Biomechanical Impact of Phosphate Wasting on Articular Cartilage Using the Murine Hyp Model of X‐linked hypophosphatemia
Macica C, Tommasini S. Biomechanical Impact of Phosphate Wasting on Articular Cartilage Using the Murine Hyp Model of X‐linked hypophosphatemia. JBMR Plus 2023, 7: e10796. PMID: 37808393, PMCID: PMC10556269, DOI: 10.1002/jbm4.10796.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWT miceHyp miceMechanical propertiesArticular cartilageTrabecular bone volumeProgression of osteoarthritisEtiology of osteoarthritisRange of motionSubchondral bone plateOral phosphateDegenerative osteoarthritisTibial articular cartilageDaily livingAC stiffnessBone volumeTherapeutic restorationOsteoarthritisStructural stiffnessCompressive loadingMicePeak loadTherapyCellular changesMineral deficitStress relaxation
The Enthesopathy of XLH Is a Mechanical Adaptation to Osteomalacia: Biomechanical Evidence from Hyp Mice
Macica CM, Luo J, Tommasini SM. The Enthesopathy of XLH Is a Mechanical Adaptation to Osteomalacia: Biomechanical Evidence from Hyp Mice. Calcified Tissue International 2022, 111: 313-322. PMID: 35618776, DOI: 10.1007/s00223-022-00989-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUltimate strengthLoading conditionsMaximum strainNormal loading conditionsTensile testsMechanical propertiesTensile stiffnessWT miceHyp miceMechanical loadingMechanical stressBiomechanical testingSoft boneStiffnessBone matrixAlkaline phosphataseMajor comorbiditiesAchilles insertionClinical picturePhysical functionMechanical adaptationHyperplastic expansionMurine modelTriceps suraeStrength
Vibrational spectroscopic analysis of hydroxyapatite in HYP mice and individuals with X-linked hypophosphatemia
Amenta E, King HE, Petermann H, Uskoković V, Tommasini SM, Macica CM. Vibrational spectroscopic analysis of hydroxyapatite in HYP mice and individuals with X-linked hypophosphatemia. Therapeutic Advances In Chronic Disease 2018, 9: 268-281. PMID: 30719271, PMCID: PMC6348532, DOI: 10.1177/2040622318804753.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUnaffected controlsPhosphate-wasting disordersWild-type micePersistent osteomalaciaDegenerative arthritisPeriodontal diseasePrimary teethPermanent teethFemoral cortical boneAdult disordersNeutral endopeptidaseHyp miceBone remodelingBiochemical milieuXLHCommon formCortical boneUse of dentinHypophosphatemiaSignificant differencesTeethInactivating mutationBoneUnaffected individualsMice
Novel anatomic adaptation of cortical bone to meet increased mineral demands of reproduction
Macica CM, King HE, Wang M, McEachon CL, Skinner CW, Tommasini SM. Novel anatomic adaptation of cortical bone to meet increased mineral demands of reproduction. Bone 2016, 85: 59-69. PMID: 26825813, PMCID: PMC7429445, DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2015.12.056.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHyp miceMineral homeostasisElevated serum PTHMaternal bone massMineralized trabecular boneIntestinal calcium absorptionCortical boneWild-type miceSerum PTHCalcitriol productionFemale patientsMaternal skeletonPostnatal nutritionCalcium absorptionBone resorptionFracture riskMaternal adaptationBone massBone fragilityMurine modelIntracortical porosityUnaffected miceMouse modelMMP-13Fetal development
Mineralizing Enthesopathy Is a Common Feature of Renal Phosphate-Wasting Disorders Attributed to FGF23 and Is Exacerbated by Standard Therapy in Hyp Mice
Karaplis A, Bai X, Falet J, Macica C. Mineralizing Enthesopathy Is a Common Feature of Renal Phosphate-Wasting Disorders Attributed to FGF23 and Is Exacerbated by Standard Therapy in Hyp Mice. Endocrinology 2012, 153: 5906-5917. PMID: 23038738, PMCID: PMC3512070, DOI: 10.1210/en.2012-1551.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPhosphate-wasting disordersStandard therapyFGF23 levelsElevated fibroblast growth factor 23Hyp miceRenal phosphate-wasting disordersFibroblast growth factor 23High FGF23 levelsGrowth factor 23Elevated FGF23 levelsAction of FGF23Dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein 1Phosphate wasting disorderAutosomal recessive hypophosphatemic ricketsRecessive hypophosphatemic ricketsLigament insertion sitesChildhood managementOral phosphateFactor 23Achilles insertionDisease morbidityPotential morbidityBone spursUntoward effectsMurine model
Survey of the Enthesopathy of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia and Its Characterization in Hyp Mice
Liang G, Katz LD, Insogna KL, Carpenter TO, Macica CM. Survey of the Enthesopathy of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia and Its Characterization in Hyp Mice. Calcified Tissue International 2009, 85: 235-246. PMID: 19609735, PMCID: PMC2988401, DOI: 10.1007/s00223-009-9270-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFGF-23Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3Hyp miceMajority of patientsHigh circulating levelsPhosphate-regulating hormoneBone spur formationTendon insertion siteGrowth factor receptor 3Insertion siteLigament insertion sitesCirculating LevelsPhosphate excretionBone-forming osteoblastsHeterotopic calcificationOsteophyte formationHistological examinationMurine modelReceptor 3Spur formationHypophosphatemiaEnthesis fibrocartilageBone mineralizationBiochemical milieuMice