Pilot evaluation of a second-generation electronic pill box for adherence to Bedaquiline and antiretroviral therapy in drug-resistant TB/HIV co-infected patients in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Bionghi N, Daftary A, Maharaj B, Msibi Z, Amico K, Friedland G, Orrell C, Padayatchi N, O’Donnell M. Pilot evaluation of a second-generation electronic pill box for adherence to Bedaquiline and antiretroviral therapy in drug-resistant TB/HIV co-infected patients in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. BMC Infectious Diseases 2018, 18: 171. PMID: 29642874, PMCID: PMC5896111, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-018-3080-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnti-retroviral therapySeven-day recallPill countMedication adherenceWisepill deviceTreatment regimensTB/HIV co-infected patientsHIV co-infected adultsHIV co-infected patientsDrug-resistant tuberculosis treatmentCo-infected adultsCo-infected patientsDR-TB treatmentPilot study patientsWeekly pill countsComplex treatment regimensElectronic pill boxesLevel of adherenceTB regimensAdherence supportAntiretroviral therapyHIV patientsStudy patientsMethodsEligible patientsNew antimycobacterial drugs
Integrating Community-Based Interventions to Reverse the Convergent TB/HIV Epidemics in Rural South Africa
Gilbert JA, Long EF, Brooks RP, Friedland GH, Moll AP, Townsend JP, Galvani AP, Shenoi SV. Integrating Community-Based Interventions to Reverse the Convergent TB/HIV Epidemics in Rural South Africa. PLOS ONE 2015, 10: e0126267. PMID: 25938501, PMCID: PMC4418809, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126267.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAnti-HIV AgentsAntitubercular AgentsHIV InfectionsHumansMiddle AgedSouth AfricaTuberculosisYoung AdultConceptsTB/HIVHIV control strategiesMDR-TBXDR-TBHIV deathsHIV casesHIV epidemicRural South AfricaTB/HIV casesTB treatment delayIsoniazid preventive therapyDrug-resistant TBHIV treatment programsTreatment cure ratesHIV case findingHIV control effortsNovel screening programPreventive therapyTB casesTB treatmentTreatment delayHIV transmissionCure rateQuestionnaire's sensitivityScreening program
Improved survival in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients receiving integrated tuberculosis and antiretroviral treatment in the SAPiT Trial
Padayatchi N, Abdool Karim SS, Naidoo K, Grobler A, Friedland G. Improved survival in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients receiving integrated tuberculosis and antiretroviral treatment in the SAPiT Trial. The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2014, 18: 147-154. PMID: 24429305, PMCID: PMC4770013, DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.13.0627.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisMDR-TB patientsSequential treatment armAnti-tuberculosis treatmentAntiretroviral treatmentTreatment armsFirst-line anti-tuberculosis treatmentMultidrug-resistant tuberculosis patientsHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infectionImmunodeficiency virus infectionOut-patient clinicDrug susceptibility resultsSAPiT trialTuberculosis patientsClinical outcomesEarly initiationTherapeutic effectVirus infectionMortality ratePatientsTherapeutic outcomesSmall sample sizeTreatmentSusceptibility resultsTuberculosis
Investigation of the Interactions between Methadone and Elvitegravir-Cobicistat in Subjects Receiving Chronic Methadone Maintenance
Bruce RD, Winkle P, Custodio JM, Wei X, Rhee MS, Kearney BP, Ramanathan S, Friedland GH. Investigation of the Interactions between Methadone and Elvitegravir-Cobicistat in Subjects Receiving Chronic Methadone Maintenance. Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy 2013, 57: 6154-6157. PMID: 24080665, PMCID: PMC3837895, DOI: 10.1128/aac.01229-13.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEVG/COBIBaseline valuesEffect of elvitegravirOpioid-dependence therapiesHIV-seronegative subjectsConcentration-time curveChronic methadone maintenanceDependence therapyOpioid withdrawalMethadone pharmacokineticsDosing periodMethadone maintenanceHistorical controlsPharmacodynamic studiesPharmacokinetic parametersMethadoneCobicistatElvitegravirMean areaAUCtauPharmacodynamicsCmaxSubjectsCOBISteady-state evaluation
Integrated, home-based treatment for MDR-TB and HIV in rural South Africa: an alternate model of care [Perspectives]
Brust J, Shah N, Scott M, Chaiyachati K, Lygizos M, van der Merwe T, Bamber S, Radebe Z, Loveday M, Moll A, Margot B, Lalloo U, Friedland G, Gandhi N. Integrated, home-based treatment for MDR-TB and HIV in rural South Africa: an alternate model of care [Perspectives]. The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2012, 16: 998-1004. PMID: 22668560, PMCID: PMC3390442, DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.11.0713.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAmbulatory CareAnti-HIV AgentsAntitubercular AgentsAttitude of Health PersonnelCaregiversCD4 Lymphocyte CountCoinfectionDelivery of Health Care, IntegratedFeasibility StudiesFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHIV InfectionsHome Care ServicesHumansMaleMedication AdherenceOrganizational ObjectivesPatient Care TeamProgram DevelopmentProgram EvaluationRural Health ServicesSocial SupportSouth AfricaTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeTuberculosis, Multidrug-ResistantViral LoadConceptsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisHome-based treatmentHIV treatmentAdverse reactionsTreatment outcomesTreatment programHigh HIV prevalent settingsMDR-TB treatmentEscalation of careSevere adverse eventsHIV treatment programsHIV-prevalent settingsCommunity health workersCo-infection ratePatient treatment programTreatment modelPromising treatment modelNew treatment modelRural KwaZulu-NatalHIV-coMonthly culturesAdherence supportAdverse eventsClinical responseHIV outcomesA Randomized Controlled Trial of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Versus Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Chemotherapy in Therapy-Naive Patients With HIV-Associated Kaposi Sarcoma in South Africa
Mosam A, Shaik F, Uldrick TS, Esterhuizen T, Friedland GH, Scadden DT, Aboobaker J, Coovadia HM. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Versus Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Chemotherapy in Therapy-Naive Patients With HIV-Associated Kaposi Sarcoma in South Africa. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2012, 60: 150-157. PMID: 22395672, PMCID: PMC3360837, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0b013e318251aedd.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV-KSKing Edward VIII HospitalSymptomatic visceral diseaseActive antiretroviral therapyOpen-label trialTreatment-naive patientsTertiary referral centerAdministration of chemotherapyHAART armUrgent chemotherapyAntiretroviral therapyReferral centerVisceral diseaseTreat analysisKaposi's sarcomaHAARTChemotherapySaharan AfricaOptimal approachHIVLamivudinePatientsSarcomaStavudineNevirapine
Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in children with human immunodeficiency virus in rural South Africa.
Thomas TA, Shenoi SV, Heysell SK, Eksteen FJ, Sunkari VB, Gandhi NR, Friedland G, Shah NS. Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in children with human immunodeficiency virus in rural South Africa. The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2010, 14: 1244-51. PMID: 20843414, PMCID: PMC3030274.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virusXDR-TB diagnosisXDR-TBDrug-resistant tuberculosisPediatric wardImmunodeficiency virusRural South AfricaXDR-TB patientsXDR-TB treatmentActive antiretroviral therapySputum culture conversionNeuropsychiatric side effectsHospital pediatric wardInfection control policiesCulture conversionAntiretroviral therapyRadiographic improvementNosocomial transmissionOverlapping toxicitiesMicrobiologic dataHIV treatmentMedical recordsMicrobiologic diagnosisHIV therapyPrevious historyPharmacokinetic Interactions Between Buprenorphine/Naloxone and Once-Daily Lopinavir/Ritonavir
Bruce RD, Altice FL, Moody DE, Morse GD, Andrews L, Lin SN, Fang WB, Ma Q, Friedland GH. Pharmacokinetic Interactions Between Buprenorphine/Naloxone and Once-Daily Lopinavir/Ritonavir. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2010, 54: 511-514. PMID: 20672450, PMCID: PMC4841260, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0b013e3181d3cad3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLPV/rBuprenorphine/naloxoneHIV-seronegative subjectsLopinavir/ritonavirOpioid withdrawalPharmacokinetic interactionsDaily lopinavir/ritonavirDaily LPV/rSteady-state pharmacokinetic evaluationBuprenorphine pharmacokineticsR administrationDosage modificationNaloxone concentrationsHistorical controlsPharmacodynamic responseAUC0-24hBaseline valuesPharmacokinetic evaluationNaloxonePharmacokinetic studySignificant differencesRitonavirNLXCmaxClearanceTreatment of medical, psychiatric, and substance-use comorbidities in people infected with HIV who use drugs
Altice FL, Kamarulzaman A, Soriano VV, Schechter M, Friedland GH. Treatment of medical, psychiatric, and substance-use comorbidities in people infected with HIV who use drugs. The Lancet 2010, 376: 367-387. PMID: 20650518, PMCID: PMC4855280, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(10)60829-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAIDS-Related Opportunistic InfectionsAnti-HIV AgentsAntipsychotic AgentsAntitubercular AgentsAntiviral AgentsBacterial InfectionsComorbidityCriminal LawDrug InteractionsDrug Resistance, BacterialEvidence-Based MedicineHepatitis, Viral, HumanHIV InfectionsHumansMedication AdherenceMental DisordersNarcoticsPrisonersSubstance-Related DisordersTuberculosisConceptsSubstance use disordersDrug usersAntiretroviral therapyViral hepatitisHIV treatmentHealth of HIVPharmacokinetic drug interactionsSubstance use comorbiditiesMedication-assisted therapyEvidence-based treatmentsDrug-resistant strainsHealth-related outcomesHealth service deliveryInfectious complicationsMultiple comorbiditiesHIV infectionPsychiatric comorbidityPoor adherenceClinical managementCardiovascular diseaseInadequate prescriptionCongregate settingsDrug interactionsComorbiditiesHIV
Successful Integration of Tuberculosis and HIV Treatment in Rural South Africa: The Sizonq'oba Study
Gandhi NR, Moll AP, Lalloo U, Pawinski R, Zeller K, Moodley P, Meyer E, Friedland G. Successful Integration of Tuberculosis and HIV Treatment in Rural South Africa: The Sizonq'oba Study. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2009, 50: 37-43. PMID: 19295333, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0b013e31818ce6c4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTB/HIV-coinfected patientsHIV treatmentCubic millimeterCD4 count increaseDaily antiretroviral therapyImmune reconstitution eventsIntegration of tuberculosisMedian CD4 countUndetectable viral loadSevere adverse eventsDrug-resistant tuberculosisRural resource-poor settingsCause of deathHome-based therapyResource-poor settingsRural KwaZulu-NatalARV dosesTreatment defaultAntiretroviral therapyCD4 countHIV careOperational research studyTB patientsAdverse eventsObserved therapy
Mild-to-Moderate Symptoms during the First Year of Antiretroviral Therapy Worsen Quality of Life in HIV-Infected Individuals
Mannheimer SB, Wold N, Gardner EM, Telzak EE, Hullsiek K, Chesney M, Wu AW, MacArthur RD, Matts J, Friedland G, AIDS T. Mild-to-Moderate Symptoms during the First Year of Antiretroviral Therapy Worsen Quality of Life in HIV-Infected Individuals. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008, 46: 941-945. PMID: 18279044, DOI: 10.1086/528859.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA randomized comparison of two instruments for measuring self-reported antiretroviral adherence
Mannheimer S, Thackeray L, Hullsiek K, Chesney M, Gardner E, Wu A, Telzak E, Lawrence J, Baxter J, Friedland G, Aids F. A randomized comparison of two instruments for measuring self-reported antiretroviral adherence. AIDS Care 2008, 20: 161-169. PMID: 18293124, DOI: 10.1080/09540120701534699.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSelf-reported adherenceImmunologic outcomesAntiretroviral adherenceStudy visitRecall instrumentSelf-reported antiretroviral adherenceCD4 cells/HIV resistance mutationsMultidrug-resistant HIVSelf-report instrumentVirologic failureAntiretroviral medicationsHIV diseaseMonth 12Randomized comparisonClinical trialsTreatment strategiesAdherence levelsResistance mutationsAdherenceCells/VisitsTrialsDaysMedianThe Impact of Episodic CD4 Cell Count-Guided Antiretroviral Therapy on Quality of Life
Burman WJ, Grund B, Roediger MP, Friedland G, Darbyshire J, Wu AW. The Impact of Episodic CD4 Cell Count-Guided Antiretroviral Therapy on Quality of Life. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2008, 47: 185-193. PMID: 17971716, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0b013e31815acaa4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsQuality of lifeEpisodic antiretroviral therapyAntiretroviral therapyDisease progressionQoL assessmentTherapy groupInferior QOLMedian CD4 lymphocyte countContinuous therapy groupExcellent general healthCD4 cell countCD4 lymphocyte countCells/mm3HIV disease progressionCurrent healthAntiretroviral Therapy studyTherapy armMean followContinuous therapyLymphocyte countAnalog scaleQOL outcomesGeneral healthQOL instrumentsQoL comparisons
Antiretroviral Treatment Regimen Outcomes Among HIV-Infected Prisoners
Springer SA, Friedland GH, Doros G, Pesanti E, Altice FL. Antiretroviral Treatment Regimen Outcomes Among HIV-Infected Prisoners. HIV Research & Clinical Practice 2007, 8: 205-212. PMID: 17720660, PMCID: PMC2409059, DOI: 10.1310/hct0804-205.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntiretroviral therapyImmunological outcomesHIV-1 RNA levelsCells/mulActive antiretroviral therapyEffective antiretroviral therapyRetrospective cohort studyDuration of therapyKaplan-Meier curvesHIV-1 RNAProportion of subjectsHAART strategyTriple NRTICohort studyCopies/Incarceration periodsTreatment strategiesHigh prevalenceMean changeStudy groupNRTIsHIVTherapyRNA levelsLaboratory dataManaging multiple and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV
Padayatchi N, Friedland G. Managing multiple and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV. Expert Opinion On Pharmacotherapy 2007, 8: 1035-1037. PMID: 17516869, DOI: 10.1517/14656566.8.8.1035.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Development and Assessment of an Innovative Culturally Sensitive Educational Videotape to Improve Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Soweto, South Africa
Wong IY, Lawrence NV, Struthers H, McIntyre J, Friedland GH. Development and Assessment of an Innovative Culturally Sensitive Educational Videotape to Improve Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Soweto, South Africa. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2006, 43: s142-s148. PMID: 17133198, DOI: 10.1097/01.qai.0000248345.02760.03.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEducational videotapeARV-naive patientsMedication-taking experiencesHIV-positive patientsActive antiretroviral therapyPatient education programHealth care providersAntiretroviral therapyARV therapyMedication therapyMedication takingAdequate adherenceAdherence counsellorsPatient understandingCare providersSide effectsPotential efficacyPatientsTherapyAdherenceFurther studiesIndividual adherencePreliminary findingsFocus groupsMeasurable benefitsSustained Benefit From a Long-Term Antiretroviral Adherence Intervention
Mannheimer SB, Morse E, Matts JP, Andrews L, Child C, Schmetter B, Friedland GH. Sustained Benefit From a Long-Term Antiretroviral Adherence Intervention. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2006, 43: s41-s47. PMID: 17091022, DOI: 10.1097/01.qai.0000245887.58886.ac.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdherence supportAdherence interventionsClinical trialsMedian baseline CD4 countLong-term medication adherenceLarge randomized clinical trialsMM participantsAntiretroviral Adherence InterventionARV-naive individualsBaseline CD4 countFirst virologic failureIntervention clinical trialsRandomized clinical trialsMedication managersCD4 countVirologic failureVirologic outcomesCD4 cellsARV therapyHIV outcomesMedication adherenceMM subgroupsMM groupCluster randomizationCells/HIV Medication Adherence
Friedland GH. HIV Medication Adherence. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2006, 43: s3-s9. PMID: 17133202, DOI: 10.1097/01.qai.0000248333.44449.ea.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdministration of efavirenz (600 mg/day) with rifampicin results in highly variable levels but excellent clinical outcomes in patients treated for tuberculosis and HIV
Friedland G, Khoo S, Jack C, Lalloo U. Administration of efavirenz (600 mg/day) with rifampicin results in highly variable levels but excellent clinical outcomes in patients treated for tuberculosis and HIV. Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2006, 58: 1299-1302. PMID: 17032686, DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkl399.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAlkynesAntibiotics, AntitubercularAnti-HIV AgentsBenzoxazinesCD4 Lymphocyte CountChromatography, High Pressure LiquidCyclopropanesDidanosineDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleHIV InfectionsHumansLamivudineLongitudinal StudiesMaleOxazinesRifampinTreatment OutcomeTuberculosis, PulmonaryViral LoadConceptsExcellent clinical outcomesEfavirenz concentrationsClinical outcomesAntiretroviral therapyEfavirenz levelsAfrican patientsNon-detectable viral loadSmear-positive pulmonary TBLong-term clinical outcomesAdministration of efavirenzCD4 cell increaseHIV clinical outcomesPlasma efavirenz concentrationsCells/mm3Half of patientsTB regimenPulmonary TBPharmacokinetic interactionsTB outcomesTherapy completionRifampicin administrationViral loadTherapeutic rangePatientsHIVPharmacokinetic Drug Interactions Between Opioid Agonist Therapy and Antiretroviral Medications
Bruce RD, Altice FL, Gourevitch MN, Friedland GH. Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions Between Opioid Agonist Therapy and Antiretroviral Medications. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2006, 41: 563-572. PMID: 16652030, DOI: 10.1097/01.qai.0000219769.89679.ec.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeAnalgesics, OpioidAnti-HIV AgentsBuprenorphineDrug InteractionsHIV InfectionsHumansMethadoneConceptsPharmacokinetic drug interactionsOpioid agonist therapyDrug interactionsAgonist therapyAntiretroviral therapyAntiretroviral medicationsImportant pharmacokinetic drug interactionsClinical case seriesImportant clinical consequencesClass of agentsHIV/AIDSPharmacokinetic interaction studyAntiretroviral agentsCase seriesOpioid dependenceHIV treatmentTreatable diseaseHIV therapyClinical consequencesFollowing keywordsMethadoneTherapyClinical implicationsLanguage articlesMedications