The SAPIT trial provides essential evidence on risks and benefits of integrated and sequential treatment of HIV and tuberculosis
Karim Q, Karim S, Baxter C, Friedland G, Gengiah T, Gray A, Grobler A, Naidoo K, Padayatchi N, El-Sadr W. The SAPIT trial provides essential evidence on risks and benefits of integrated and sequential treatment of HIV and tuberculosis. South African Medical Journal 2010, 100: 808-809. PMID: 21414268, DOI: 10.7196/samj.4621.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe KAART Trial: a randomized controlled trial of HAART compared to the combination of HAART and \chemotherapy in treatment-naïve patients with HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma (HIV-KS) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa
Mosam A, Shaik F, Uldrick T, Friedland G, Scadden D, Aboobaker J, Coovadia H. The KAART Trial: a randomized controlled trial of HAART compared to the combination of HAART and \chemotherapy in treatment-naïve patients with HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma (HIV-KS) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa. Infectious Agents And Cancer 2010, 5: a80. PMCID: PMC3002744, DOI: 10.1186/1750-9378-5-s1-a80.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHAART and response to therapy improve quality of life (QOL) of African patients with advanced HIV-associated Kaposi’s sarcoma (HIV-KS): a prospective analysis of QOL in the KAART trial
Mosam A, Shaik F, Uldrick T, Esterhuizen T, Friedland G, Scadden D, Aboobaker J, Coovadia H. HAART and response to therapy improve quality of life (QOL) of African patients with advanced HIV-associated Kaposi’s sarcoma (HIV-KS): a prospective analysis of QOL in the KAART trial. Infectious Agents And Cancer 2010, 5: a30. PMCID: PMC3002689, DOI: 10.1186/1750-9378-5-s1-a30.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A randomized comparison of two instruments for measuring self-reported antiretroviral adherence
Mannheimer S, Thackeray L, Hullsiek K, Chesney M, Gardner E, Wu A, Telzak E, Lawrence J, Baxter J, Friedland G, Aids F. A randomized comparison of two instruments for measuring self-reported antiretroviral adherence. AIDS Care 2008, 20: 161-169. PMID: 18293124, DOI: 10.1080/09540120701534699.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSelf-reported adherenceImmunologic outcomesAntiretroviral adherenceStudy visitRecall instrumentSelf-reported antiretroviral adherenceCD4 cells/HIV resistance mutationsMultidrug-resistant HIVSelf-report instrumentVirologic failureAntiretroviral medicationsHIV diseaseMonth 12Randomized comparisonClinical trialsTreatment strategiesAdherence levelsResistance mutationsAdherenceCells/VisitsTrialsDaysMedian
The Consistency of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Predicts Biologic Outcomes for Human Immunodeficiency Virus—Infected Persons in Clinical Trials
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Recruitment in AIDS Clinical Trials: Investigation of Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Factors Affecting Participation in Clinical Research
Ethier K, Rodriguez M, Fox-Tierney R, Martin C, Friedland G, Ickovics J. Recruitment in AIDS Clinical Trials: Investigation of Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Factors Affecting Participation in Clinical Research. AIDS And Behavior 1999, 3: 219-230. DOI: 10.1023/a:1025456527845.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTrial participantsIDU historyClinical trialsAIDS clinical trialsGroup of HIVTrial regimenMedical therapyPsychosocial factorsHIV therapeuticsClinical researchTrial resultsTrialsBehavioral factorsHIVSociodemographic dimensionsPrimary objectiveParticipantsNonparticipantsRegimenPatientsTherapyMSMSociodemographicsRecruitment
Stavudine (d4T, Zerit®)
Friedland G, Dunkle L, Cross A. Stavudine (d4T, Zerit®). Advances In Experimental Medicine And Biology 1996, 394: 271-277. PMID: 8815691, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4757-9209-6_24.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdvanced HIV-1 infectionEffects of stavudinePrior zidovudine therapyHIV-1 infectionImmunologic deteriorationAcceptable toxicityZidovudine therapyHIV diseaseClinical benefitSuch therapySurrogate markerClinical trialsDrug AdministrationStavudineTherapyBeneficial effectsU.S. FoodPatientsInfectionDiseaseAdministrationProgressionTrials