Andreas Coppi
Associate Research Scientist (Cardiovascular Medicine)Cards
Assessment of health conditions from patient electronic health record portals vs self-reported questionnaires: an analysis of the INSPIRE study
Khera R, Sawano M, Warner F, Coppi A, Pedroso A, Spatz E, Yu H, Gottlieb M, Saydah S, Stephens K, Rising K, Elmore J, Hill M, Idris A, Montoy J, O’Laughlin K, Weinstein R, Venkatesh A, Weinstein R, Gottlieb M, Santangelo M, Koo K, Derden A, Gottlieb M, Gatling K, Ahmed Z, Gomez C, Guzman D, Hassaballa M, Jerger R, Kaadan A, Venkatesh A, Spatz E, Kinsman J, Malicki C, Lin Z, Li S, Yu H, Mannan I, Yang Z, Liu M, Venkatesh A, Spatz E, Ulrich A, Kinsman J, Malicki C, Dorney J, Pierce S, Puente X, Salah W, Nichol G, Stephens K, Anderson J, Schiffgens M, Morse D, Adams K, Stober T, Maat Z, O’Laughlin K, Gentile N, Geyer R, Willis M, Zhang Z, Chang G, Lyon V, Klabbers R, Ruiz L, Malone K, Park J, Rising K, Kean E, Chang A, Renzi N, Watts P, Kelly M, Schaeffer K, Grau D, Cheng D, Shutty C, Charlton A, Shughart L, Shughart H, Amadio G, Miao J, Hannikainen P, Elmore J, Wisk L, L’Hommedieu M, Chandler C, Eguchi M, Roldan K, Moreno R, Rodriguez R, Wang R, Montoy J, Kemball R, Chan V, Chavez C, Wong A, Arreguin M, Hill M, Site R, Kane A, Nikonowicz P, Sapp S, Idris A, McDonald S, Gallegos D, Martin K, Saydah S, Plumb I, Hall A, Briggs-Hagen M. Assessment of health conditions from patient electronic health record portals vs self-reported questionnaires: an analysis of the INSPIRE study. Journal Of The American Medical Informatics Association 2025, ocaf027. PMID: 40036551, DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocaf027.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsSelf-report questionnairesSelf-reportHealth conditionsElectronic health record portalsElectronic health record platformsEHR elementsSelf-reported health conditionsElectronic health record dataSelf-reported conditionsAssessment of health conditionEvaluation of health conditionsPrevalence of conditionsPatient portalsTraditional self-reportPrevalence of comorbiditiesHealth recordsEHR dataEHR phenotypesDiagnosis codesHospitalization riskComputable phenotypeNationwide studyCohen's kappaPatient characteristicsArtificial intelligence-guided detection of under-recognised cardiomyopathies on point-of-care cardiac ultrasonography: a multicentre study
Oikonomou E, Vaid A, Holste G, Coppi A, McNamara R, Baloescu C, Krumholz H, Wang Z, Apakama D, Nadkarni G, Khera R. Artificial intelligence-guided detection of under-recognised cardiomyopathies on point-of-care cardiac ultrasonography: a multicentre study. The Lancet Digital Health 2025, 7: e113-e123. PMID: 39890242, DOI: 10.1016/s2589-7500(24)00249-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYale New Haven Health SystemPoint-of-care ultrasonographyMount Sinai Health SystemTransthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathyArtificial intelligenceHealth systemAmyloid cardiomyopathyHypertrophic cardiomyopathyRetrospective cohort of individualsCardiomyopathy casesTesting artificial intelligenceConvolutional neural networkSinai Health SystemCohort of individualsOpportunistic screeningHypertrophic cardiomyopathy casesMulti-labelPositive screenAI frameworkEmergency departmentMortality riskNeural networkLoss functionCardiac ultrasonographyAugmentation approach
Automated Identification of Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction Using Deep Learning-Based Natural Language Processing
Nargesi A, Adejumo P, Dhingra L, Rosand B, Hengartner A, Coppi A, Benigeri S, Sen S, Ahmad T, Nadkarni G, Lin Z, Ahmad F, Krumholz H, Khera R. Automated Identification of Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction Using Deep Learning-Based Natural Language Processing. JACC Heart Failure 2024, 13: 75-87. PMID: 39453355, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2024.08.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReduced ejection fractionEjection fractionHeart failureLeft ventricular ejection fractionVentricular ejection fractionYale-New Haven HospitalIdentification of patientsCommunity hospitalIdentification of heart failureLanguage modelNorthwestern MedicineMeasure care qualityQuality of careNew Haven HospitalDeep learning-based natural language processingHFrEFGuideline-directed careDeep learning language modelsMIMIC-IIIDetect HFrEFNatural language processingReclassification improvementHospital dischargePatientsCare qualityArtificial Intelligence–Enhanced Risk Stratification of Cancer Therapeutics–Related Cardiac Dysfunction Using Electrocardiographic Images
Oikonomou E, Sangha V, Dhingra L, Aminorroaya A, Coppi A, Krumholz H, Baldassarre L, Khera R. Artificial Intelligence–Enhanced Risk Stratification of Cancer Therapeutics–Related Cardiac Dysfunction Using Electrocardiographic Images. Circulation Cardiovascular Quality And Outcomes 2024, 18: e011504. PMID: 39221857, PMCID: PMC11745701, DOI: 10.1161/circoutcomes.124.011504.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunctionGlobal longitudinal strainLeft ventricular systolic dysfunctionCardiac dysfunctionBreast cancerNon-Hodgkin lymphoma therapyNon-Hodgkin's lymphomaVentricular systolic dysfunctionAssociated with worse global longitudinal strainRisk stratification strategiesHigh-risk groupMonths post-treatmentPost hoc analysisElectrocardiographic (ECGTrastuzumab exposureLymphoma therapySystolic dysfunctionAI-ECGBefore treatmentRisk biomarkersLongitudinal strainLow riskStratification strategiesHigher incidencePositive screenA Multimodal Video-Based AI Biomarker for Aortic Stenosis Development and Progression
Oikonomou E, Holste G, Yuan N, Coppi A, McNamara R, Haynes N, Vora A, Velazquez E, Li F, Menon V, Kapadia S, Gill T, Nadkarni G, Krumholz H, Wang Z, Ouyang D, Khera R. A Multimodal Video-Based AI Biomarker for Aortic Stenosis Development and Progression. JAMA Cardiology 2024, 9: 534-544. PMID: 38581644, PMCID: PMC10999005, DOI: 10.1001/jamacardio.2024.0595.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCardiac magnetic resonanceAortic valve replacementCardiac magnetic resonance imagingAV VmaxSevere ASAortic stenosisCohort studyPeak aortic valve velocityCohort study of patientsAortic valve velocityCohort of patientsTraditional cardiovascular risk factorsAssociated with faster progressionStudy of patientsCedars-Sinai Medical CenterAssociated with AS developmentCardiovascular risk factorsCardiovascular imaging modalitiesIndependent of ageModerate ASEjection fractionEchocardiographic studiesValve replacementRisk stratificationCardiac structureThe PAX LC Trial: A Decentralized, Phase 2, Randomized, Double-blind Study of Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Compared with Placebo/Ritonavir for Long COVID
Krumholz H, Sawano M, Bhattacharjee B, Caraballo C, Khera R, Li S, Herrin J, Coppi A, Holub J, Henriquez Y, Johnson M, Goddard T, Rocco E, Hummel A, Al Mouslmani M, Putrino D, Carr K, Carvajal-Gonzalez S, Charnas L, De Jesus M, Ziegler F, Iwasaki A. The PAX LC Trial: A Decentralized, Phase 2, Randomized, Double-blind Study of Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Compared with Placebo/Ritonavir for Long COVID. The American Journal Of Medicine 2024 PMID: 38735354, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2024.04.030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLC trialPROMIS-29Participants' homesTargeting viral persistencePlacebo-controlled trialDouble-blind studyElectronic health recordsCore Outcome MeasuresLong COVIDEQ-5D-5LRepeated measures analysisEvidence-based treatmentsPhase 2Double-blindParticipant-centred approachStudy drugPrimary endpointSecondary endpointsCommunity-dwellingHealth recordsHealthcare utilizationContiguous US statesViral persistencePatient groupDrug treatment
Computational phenotypes for patients with opioid-related disorders presenting to the emergency department
Taylor R, Gilson A, Schulz W, Lopez K, Young P, Pandya S, Coppi A, Chartash D, Fiellin D, D’Onofrio G. Computational phenotypes for patients with opioid-related disorders presenting to the emergency department. PLOS ONE 2023, 18: e0291572. PMID: 37713393, PMCID: PMC10503758, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291572.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersUse disordersED visitsPatient presentationCarlson comorbidity indexOpioid-related diagnosesOpioid-related disordersOne-year survivalRate of medicationOpioid use disorderElectronic health record dataPatient-oriented outcomesYears of ageHealth record dataChronic substance use disordersED returnComorbidity indexAcute overdoseMedical managementClinical entityRetrospective studyEmergency departmentChronic conditionsInclusion criteriaUnique cohortAn AI-powered patient triage platform for future viral outbreaks using COVID-19 as a disease model
Charkoftaki G, Aalizadeh R, Santos-Neto A, Tan W, Davidson E, Nikolopoulou V, Wang Y, Thompson B, Furnary T, Chen Y, Wunder E, Coppi A, Schulz W, Iwasaki A, Pierce R, Cruz C, Desir G, Kaminski N, Farhadian S, Veselkov K, Datta R, Campbell M, Thomaidis N, Ko A, Thompson D, Vasiliou V. An AI-powered patient triage platform for future viral outbreaks using COVID-19 as a disease model. Human Genomics 2023, 17: 80. PMID: 37641126, PMCID: PMC10463861, DOI: 10.1186/s40246-023-00521-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCOVID-19 patientsDisease severityViral outbreaksFuture viral outbreaksLength of hospitalizationIntensive care unitWorse disease prognosisLife-threatening illnessEffective medical interventionsCOVID-19Clinical decision treeGlucuronic acid metabolitesNew potential biomarkersHospitalization lengthCare unitComorbidity dataSerotonin levelsDisease progressionHealthy controlsPatient outcomesDisease prognosisPatient transferPatientsHealthcare resourcesPotential biomarkersSevere aortic stenosis detection by deep learning applied to echocardiography
Holste G, Oikonomou E, Mortazavi B, Coppi A, Faridi K, Miller E, Forrest J, McNamara R, Ohno-Machado L, Yuan N, Gupta A, Ouyang D, Krumholz H, Wang Z, Khera R. Severe aortic stenosis detection by deep learning applied to echocardiography. European Heart Journal 2023, 44: 4592-4604. PMID: 37611002, PMCID: PMC11004929, DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad456.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDetection of left ventricular systolic dysfunction from single-lead electrocardiography adapted for portable and wearable devices
Khunte A, Sangha V, Oikonomou E, Dhingra L, Aminorroaya A, Mortazavi B, Coppi A, Brandt C, Krumholz H, Khera R. Detection of left ventricular systolic dysfunction from single-lead electrocardiography adapted for portable and wearable devices. Npj Digital Medicine 2023, 6: 124. PMID: 37433874, PMCID: PMC10336107, DOI: 10.1038/s41746-023-00869-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArtificial intelligenceRandom Gaussian noiseNoisy electrocardiogramGaussian noiseElectrocardiogram (ECGWearable devicesSingle-lead electrocardiogramPortable devicesSNRWearableNoiseDevice noiseRepositoryAI-based screeningIntelligenceDetectionDevicesNoise sourcesVentricular systolic dysfunctionModelElectrocardiogramSingle-lead electrocardiographyTraining