Non-alcohol-related cirrhosis leads to higher 6-week mortality after acute variceal bleeding than alcohol-related cirrhosis
Wong Y, Buckholz A, Sim A, Teng M, Wong R, Curry M, Anastasia DE Roza M, Baffy G, Teoh X, Chak E, Rustagi T, Chang J, Wee Wong G, Tandon P, Garcia-Tsao G, Abraldes J, Mohanty A, Fortune B. Non-alcohol-related cirrhosis leads to higher 6-week mortality after acute variceal bleeding than alcohol-related cirrhosis. Clinical Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2024 PMID: 39675401, DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2024.10.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute variceal bleedingALD cirrhosisVariceal bleedingPrognostic scoreCirrhosis etiologyPrediction of 6-week mortalityAcute variceal bleeding patientsNon-alcohol-related cirrhosisSeverity of liver diseaseEtiology of liver cirrhosisPropensity-score matching analysisMultivariate logistic regressionMulti-center cohortAVB patientsOverall cohortRisk stratificationLiver cirrhosisPatient populationCirrhosisLiver diseasePatientsAggregate cohortCohortMatching analysisEtiology
Further decompensation in cirrhosis: Results of a large multicenter cohort study supporting Baveno VII statements
D’Amico G, Zipprich A, Villanueva C, Sordà J, Morillas R, Garcovich M, Retortillo M, Martinez J, Calès P, D’Amico M, Dollinger M, García-Guix M, Ballerga E, Tsochatzis E, Cirera I, Albillos A, Roquin G, Pasta L, Colomo A, Daruich J, Canete N, Boursier J, Dallio M, Gasbarrini A, Iacobellis A, Gobbo G, Merli M, Federico A, Baroni G, Pozzoni P, Addario L, Chessa L, Ridola L, Garcia-Tsao G. Further decompensation in cirrhosis: Results of a large multicenter cohort study supporting Baveno VII statements. Hepatology 2023, 79: 869-881. PMID: 37916970, DOI: 10.1097/hep.0000000000000652.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMulticenter cohort studyFurther decompensationLiver transplantFirst decompensationCumulative incidenceCohort studyLarge multicenter cohort studyCause-specific Cox modelsFive-year probabilityHazard ratioPrognostic weightPrognostic indicatorDecompensationCirrhosisCox modelPatientsAdvanced stageTransplantIncidenceMortalityDeathAscitesComplicationsMonthsAASLD Practice Guidance on risk stratification and management of portal hypertension and varices in cirrhosis
Kaplan D, Ripoll C, Thiele M, Fortune B, Simonetto D, Garcia-Tsao G, Bosch J. AASLD Practice Guidance on risk stratification and management of portal hypertension and varices in cirrhosis. Hepatology 2023, 79: 1180-1211. PMID: 37870298, DOI: 10.1097/hep.0000000000000647.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsControversies regarding albumin therapy in cirrhosis
Trebicka J, Garcia-Tsao G. Controversies regarding albumin therapy in cirrhosis. Hepatology 2023, 81: 288-303. PMID: 37540192, PMCID: PMC11643133, DOI: 10.1097/hep.0000000000000521.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsSpontaneous bacterial peritonitisBacterial peritonitisAcute kidney injuryLarge-volume paracentesisSerum albumin levelChronic liver diseaseUse of albuminHepatorenal syndromeAdvanced cirrhosisAlbumin infusionKidney injuryAlbumin therapyAlbumin levelsAlbumin useProinflammatory stateLiver diseasePatient selectionVolume overloadPoor outcomeHigh oxidative stressCirrhosisPathophysiological relevanceOxidative stressPeritonitisAlbuminWED-355 Prognostic significance of individual decompensating events in stable decompensated outpatients with cirrhosis using a multi-center cohort
Bajaj J, Garcia-Tsao G, Tandon P, Lai J, O’Leary J, Vargas H, Biggins S, Kamath P, Wong F, Shaw J, Mbachi C, Ikahihifo-Bender J, Thacker L, Reddy K. WED-355 Prognostic significance of individual decompensating events in stable decompensated outpatients with cirrhosis using a multi-center cohort. Journal Of Hepatology 2023, 78: s258. DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8278(23)00825-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWED-352 Gender differences in the patient-reported outcomes and perception of ascites burden amongst outpatients with decompensated cirrhosis and ascites
Wong F, Reddy K, Tandon P, Lai J, Garcia-Tsao G, O’Leary J, Biggins S, Vargas H, Thacker L, Bajaj J. WED-352 Gender differences in the patient-reported outcomes and perception of ascites burden amongst outpatients with decompensated cirrhosis and ascites. Journal Of Hepatology 2023, 78: s256. DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8278(23)00822-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLBP-09 Further decompensation as a new prognostic stage in cirrhosis. Results of a large multicenter cohort study supporting Baveno VII statements
D’Amico G, Garcia-Tsao G, Zipprich A, Villanueva C, Sorda J, Morillas R, Garcovich M, García-Retortillo M, Martinez J, Cales P, D’Amico M, Dollinger M, Garcia-Guix M, Ballerga E, Tsochatzis E, Cirera I, Albillos A, Roquin G, Pasta L, Colomo A, Hidalgo N, Boursier J, Dallio M, Gasbarrini A, Angelo I, Gobbo G, Merli M, Federico A, Svegliati-Baroni G, Pozzoni P, Addario L, Chessa L, Ridola L, Burroughs A. LBP-09 Further decompensation as a new prognostic stage in cirrhosis. Results of a large multicenter cohort study supporting Baveno VII statements. Journal Of Hepatology 2023, 78: s105-s106. DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8278(23)00591-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEmerging concepts in the care of patients with cirrhosis and septic shock
Jimenez J, Garcia-Tsao G, Saffo S. Emerging concepts in the care of patients with cirrhosis and septic shock. World Journal Of Hepatology 2023, 15: 497-514. PMID: 37206653, PMCID: PMC10190696, DOI: 10.4254/wjh.v15.i4.497.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsCare of patientsSeptic shockLandmark clinical trialsClinical practice guidelinesPathophysiology-based approachChronic hypotensionDecompensated cirrhosisImmunologic disturbancesIntravenous fluidsClinical trialsPractice guidelinesCirrhosisRoutine interventionGeneral populationPatientsLactate metabolismCareHigh rateContext of factorsHypotensionVasopressorsMorbidityPopulationCritical knowledge gapsMortalityMedications for alcohol use disorder improve survival in patients with hazardous drinking and alcohol-associated cirrhosis
Rabiee A, Mahmud N, Falker C, Garcia-Tsao G, Taddei T, Kaplan D. Medications for alcohol use disorder improve survival in patients with hazardous drinking and alcohol-associated cirrhosis. Hepatology Communications 2023, 7: e0093. PMID: 36972386, PMCID: PMC10043587, DOI: 10.1097/hc9.0000000000000093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol-associated cirrhosisAlcohol use disorderUse disordersCause mortalityImproved survivalPropensity scoreInpatient diagnosis codesRetrospective cohort studyCox regression analysisActive alcohol useCirrhosis decompensationCohort studyConcurrent diagnosisLiver diseasePotential confoundersDiagnosis codesVeteran outcomesCirrhosis diagnosisStrong negative predictorCirrhosisPatientsHazardous drinkingAlcohol use behaviorsCosts AssociatedAlcohol useAcute Kidney Injury in Patients with Cirrhosis
Nadim M, Garcia-Tsao G. Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Cirrhosis. New England Journal Of Medicine 2023, 388: 733-745. PMID: 36812435, DOI: 10.1056/nejmra2215289.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus Statements
Endovascular Assessment of Liver Hemodynamics in Patients with Cirrhosis Complicated by Portal Hypertension
Ferral H, Schepis F, Gaba R, Garcia-Tsao G, Zanetto A, Perez-Campuzano V, Haskal Z, Garcia-Pagan J. Endovascular Assessment of Liver Hemodynamics in Patients with Cirrhosis Complicated by Portal Hypertension. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 34: 327-336. PMID: 36516940, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2022.12.014.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsHepatic venous pressure gradientPortal hypertensionPortosystemic pressure gradientTransjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shuntVenous pressure gradientIntrahepatic portosystemic shuntSurgical patientsRisk stratificationHemodynamic measurementsPortosystemic shuntLiver hemodynamicsTreatment optionsShunt diameterMeticulous techniquePatientsClinical practiceGold standardHypertensionManagement optionsPressure gradientCirrhosisComplicatedHemodynamicsOptionsShuntAssociation of serum metabolites and gut microbiota at hospital admission with nosocomial infection development in patients with cirrhosis
Bajaj JS, Reddy KR, Tandon P, Garcia‐Tsao G, Kamath PS, O'Leary JG, Wong F, Lai J, Vargas H, Thuluvath PJ, Subramanian RM, Pena‐Rodriguez M, Sikaroodi M, Thacker LR, Gillevet PM. Association of serum metabolites and gut microbiota at hospital admission with nosocomial infection development in patients with cirrhosis. Liver Transplantation 2022, 28: 1831-1840. PMID: 36017804, PMCID: PMC11097235, DOI: 10.1002/lt.26552.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNosocomial infectionsGut microbiotaAnalysis of covariancePoor outcomeClinical variablesSerum metabolitesCommensal microbiotaNI developmentIntensive care unit transferHigh MELD scoreLiquid chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomicsSpontaneous bacterial peritonitisCommon nosocomial infectionAdmission WBCHospital courseInpatient outcomesMELD scoreBacterial peritonitisHospital admissionOrgan failureStool microbiotaSerum metabolomicsStool samplesCirrhosisPatientsNoninvasive predictors of clinically significant portal hypertension in NASH cirrhosis: Validation of ANTICIPATE models and development of a lab‐based model
Rabiee A, Deng Y, Ciarleglio M, Chan JL, Pons M, Genesca J, Garcia‐Tsao G. Noninvasive predictors of clinically significant portal hypertension in NASH cirrhosis: Validation of ANTICIPATE models and development of a lab‐based model. Hepatology Communications 2022, 6: 3324-3334. PMID: 36214066, PMCID: PMC9701481, DOI: 10.1002/hep4.2091.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatic venous pressure gradientSignificant portal hypertensionTransient elastographyNASH cirrhosisPortal hypertensionFibrosis-4 indexPresence of CSPHVenous pressure gradientNonalcoholic steatohepatitis cirrhosisBody mass indexLiver stiffness measurementGood calibrationCompensated cirrhosisFIB-4Mass indexPlatelet countValidation cohortNoninvasive predictorTraining cohortBaseline riskLaboratory valuesCirrhosisHigh riskSeparate cohortNoninvasive surrogatePlasma Proteomic Profiling Illustrates Endothelial and Complement Signature in Patients with Alcohol-Associated Cirrhosis
Allen C, Butt A, Zhao X, Li F, Bahel P, Chang C, Chun H, Gu S, Hwa J, Jakab S, Chen B, Garcia-Tsao G, Rinder H, To U, McConnell M, Lee A, Pine A. Plasma Proteomic Profiling Illustrates Endothelial and Complement Signature in Patients with Alcohol-Associated Cirrhosis. Blood 2022, 140: 8382-8383. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2022-162633.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRole of Oral Health, Frailty, and Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in the Risk of Hospitalization: A Prospective Multi-Center Cohort of Outpatients With Cirrhosis
Bajaj J, Lai J, Tandon P, O'Leary J, Wong F, Garcia-Tsao G, Vargas H, Kamath P, Biggins S, Limon-Miro A, Shaw J, Mbachi C, Chew M, Golob Deeb J, Thacker L, Reddy K. Role of Oral Health, Frailty, and Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in the Risk of Hospitalization: A Prospective Multi-Center Cohort of Outpatients With Cirrhosis. Clinical Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2022, 21: 1864-1872.e2. PMID: 36328307, PMCID: PMC11057906, DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2022.10.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor oral healthOral healthMulti-center cohortCirrhosis detailsComorbid conditionsLiver diseaseEnd-stage liver diseaseMulti-center cohort studyRisk of hospitalizationPortal hypertensive complicationsMinimal hepatic encephalopathyNew study cohortMulti-variable analysisCirrhosis complicationsNonelective hospitalizationPeriodontitis historyPrior HEFrailty assessmentFrailty scoreHypertensive complicationsCohort studyHepatic encephalopathyStudy cohortRisk factorsCirrhosisPreventing Further Decompensation: Consensus Statements of Panel 7
Garcia-Tsao G, Reiberger T, Bureau C, D’Amico G, La Mura V, Piano S, Tandon P, Turco L. Preventing Further Decompensation: Consensus Statements of Panel 7. 2022, 579-583. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-08552-9_51.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConcept of Further Decompensation and Recompensation
D’Amico G, Garcia-Tsao G. Concept of Further Decompensation and Recompensation. 2022, 523-535. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-08552-9_47.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTHU494 Serum metabolites on admission associate with the development of nosocomial infections in inpatients with cirrhosis
Bajaj J, O’Leary J, Tandon P, Garcia-Tsao G, Kamath P, Thuluvath P, Subramanian R, Vargas H, McGeorge S, Fagan A, Wong F, Lai J, Thacker L, Reddy R. THU494 Serum metabolites on admission associate with the development of nosocomial infections in inpatients with cirrhosis. Journal Of Hepatology 2022, 77: s339-s340. DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8278(22)01041-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPortal pressure reductions induced by nonselective beta‐blockers improve outcomes and decrease mortality in patients with cirrhosis with and without ascites
Turco L, García‐Tsao G. Portal pressure reductions induced by nonselective beta‐blockers improve outcomes and decrease mortality in patients with cirrhosis with and without ascites. Clinical Liver Disease 2022, 20: 1-4. PMID: 35899241, PMCID: PMC9306434, DOI: 10.1002/cld.1210.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSAT496 SBP vs. non-SBP bacterial infections at admission have comparable outcomes in a multi-center cohort of inpatients with cirrhosis
O’Leary J, Reddy K, Tandon P, Kamath P, Garcia-Tsao G, Wong F, Lai J, Subramanian R, Thuluvath P, Maliakkal B, Vargas H, Biggins S, Thacker L, Bajaj J. SAT496 SBP vs. non-SBP bacterial infections at admission have comparable outcomes in a multi-center cohort of inpatients with cirrhosis. Journal Of Hepatology 2022, 77: s887-s888. DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8278(22)02066-9.Peer-Reviewed Original Research