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Jiajianghui Li

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Postgraduate Associate



Postgraduate Associate


Jiajianghui Li is a Ph.D candidate in Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Peking University. She is currently a visiting Postgraduate Associate in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the Yale School of Public Health.Her research lies in the following areas: (1) Assessing the effects of climate and air-related environmental mixtures (i.e.,fire-sourced PM2.5) on mortality and morbidities,particularly on children under 5 years; (2) Identifying environmental and societal factors that ameliorate or exacerbate the mixture effects; (3) Calculating the disease burden of air-related environmental factors. Long term, her research goal is to generate robust evidence of how the combined effect of climate change impact population health and susceptibility by using large-scale datasets, including highly spatiotemporally resolved air and climate data, geocoded health records, and contextual risk factors.

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