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Dr. Powsner presents workshop on reducing psych readmissions

February 13, 2013

From the World Congress website:

"With increasingly limited resources for psychiatric patients in the community, hospitals will become even more frequently utilized by psychiatric patients. This workshop will discuss ways to not only initiate care for psychiatric patients in the Emergency Department but also to effectively make them aware of and utilize alternative facilities to ensure they receive the care they need. You will hear the challenges that hospitals are currently facing due to contracted community resources for behavioral patients and some of the solutions that hospital administrators and care planners can implement to ensure their proper care. By attending, you will be able to:

  • Examine an organizational model that has successfully reduced the number of psychiatric patient hospitalizations
  • Discuss ways to improve psychiatric patients’ experiences and expand alternative inexpensive community resources that can lead patients to be more proactive in their own health
  • Explore telepsychiatry solutions for organizations with limited resources to deliver appropriate psychiatric care"

Powsner is Professor of Psychiatry and Emergency Medicine at Yale and Director of the Crisis Intervention Unit at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He presented with Dr. Scott Zeller (Alameda County Medical Center) and Dr. Leslie Zun (Chicago Medical School and Mount Sinai Hospital).