Angela Haeny, PhD
Assistant Professor of PsychiatryCards
Health Equity Considerations for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Research and Treatment
Haeny A, McCuistian C, Ruglass L, Burlew A. Health Equity Considerations for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Research and Treatment. 2025, 76-92. DOI: 10.4135/9781529673913.n6.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Corrigendum to ‘Integrative data analysis of clinical trials network studies to examine the impact of psychosocial treatments for Black people who use cocaine: Study protocol’ [Contemporary Clinical Trials 133 (2023) 107329].
Haeny A, McCuistian C, Burlew A, Ruglass L, Espinosa A, Jordan A, Roundtree C, Lopez J, Morgan-Lopez A. Corrigendum to ‘Integrative data analysis of clinical trials network studies to examine the impact of psychosocial treatments for Black people who use cocaine: Study protocol’ [Contemporary Clinical Trials 133 (2023) 107329]. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024, 147: 107740. PMID: 39578191, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2024.107740.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeasurement invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale across race, sex, and time, and differential impacts on cocaine use treatment outcomes
Schick M, Kiluk B, Nich C, LaPaglia D, Haeny A. Measurement invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale across race, sex, and time, and differential impacts on cocaine use treatment outcomes. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2024, 166: 209493. PMID: 39151798, PMCID: PMC11392621, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2024.209493.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCocaine use disorderPerceived Stress ScaleTreatment retentionMeasurement invarianceTreatment outcomesSubstance use treatment outcomesStress ScalePredicting treatment retentionSelf-efficacyCoping self-efficacyTwo-factor modelInfluence treatment outcomeCocaine abuse/dependenceDSM-IVUse disorderCocaine useBetween-group differencesMetric invarianceScalar invarianceTwo-factorCocainePharmacological treatmentFactor analysisDifferential impactAbuse/dependencePersistent distress related to systemic racism among black veterans in the United States
Whealin J, Jegede O, Na P, Haeny A, Pietrzak R. Persistent distress related to systemic racism among black veterans in the United States. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2024, 365: 375-378. PMID: 39147153, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdverse mental health sequelaeRisk of mental health problemsMilitary veteransIncreased risk of mental health problemsEthnic minority veteransSystemic racismMental health sequelaeMental health problemsUse of self-reportsEthnic minority populationsNationally representative sampleUS military veteransMultinomial logistic regression analysisSignificant emotional burdenStudy periodNon-veteransLogistic regression analysisEmotional burdenMinority veteransBlack veteransUS veteransHealth sequelaeBaseline assessmentHealthcare systemUS populationSelf-Change from Alcohol Problems among Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Adults: A Systematic Review
Haeny A, Schick M, Crouch M, Bautista T, Chowdhary A, McKenley C, Funaro M. Self-Change from Alcohol Problems among Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Adults: A Systematic Review. Current Addiction Reports 2024, 11: 818-837. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-024-00591-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSelf-changeAlcohol problemsProcess of self-changeREM groupRelevant constructsMultiracial groupsRacial identityFormal treatmentNative groupsNative HawaiiansLatin groupAlaska Native communitiesAlaska Native groupsREMPacific IslandersAlcoholNative communitiesAdultsSystematic reviewSystematic literature reviewHealing strategiesRacial Stress, Racial Trauma, and Evidence-Based Strategies for Coping and Empowerment
Holmes S, Zare M, Haeny A, Williams M. Racial Stress, Racial Trauma, and Evidence-Based Strategies for Coping and Empowerment. Annual Review Of Clinical Psychology 2024, 20: 77-95. PMID: 38346289, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-081122-020235.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRacial stressCognitive defusionCognitive restructuringSelf-compassionPsychological symptomsExpressive writingBehavioral responsesDiscriminatory experiencesRacial traumaSocial supportRacial/ethnic identityEvidence baseSelf-careExpected final online publication dateSense of empowermentOnline publication datePsychedelicsDefusionTraumaIndividualsCopingAnnual ReviewMindfulnessSocial actionRevised estimatesProviding antiracist cognitive-behavioral therapy: Guidelines, tools, and tips
Cénat J, Haeny A, Williams M. Providing antiracist cognitive-behavioral therapy: Guidelines, tools, and tips. Psychiatry Research 2024, 339: 116054. PMID: 39024891, DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2024.116054.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive-behavioral therapyCBT interventionsAdaptations of cognitive-behavioral therapyMental healthMental health careCBT interventionCBT practicePatients' mental healthEffects of racismInternalized racismRacial traumaTherapeutic environmentRacial biasPhysical healthHealth carePervasive effectsRacialized individualsRacial issuesSpecialized trainingSelf-assessmentIncreased confidenceInterventionEffective outcomesTheoretical frameworkHealthEvidence that personalized racial stress procedures elicit a stress response and increases alcohol craving among Black adults with alcohol use disorder: A laboratory pilot study
Haeny A, Schick M, McKenley C, Chowdhary A, Bellamy C, O'Malley S, Sinha R. Evidence that personalized racial stress procedures elicit a stress response and increases alcohol craving among Black adults with alcohol use disorder: A laboratory pilot study. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 260: 111312. PMID: 38749311, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.111312.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAlcohol use disorderAlcohol cravingIncreased alcohol cravingUse disorderRacial stressEmotional responsesImpact of racial stressBlack adultsExposure to stressStress scriptsImagery procedureExposure sessionsCravingPersonal eventsStress procedureNegative emotionsNeutral conditionsPositive emotionsIdentity explorationStress responseExploratory analysisPhysiological responsesSessionsEmotionsAlcoholA randomized controlled trial of potential tobacco policies prohibiting menthol flavor in cigarettes and e-cigarettes: a study protocol
Bold K, Sharma A, Haeny A, Gueorguieva R, Buta E, Baldassarri S, Lempert L, Krishnan-Sarin S, O’Malley S. A randomized controlled trial of potential tobacco policies prohibiting menthol flavor in cigarettes and e-cigarettes: a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry 2024, 24: 201. PMID: 38475757, PMCID: PMC10935798, DOI: 10.1186/s12888-024-05619-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmoking menthol cigarettesE-cigarettesCigarette useReduce tobacco-related health disparitiesTobacco-related health disparitiesMenthol cigarettesRates of menthol cigarette useTobacco use statusMenthol cigarette useRandomized controlled trialsPublic health problemHealth disparitiesTobacco policiesFlavored e-cigarettesSmoke-freeMenthol flavorsMenthol policiesBlack adultsQuit smokingNon-Black participantsSmoking behaviorFollow-up visitHealth problemsSecondary outcomesE-cigarette productsA systematic meta-epidemiologic review on nonabstinence-inclusive interventions for substance use: inclusion of race/ethnicity and sex assigned at birth/gender
Goldstein S, Newberger N, Schick M, Ferguson J, Collins S, Haeny A, Weiss N. A systematic meta-epidemiologic review on nonabstinence-inclusive interventions for substance use: inclusion of race/ethnicity and sex assigned at birth/gender. The American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse 2024, 50: 276-290. PMID: 38411974, DOI: 10.1080/00952990.2024.2308087.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance-related harmsSubstance useReduce substance-related harmSystematic reviewInclusion of race/ethnicityPreferred Reporting ItemsSystematically searched databasesReporting ItemsCoding discrepanciesInitial articlesEligibility criteriaInterventionSubgroup analysisMinoritized groupsSexAssessed eligibility criteriaPublished studiesHarmEnglish languageLack of diversityInclusionRace/ethnicityUsePRISMAReview
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
- October 01, 2024
Schick Awarded Grant to Study Early Detection, Intervention of Substance Use Among Trauma-Exposed Individuals
- August 27, 2024
Deak Receives Two Awards from National Institute on Drug Abuse
- July 03, 2023
Haeny Receives Early Career Investigator Award from MOBC
- April 27, 2023Source: Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment
Investigating the associations of acute psychedelic experiences and changes in racial trauma symptoms, psychological flexibility, and substance use among People with Racial and Ethnic Minoritized Identities in the United States and Canada