Christy Olezeski, PhD
Associate Professor of PsychiatryCards
Religious and Spiritual Experiences of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth
Mohr O, Chiaramonte D, Olezeski C. Religious and Spiritual Experiences of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth. Clinical Practice In Pediatric Psychology 2024, 12: 480-488. DOI: 10.1037/cpp0000530.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpiritual affiliationTGNC youthReligious communitiesReligious elementsSpiritual experiencesSource of joyReligious/spiritual interventionsExperiences of transgenderGender nonconforming youthReligionSpiritualityTGNCYouth responsesAffiliationGuardians' viewsViewsYouthInterdisciplinary care teamTransgenderQualitative dataWorshipChaplaincyGuardiansNegative experiencesIntake questionsGender Affirming Care Is Evidence Based for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth
Budge S, Abreu R, Flinn R, Donahue K, Estevez R, Olezeski C, Bernacki J, Barr S, Bettergarcia J, Sprott R, Allen B. Gender Affirming Care Is Evidence Based for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth. Journal Of Adolescent Health 2024, 75: 851-853. PMID: 39340502, DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.09.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUnderstanding and Addressing Disinformation in Gender-Affirming Health Care Bans
Meade N, Lepore C, Olezeski C, McNamara M. Understanding and Addressing Disinformation in Gender-Affirming Health Care Bans. Transgender Health 2024, 9: 281-287. PMID: 39385955, PMCID: PMC11456759, DOI: 10.1089/trgh.2022.0198.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Psychologically aggressive parenting and later aggression: Salivary alpha-amylase reactivity and sex as moderators
Chong L, Senich K, Ahmad S, Olezeski C, Gordis E. Psychologically aggressive parenting and later aggression: Salivary alpha-amylase reactivity and sex as moderators. International Journal Of Psychophysiology 2023, 194: 112260. PMID: 37939902, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2023.112260.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSAA reactivityVerbal aggressionLater aggressionAggressive parentingSalivary alpha-amylaseSNS reactivitySalivary alpha-amylase reactivitySocial stress taskAlpha-amylase reactivityThree-way interactionMore angerCurrent aggressionPhysical aggressionEarly adversityChild developmentStress taskAngerAggressionHigh levelsAggressive behaviorTwo-way interactionParentingLow levelsNervous system activityModeratorAssessment of Transgender/Gender-Expansive Accessibility in Inpatient Pediatric Mental Health Facilities
Halloran J, Szilagyi N, Stevens J, Olezeski C. Assessment of Transgender/Gender-Expansive Accessibility in Inpatient Pediatric Mental Health Facilities. Transgender Health 2023, 8: 457-466. PMID: 37810937, PMCID: PMC10551763, DOI: 10.1089/trgh.2021.0124.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBehavioral health facilitiesHealth facilitiesTGE youthInpatient psychiatric facilityMental health facilitiesMinority of participantsTreatment settingsPatient careAccessibility of servicesPsychiatric facilitiesStaff comfortPatientsFacility staffMost participantsElectronic surveyTwo-thirdsNational sampleIncarcerated While Transgender
Campbell W, Miller S, Boyd S, Farmer D, Olezeski C. Incarcerated While Transgender. 2023, 189-215. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-37480-7_10.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTGD individualsCorrectional psychologistsGender diverse individualsBroader societal impactsCarceral settingsCorrectional institutionsCorrectional approachesCorrectional administratorsLeadership rolesSocietal impactTransgenderRelevant theoriesOngoing challengeGender dysphoriaPolicyInstitutionsScrutinyRecent yearsLensPsychologistsAdministratorsCombating Scientific Disinformation on Gender-Affirming Care.
McNamara M, Abdul-Latif H, Boulware S, Kamody R, Kuper L, Olezeski C, Szilagyi N, Alstott A. Combating Scientific Disinformation on Gender-Affirming Care. Pediatrics 2023, 152 PMID: 37605864, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2022-060943.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGender-affirming health careLegal challengesAmicus briefsNational media outletsPolitical actorsPublic statementsPublic opinionLitigatorsPublic commentsPolitical climateBanDisinformationHealth policyPolicy expertsGender-expansive youthMisleading informationPolicyCourtJudgesLawsuitsLawMedia outletsAuthoritiesMedical societiesAdvocatesReproductive and Fertility Knowledge and Attitudes Among Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth: A Replication and Extension
Halloran J, Smidt A, Morrison A, Cron J, Kallen A, Olezeski C. Reproductive and Fertility Knowledge and Attitudes Among Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth: A Replication and Extension. Transgender Health 2023, 8: 328-336. PMID: 37525841, PMCID: PMC10387155, DOI: 10.1089/trgh.2021.0080.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcademic medical centerReproductive knowledgeGender-affirming health careFuture fertilityPatient educationInterdisciplinary clinicMedical CenterPatient's abilityTreatment statusReproductive concernsFertility knowledgeGender-expansive youthMedical treatmentFertility issuesTGE adolescentsHealth carePilot investigationMost participantsFuture parenthoodSources of informationOne dayCareInformational needsSmall proportionExperiences Survey
Collaborating with transgender youth to educate healthcare trainees and professionals: randomized controlled trial of a didactic enhanced by brief videos
Martin A, Celentano J, Olezeski C, Halloran J, Penque B, Aguilar J, Amsalem D. Collaborating with transgender youth to educate healthcare trainees and professionals: randomized controlled trial of a didactic enhanced by brief videos. BMC Public Health 2022, 22: 2427. PMID: 36572857, PMCID: PMC9791767, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-14791-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChildhood Exposure to Aggressive Parenting and Trait Anxiety during Emerging Adulthood: Moderating Role of Autonomic Nervous System Activity
Chong L, Senich K, Olezeski C, Rabkin A, Gordis E. Childhood Exposure to Aggressive Parenting and Trait Anxiety during Emerging Adulthood: Moderating Role of Autonomic Nervous System Activity. Journal Of Family Violence 2022, 38: 1499-1508. DOI: 10.1007/s10896-022-00460-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSkin conductance levelAggressive parentingRespiratory sinus arrhythmiaTrait anxietyAutonomic nervous system activityNervous system activitySimple slope analysisSystem activitySympathetic nervous systemThree-way interactionEnvironmental risk factorsPsychological functioningAnxiety symptomsMultiple physiological systemsParentingRisk factorsANS activityNervous systemAnxietyChildhood exposureResultsRegression analysesSinus arrhythmiaConductance levelInteractive effectsInteraction effects
Clinical Care
I am the Director and co-founder of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program (YPGP), an interdisciplinary team that provides services for transgender and gender expansive (TGE) youth and families in Connecticut. The team includes professionals in the fields of psychology, endocrinology, psychiatry, gynecology, reproductive medicine, medical ethics and law. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, interdisciplinary, family-centered care for children, adolescents and young adults questioning their assigned gender and/or seeking gender-affirming consultation and care in a compassionate, respectful and supportive environment. This program is regionally well-regarded, serving clients from all 8 counties in the state, as well as 4 states outside of Connecticut, serving over 200 youth and families to date.
My contribution to the educational mission of Yale’s School of Medicine focuses on teaching trainees in clinical and research training programs about (a) trauma-informed care, (b) psychosexual development, and (c) gender development. Teaching occurs through the delivery of clinical services, mentoring of clinical and research trainees, clinical supervision, and lectures offered in graduate courses and topical seminars coordinated by other faculty members. I have been lucky to mentor and supervise many students in the departments of Psychiatry, the Child Study Center, the School of Public Health and the Divinity School during my tenure at Yale.
Clinical Specialties
Yale Medicine News
- October 29, 2024
Yale Pediatric Psychology Program Expands, Offers Support to Medically Complex Youth
- October 29, 2024
Yale Pediatric Gender Program, Olezeski Honored by Connecticut Psychological Association
- May 10, 2024
Building Capacity in Medical Students to Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients
- July 06, 2023Source: CT Insider
How CT’s Gender-Affirming Care Changed the Lives of These Trans Individuals
Get In Touch
1 Long Wharf Drive, Pediatric Specialty Clinic
New Haven, CT 06511
United States