Appointment non-attendance is associated with disease modifying therapy persistence the following year
Gromisch E, Turner A, Leipertz S, Beauvais J, Haselkorn J. Appointment non-attendance is associated with disease modifying therapy persistence the following year. Multiple Sclerosis And Related Disorders 2024, 92: 106179. PMID: 39571216, DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2024.106179.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAppointment non-attendanceNon-attendanceElectronic health record dataVeterans with MSHealth record dataDisease modifying therapiesHealthcare providersNon-attendance behaviorInitial disease modifying therapiesMultiple sclerosisRecord dataLogistic regressionAppointmentProportion of NSNon-persistenceAssociated with non-persistenceVeteransTime frameDemographicsData repositoriesYearsPersonsHealthcareModifying therapiesProportion
The association between sleep disorders and resilience in persons with multiple sclerosis
Riegler K, Beauvais J, Neto L, Gromisch E. The association between sleep disorders and resilience in persons with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis And Related Disorders 2023, 81: 105137. PMID: 37979407, DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2023.105137.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Demographic, Disease, and Clinical Factors Related to Pain Catastrophizing Among Persons with Multiple Sclerosis
Gromisch E, Kerns R, Beauvais J. Demographic, Disease, and Clinical Factors Related to Pain Catastrophizing Among Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 2019, 100: e61. DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2019.08.170.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Ethics in Training and Training in Ethics: Special Considerations for Postdoctoral Fellowships in Health Service Psychology
Self M, Wise E, Beauvais J, Molinari V. Ethics in Training and Training in Ethics: Special Considerations for Postdoctoral Fellowships in Health Service Psychology. Training And Education In Professional Psychology 2018, 12: 105-112. DOI: 10.1037/tep0000178.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEthical issuesEthics trainingHealth service psychologyPostdoctoral levelsUnique ethical considerationsSupervision of supervisionEthical considerationsPostdoctoral supervisorsEthicsProfessional practicePsychology training programsPsychology trainingPsychologySpecialty competenciesPostdoctoral trainingIssuesPracticeLittle attentionComplex situationsFellowshipFormal trainingAutonomyConsiderationPsychologistsProfession
Reducing the Fear of Falling Through a Community Evidence-Based Intervention
Beauvais A, Beauvais J. Reducing the Fear of Falling Through a Community Evidence-Based Intervention. Home Healthcare Now 2014, 32: 98-105. PMID: 24492268, DOI: 10.1097/nhh.0000000000000017.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The Neuropsychology Toolkit: Guidelines, Formats and Language
Beauvais J, Anderson S, Kane K. The Neuropsychology Toolkit: Guidelines, Formats and Language. Archives Of Clinical Neuropsychology 2012, 28: 200-201. DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acs076.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Relationship of Prospective Memory to Neuropsychological Function and Antiretroviral Adherence
Contardo C, Black AC, Beauvais J, Dieckhaus K, Rosen MI. Relationship of Prospective Memory to Neuropsychological Function and Antiretroviral Adherence. Archives Of Clinical Neuropsychology 2009, 24: 547-554. PMID: 19648150, PMCID: PMC2764502, DOI: 10.1093/arclin/acp046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProspective memoryNeuropsychological screening testsExecutive functioningNeuropsychological measuresCognitive functioningNeuropsychological functionMemory functionRetrospective recallMemoryFactor analysisAntiretroviral adherenceFunctioningFuture timeRecallDistractionSubscalesParticipantsIntentionHIV-positive participantsScreening testPreliminary studyMeasuresPeopleVarianceAdherence
The Effect of Alcohol on the Neuropsychological Functioning of Recently Abstinent Cocainedependent Subjects
Abi‐Saab D, Beauvais J, Mehm J, Brody M, Gottschalk C, Kosten TR. The Effect of Alcohol on the Neuropsychological Functioning of Recently Abstinent Cocainedependent Subjects. American Journal On Addictions 2005, 14: 166-178. PMID: 16019965, DOI: 10.1080/10550490590924854.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine-dependent subjectsEffects of alcoholNeuropsychological functioningLess memory impairmentOverall neuropsychological functioningAlcohol disordersNeurotoxic effectsMultidrug usersEarly abstinenceMemory impairmentNeuropsychological impairmentNeuropsychological deficitsCocaine dependenceSimilar impairmentCocaine users
Development of a Tactile Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Beauvais J, Woods S, Delaney R, Fein D. Development of a Tactile Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Rehabilitation Psychology 2004, 49: 282-287. DOI: 10.1037/0090-5550.49.4.282.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPerfusion abnormalities and decision making in cocaine dependence
Tucker KA, Potenza MN, Beauvais JE, Browndyke JN, Gottschalk PC, Kosten TR. Perfusion abnormalities and decision making in cocaine dependence. Biological Psychiatry 2004, 56: 527-530. PMID: 15450790, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2004.06.031.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIowa Gambling TaskFrontal gyrusCocaine-dependent patientsPoor decision-making abilitiesBetter IGT performanceCard selectionAbstinent cocaine-dependent patientsMiddle frontal gyrusMedial frontal gyrusSuperior frontal gyrusDecision-making abilityAnterior cingulate gyrusCognitive factorsGambling TaskResponse inhibitionCognitive functioningIGT performanceImpaired performanceIGT scoresSeverity of impairmentCingulate gyrusBrain regionsGyrusCocaine dependenceCocaine abusersExamining the Effect of Cerebral Perfusion Abnormality Magnitude on Cognitive Performance in Recently Abstinent Chronic Cocaine Abusers
Browndyke J, Tucker K, Woods S, Beauvais J, Cohen R, Gottschalk P, Kosten T. Examining the Effect of Cerebral Perfusion Abnormality Magnitude on Cognitive Performance in Recently Abstinent Chronic Cocaine Abusers. Journal Of Neuroimaging 2004, 14: 162-169. PMID: 15095563, DOI: 10.1111/j.1552-6569.2004.tb00234.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultCerebral CortexCocaineCocaine-Related DisordersCognition DisordersFemaleHumansImage Processing, Computer-AssistedMaleNeuropsychological TestsPsychometricsReference ValuesRegional Blood FlowReproducibility of ResultsSubstance Withdrawal SyndromeTechnetium Tc 99m ExametazimeTomography, Emission-Computed, Single-PhotonConceptsCognitive performanceComplex attentionSubstance abuse populationNeuropsychological impairmentAbuse populationCocaine abusersNeuropsychological assessment batteryMotor speedAbstinent cocaine abusersExecutive functioningExecutive skillsNeuropsychological functioningStatistical parametric mapping techniquesNeuropsychological performanceAbuse sampleAssessment BatterySPECT data analysisCognitive deficitsAssessment measuresMotor performanceChronic cocaine abusersManual dexterityGroup comparisonsChronic cocaineMemory
Cue‐dose Training with Monetary Reinforcement: Pilot Study of an Antiretroviral Adherence Intervention
Rigsby M, Rosen M, Beauvais J, Cramer J, Rainey P, O'Malley S, Dieckhaus K, Rounsaville B. Cue‐dose Training with Monetary Reinforcement: Pilot Study of an Antiretroviral Adherence Intervention. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2000, 15: 841-847. PMID: 11119180, PMCID: PMC1495713, DOI: 10.1046/j.1525-1497.2000.00127.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCue-dose trainingAntiretroviral therapy regimensTherapy regimensAdherence interventionsVeterans Affairs HIV clinicsBottle openingPilot studyActive training periodAntiretroviral Adherence InterventionClinical trial sitesNear-baseline levelsAfrican AmericansHistory of heroinTraining periodAntiretroviral therapyHIV clinicMedication takingAntiretroviral drugsClinical studiesPill bottlesCD groupTransient improvementSustained improvementControl groupCocaine use