson D, Ansari S, Antezana D, Ardelt A, Arikan F, Avadhani R, Baguena M, Baker A, Barrer S, Barzo P, Becker K, Bergman T, Betz J, Bistran-Hall A, Boström A, Braun J, Brindley P, Broaddus W, Brown R, Buki A, Bulters D, Cao B, Carhuapoma J, Chalela J, Chang T, Chicoine M, Chorro I, Chowdhry S, Cobb C, Corral L, Csiba L, Davies J, Dawson J, Díaz A, Dierdeyn C, Diringer M, Dlugash R, Ecker R, Economas T, Enriquez P, Ezer E, Fan Y, Feng H, Franz D, Freeman W, Fusco M, Galicich W, Gandhi D, Gelea M, Goldstein J, Gonzalez A, Grabarits C, Greenberg S, Gregson B, Gress D, Gu E, Gupta G, Hall C, Harnof S, Hernandez F, Hoesch R, Hoh B, Houser J, Hu R, Huang J, Huang Y, Hussain M, Insinga S, Jadhav A, Jaffe J, Jahromi B, Jallo J, James M, James R, Janis S, Jankowitz B, Jeon E, Jichici D, Jonczak K, Jonker B, Karlen N, Kase C, Keric N, Kerz T, Kitagawa R, Knopman J, Koenig C, Krishnamurthy S, Kumar A, Kureshi I, Laidlaw J, Lakhanpal A, Latorre J, LeDoux D, Lees K, Leifer D, Leiphart J, Lenington S, Li Y, Lopez G, Lovick D, Lumenta C, Luo J, Maas M, MacDonald J, MacKenzie L, Madan V, Majkowski R, Major O, Malhorta R, Malkoff M, Mangat H, Maswadeh A, Matouk C, Mayo S, McArthur K, McCaul S, Medow J, Mezey G, Mighty J, Miller D, Mitchell P, Mohan K, Mould W, Muir K, Muñoz L, Nakaji P, Nee A, Nekoovaght-Tak S, Nyquist P, O'Kane R, Okasha M, O'Kelly C, Ostapkovich N, Pandey A, Parry-Jones A, Patel H, Perla K, Pollack A, Pouratian N, Quinn T, Rajajee V, Reddy K, Rehman M, Reimer R, Rincon F, Rosenblum M, Rybinnik I, Sanchez B, Sansing L, Sarabia R, Schneck M, Schuerer L, Schul D, Schweitzer J, Seder D, Seyfried D, Sheth K, Spiotta A, Stechison M, Sugar E, Szabo K, Tamayo G, Tanczos K, Taussky P, Teitelbaum J, Terry J, Testai F, Thomas K, Thompson C, Thompson G, Torner J, Tran H, Tucker K, Ullman N, Ungar L, Unterberg A, Varelas P, Vargas N, Vatter H, Venkatasubramanian C, Vermillion K, Vespa P, Vollmer D, Wang W, Wang Y, Wang Y, Wen J, Whitworth L, Willis B, Wilson A, Wolfe S, Wrencher M, Wright S, Xu Y, Yanase L, Yenokyan G, Yi X, Yu Z, Zomorodi A. Surgical Performance Determines Functional Outcome Benefit in the Minimally Invasive Surgery Plus Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation (MISTIE) Procedure. Neurosurgery 2019, 84: nyz077-. PMID: 30891610, PMCID: PMC6537634, DOI: 10.1093/neuros/nyz077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRecombinant tissue plasminogen activatorTissue plasminogen activatorICH volumeImproved mortalityIntracerebral hemorrhageFunctional outcomePlasminogen activatorFunctional outcome benefitsInitial hematoma volumeHistory of hypertensionBenefits of surgeryType of strokeDisease severity factorsSurgical performanceVolume reductionAlteplase dosesMRS 0Mortality benefitPrimary outcomeHematoma evacuationCatheter aspirationHematoma volumeICH evacuationOutcome benefitsSurgical armDeferoxamine mesylate in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (i-DEF): a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase 2 trial
Selim M, Foster L, Moy C, Xi G, Hill M, Morgenstern L, Greenberg S, James M, Singh V, Clark W, Norton C, Palesch Y, Yeatts S, Investigators I, Dolan M, Yeh E, Sheth K, Kunze K, Muehlschlegel S, Nieto I, Claassen J, Falo C, Huang D, Beckwith A, Messe S, Yates M, O'Phelan K, Escobar A, Becker K, Tanzi P, Gonzales N, Tremont C, Venkatasubramanian C, Thiessen R, Save S, Verrault S, Collard K, DeGeorgia M, Cwiklinski V, Thompson B, Wasilewski L, Andrews C, Burfeind R, Torbey M, Hamed M, Butcher K, Sivakumar L, Varelas N, Mays-Wilson K, Leira E, Olalde H, Silliman S, Calhoun R, Dangayach N, Renvill R, Malhotra R, Kordesch K, Lord A, Calahan T, Geocadin R, Parish M, Frey J, Harrigan M, Leifer D, Mathias R, Schneck M, Bernier T, Gonzales-Arias S, Elysee J, Lopez G, Volgi J, Brown R, Jasak S, Phillips S, Jarrett J, Gomes J, McBride M, Aldrich F, Aldrich C, Kornbluth J, Bettle M, Goldstein J, Tirrell G, Shaw Q, Jonczak K. Deferoxamine mesylate in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (i-DEF): a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase 2 trial. The Lancet Neurology 2019, 18: 428-438. PMID: 30898550, PMCID: PMC6494117, DOI: 10.1016/s1474-4422(19)30069-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBetter clinical outcomesPhase 2 trialSerious adverse eventsRankin Scale scorePlacebo groupIntracerebral hemorrhagePrimary outcomeClinical outcomesDay 90Deferoxamine mesylateModified intentionTreat populationAdverse eventsUS National InstitutesDouble-blind phase 2 trialScale scorePhase 3 efficacy trialsModified Rankin Scale scoreEfficacy of deferoxaminePhase 3 trialSupratentorial intracerebral hemorrhageAbsolute risk differenceProportion of participantsNational InstituteIron chelator deferoxamine