The effects of Shaoma Zhijing granules and its main components on Tourette syndrome
Zhao Q, Hu Y, Yan Y, Song X, Yu J, Wang W, Zhou S, Su X, Bloch M, Leckman J, Chen Y, Sun H. The effects of Shaoma Zhijing granules and its main components on Tourette syndrome. Phytomedicine 2024, 129: 155686. PMID: 38759346, DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2024.155686.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTourette syndromeChina National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databasesNerve damageRepair of nerve damageClinical trialsEffective treatmentImprove sleep disordersNeurotransmitter imbalanceSleep disordersReducing neuroinflammationSyndromeComprehensive searchClinical applicationChinese medicine compoundObsessive-compulsive disorder
Functional connectivity during tic suppression predicts reductions in vocal tics following behavior therapy in children with Tourette syndrome
Morand-Beaulieu S, Crowley M, Grantz H, Leckman J, Sukhodolsky D. Functional connectivity during tic suppression predicts reductions in vocal tics following behavior therapy in children with Tourette syndrome. Psychological Medicine 2023, 53: 7857-7864. PMID: 37485677, PMCID: PMC10755221, DOI: 10.1017/s0033291723001940.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVoluntary tic suppressionTic suppressionVocal tic severityFunctional connectivityTic severityTourette syndromeRight superior frontal gyrusFirst-line treatmentBehavior therapyComprehensive Behavioral InterventionSuperior frontal gyrusRight angular gyrusVocal ticsFunctional brain networksBehavioral interventionsUsual control conditionFrontal gyrusBaselineAngular gyrusSeverityBrain networksSyndromeChildrenTherapyGyrus
Mispatterning and interneuron deficit in Tourette Syndrome basal ganglia organoids
Brady M, Mariani J, Koca Y, Szekely A, King R, Bloch M, Landeros-Weisenberger A, Leckman J, Vaccarino F. Mispatterning and interneuron deficit in Tourette Syndrome basal ganglia organoids. Molecular Psychiatry 2022, 27: 5007-5019. PMID: 36447010, PMCID: PMC9949887, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-022-01880-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTourette syndromeInterneuron deficitsGABAergic interneuronsHealthy controlsNeurodevelopmental underpinningsNeuropathological deficitsBG circuitryNeuropsychiatric disordersDecreased differentiationT patientsInterneuronsAltered expressionPotential mechanismsCilia disruptionSonic hedgehogOrganoidsStem cellsTS individualsPluripotent stem cellsGli transcription factorsDeficitsOrganoid differentiationEarly stagesCholinergicPatientsA Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Tic Suppression in Tourette Syndrome
Peterson B, Shudlarski P, Anderson A, Zhang H, Gatenby J, Lacadie C, Leckman J, Gore J. A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Tic Suppression in Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 198-205. DOI: 10.4324/9780203822937-19.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMRI signal changesFunctional MRI signal changesFunctional debilityTourette syndromeTic suppressionNeuropsychiatric disordersNormal brain processesMagnetic resonance imaging studyResonance imaging studyFunctional magnetic resonance imaging studySignal changesFrequent causeBlood flowNeuronal activityImaging studiesStatistical significanceSignificant increaseSyndromeBehavioral problemsDebilityDisordersFailed inhibitionBrain processesImpulse controlIndirect measureCourse of Tic Severity in Tourette Syndrome: The First Two Decades
Leckman J, Zhang H, Vitale A, Lahnin F, Lynch K, Bondi C, Kim Y, Peterson B. Course of Tic Severity in Tourette Syndrome: The First Two Decades. 2022, 80-85. DOI: 10.4324/9780203822937-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchYears of ageDecades of lifeTic severityTourette syndromeTS patientsTic onsetClinical evaluationPrevalence studySeverity of ticsInitial clinical evaluationConsistent time courseTime courseHigh rateOnset of pubertyInitial followPatient's coursePrognostic valueYale Child Study CenterBirth-year cohortsPatientsNatural historySyndromeCurve analysisSeverityStudy centersA Family Study of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
Pauls D, Raymond C, Stevenson J, Leckman J. A Family Study of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 64-73. DOI: 10.4324/9780203822937-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchObsessive-compulsive disorderTourette syndromeChronic ticsTS probandsGilles deFirst-degree relativesRelatives of probandsRelatives of controlsFamilies of probandsBiological relativesMorbid riskNormal subjectsNormal probandsFamilial disorderSyndromeProbandsCompulsive disorderFamily studiesTotal sampleDisordersPresent studyFurther evidenceRelativesPrevious studiesControl samplesTourette's Syndrome: When Habit-Forming Systems Form Habits of Their Own?
Leckman J, Riddlet M. Tourette's Syndrome: When Habit-Forming Systems Form Habits of Their Own? 2022, 153-158. DOI: 10.4324/9780203822937-15.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSocial and Adaptive Functioning in Tourette Syndrome
Sukhodolsky D, Kalvin C, Artukoğlu B, Eicher V, Leckman J. Social and Adaptive Functioning in Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 391-404. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780197543214.003.0023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdaptive functioningAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderTourette syndromeThorough clinical assessmentCo-occurring disordersHyperactivity disorderQuality of lifePsychosocial interventionsClinical assessmentBehavioral disordersSymptom severityFunctioningStandardized ratingsDisordersActive investigationImpairmentSyndromeSeverityNeuroimmunoendocrinology of Tourette Syndrome
Martino D, Johnson I, Escobar A, Leckman J. Neuroimmunoendocrinology of Tourette Syndrome. 2022, 257-276. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780197543214.003.0016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTourette syndromeImmune-modulatory interventionsImmune competent cellsGeneration of ticsCortico-subcortical circuitsNormal brain developmentNeuroimmune interactionsKey molecular pathwaysGut dysbiosisAllergic illnessHigh riskImmune pathwaysPostnatal lifeTherapeutic interventionsImmune primingImmune systemRelated disordersNeural circuitsBrain developmentNeurodevelopmental disordersDisordersMolecular pathwaysSyndromeDate summaryMolecular mechanismsPhenomenology of Tics and Sensory Urges
Leckman J, Bloch M, Sukhodolsky D, Artukoğlu B, Scahill L, King R. Phenomenology of Tics and Sensory Urges. 2022, 6-25. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780197543214.003.0002.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
An examination of the relationship between regulatory T cells and symptom flare-ups in children and adolescents diagnosed with chronic tic disorder and Tourette syndrome
Yildirim Z, Karabekiroglu K, Yildiran A, Celiksoy MH, Artukoglu B, Baykal S, Babadağı Z, Leckman J. An examination of the relationship between regulatory T cells and symptom flare-ups in children and adolescents diagnosed with chronic tic disorder and Tourette syndrome. Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry 2020, 75: 18-24. PMID: 32580599, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2020.1779808.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTS/chronic tic disorderChronic tic disorderSex-matched healthy controlsModerate-severe groupHealthy controlsLymphocyte countTourette syndromeLymphocyte percentagePatient groupTic disordersHC groupControl groupT-helper lymphocyte countYale Global Tic Severity ScaleT helper (TH) (CD4) numberT-lymphocyte countsT lymphocyte numbersT-lymphocyte percentageRegulatory T cellsT cell valuesTic Severity ScaleTreg percentageChildhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorderLymphocyte numbersPhonic tics
What does immunology have to do with brain development and neuropsychiatric disorders?
Leckman J, Alvarenga P, Ravagnani B, Johnson I. What does immunology have to do with brain development and neuropsychiatric disorders? Revista De Medicina 2019, 98: 241-253. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1679-9836.v98i4p241-253.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmune systemNormal brain developmentBrain developmentNeuropsychiatric disordersNeural circuitsGut-brain axisRelevant review articlesAutism spectrum disorderObsessive-compulsive disorderBody of evidenceImmune cellsMood disordersValid biomarkersSubset of individualsTourette syndromeNovel interventionsNeurodegenerative disordersPersonalized approachLiterature searchDisordersMultiple biological systemsPathobiologyNeural developmentTraditional literature searchIndividual microbiomesRandomized, Sham-Controlled Trial of Real-Time Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neurofeedback for Tics in Adolescents With Tourette Syndrome
Sukhodolsky DG, Walsh C, Koller WN, Eilbott J, Rance M, Fulbright RK, Zhao Z, Bloch MH, King R, Leckman JF, Scheinost D, Pittman B, Hampson M. Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial of Real-Time Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neurofeedback for Tics in Adolescents With Tourette Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry 2019, 87: 1063-1070. PMID: 31668476, PMCID: PMC7015800, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.07.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSupplementary motor areaYale Global Tic Severity ScaleFunctional magnetic resonanceTic Severity ScaleReal-time functional magnetic resonanceTourette syndromeSeverity ScaleYale Global Tic Severity Scale-Total Tic ScoreTotal tic scorePrimary outcome measureSham control conditionReduction of ticsMagnetic resonanceSecondary outcomesSessions of neurofeedbackCrossover studyTic symptomsTic scoreOutcome measuresMotor areaSecondary measuresTic severityReal neurofeedbackEnd pointNeurofeedback intervention
Efficacy and Safety of Deep Brain Stimulation in Tourette Syndrome: The International Tourette Syndrome Deep Brain Stimulation Public Database and Registry
Martinez-Ramirez D, Jimenez-Shahed J, Leckman JF, Porta M, Servello D, Meng FG, Kuhn J, Huys D, Baldermann JC, Foltynie T, Hariz MI, Joyce EM, Zrinzo L, Kefalopoulou Z, Silburn P, Coyne T, Mogilner AY, Pourfar MH, Khandhar SM, Auyeung M, Ostrem JL, Visser-Vandewalle V, Welter ML, Mallet L, Karachi C, Houeto JL, Klassen BT, Ackermans L, Kaido T, Temel Y, Gross RE, Walker HC, Lozano AM, Walter BL, Mari Z, Anderson WS, Changizi BK, Moro E, Zauber SE, Schrock LE, Zhang JG, Hu W, Rizer K, Monari EH, Foote KD, Malaty IA, Deeb W, Gunduz A, Okun MS. Efficacy and Safety of Deep Brain Stimulation in Tourette Syndrome: The International Tourette Syndrome Deep Brain Stimulation Public Database and Registry. JAMA Neurology 2018, 75: 353-359. PMID: 29340590, PMCID: PMC5885852, DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2017.4317.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDeep brain stimulationGlobus pallidus internusTourette syndromeDBS implantationBrain stimulationAdverse eventsOutcome of DBSSafety of DBSYale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS) scoresPosterior globus pallidus internusOverall adverse event rateYale Global Tic Severity ScaleStimulation-induced adverse effectsMedically refractory symptomsImportant adverse eventsAdverse event ratesRefractory Tourette syndromeSeverity Scale scoreTic Severity ScaleSelf-injurious behaviorRefractory symptomsSymptomatic improvementIntracranial hemorrhageObsessive-compulsive disorderInternal capsule
Mortality risk in a nationwide cohort of individuals with tic disorders and with tourette syndrome
Meier SM, Dalsgaard S, Mortensen PB, Leckman JF, Plessen KJ. Mortality risk in a nationwide cohort of individuals with tic disorders and with tourette syndrome. Movement Disorders 2017, 32: 605-609. PMID: 28339122, DOI: 10.1002/mds.26939.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTic disordersTourette syndromePremature deathMortality riskProspective cohort studyMortality rate ratiosComorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderExclusion of individualsCohort studyObsessive-compulsive disorderClinical significancePsychiatric disordersPaternal ageSubstance abuseSyndromeHyperactivity disorderDisordersRate ratioDeathRiskCalendar yearAgeIndividualsCliniciansGilles de la Tourette syndrome
Robertson MM, Eapen V, Singer HS, Martino D, Scharf JM, Paschou P, Roessner V, Woods DW, Hariz M, Mathews CA, Črnčec R, Leckman JF. Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2017, 3: 16097. PMID: 28150698, DOI: 10.1038/nrdp.2016.97.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderFunctional brain anomaliesObsessive-compulsive disorderChildhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorderPathogenesis of GTSHyperactivity disorderMultiple common risk variantsNeurobiological dataConsiderable social stigmaNeural circuit levelTourette syndromeBehavioral methodsGilles deNeurodevelopmental disordersYears of ageFuture researchSocial stigmaBrain anomaliesPhonic ticsNeuropsychiatric disordersTargeted interventionsClinical phenotypeDisordersFunctional neurosurgeryDe novo mutationsTics and Tourette Syndrome
Sukhodolsky D, Gladstone T, Kaushal S, Piasecka J, Leckman J. Tics and Tourette Syndrome. Autism And Child Psychopathology Series 2017, 241-256. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71210-9_14.ChaptersHabit reversal trainingTourette syndromeBehavioral interventionsPathophysiology of TSComprehensive clinical careComprehensive Behavioral InterventionCore clinical characteristicsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderModerators of responseCo-occurring conditionsDisruptive behavior disordersClinical characteristicsChronic motorClinical efficacyTic expressionVocal ticsClinical recommendationsCo-occurring psychopathologyClinical careTic severityTreatment approachesPremonitory urgesBehavior disorderAnxiety disordersDiagnostic assessment
The International Deep Brain Stimulation Registry and Database for Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome: How Does It Work?
Deeb W, Rossi PJ, Porta M, Visser-Vandewalle V, Servello D, Silburn P, Coyne T, Leckman JF, Foltynie T, Hariz M, Joyce EM, Zrinzo L, Kefalopoulou Z, Welter ML, Karachi C, Mallet L, Houeto JL, Shahed-Jimenez J, Meng FG, Klassen BT, Mogilner AY, Pourfar MH, Kuhn J, Ackermans L, Kaido T, Temel Y, Gross RE, Walker HC, Lozano AM, Khandhar SM, Walter BL, Walter E, Mari Z, Changizi BK, Moro E, Baldermann JC, Huys D, Zauber SE, Schrock LE, Zhang JG, Hu W, Foote KD, Rizer K, Mink JW, Woods DW, Gunduz A, Okun MS. The International Deep Brain Stimulation Registry and Database for Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome: How Does It Work? Frontiers In Neuroscience 2016, 10: 170. PMID: 27199634, PMCID: PMC4842757, DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00170.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDeep brain stimulationTourette syndromeDBS centersSmall case seriesCombination of motorTourette AssociationCase seriesCase reportInternational registryBrain targetsMovement disordersVocal ticsRegulatory agency approvalParkinson's diseaseSevere casesBrain stimulationNeuropsychiatric diseasesRegistryBehavioral therapyGilles deT patientsDBS casesOverall small numberDiseaseAgency approvalN-Acetylcysteine in the Treatment of Pediatric Tourette Syndrome: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Add-On Trial
Bloch MH, Panza KE, Yaffa A, Alvarenga PG, Jakubovski E, Mulqueen JM, Landeros-Weisenberger A, Leckman JF. N-Acetylcysteine in the Treatment of Pediatric Tourette Syndrome: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Add-On Trial. Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2016, 26: 327-334. PMID: 27027204, PMCID: PMC6445198, DOI: 10.1089/cap.2015.0109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBenefit of NACEfficacy of NACYale Global Tic Severity ScaleAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderObsessive-compulsive disorderTourette syndromeN-acetylcysteineObsessive-compulsive spectrum disordersSide effectsRecent placebo-controlled trialPediatric Tourette syndromePlacebo-controlled trialCurrent pharmacological treatmentsTreatment of ticsTotal tic scoreSeverity of ticsSubstantial side effectsTic Severity ScaleYears of ageMinimal side effectsPediatric TSPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesGlutamatergic systemPharmacological treatmentOn the Nature of Separation Challenges and Attachment Solutions in Severe, Refractory Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (GTS): Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Has Been Helpful, But What About Rikki and Luci and Now Riley?
Leckman J. On the Nature of Separation Challenges and Attachment Solutions in Severe, Refractory Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (GTS): Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Has Been Helpful, But What About Rikki and Luci and Now Riley? 2016, 67-73. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42190-2_12.Peer-Reviewed Original Research