Pietro De Camilli has been awarded the 2019 Ernst Jung Gold Medal for Medicine by the Jung Foundation for Science and Research in Hamburg, Germany.
Images: Experiments and Findings
1_amphiphysin tubules
Tubulation of a liposome by the N-BAR domain of amphiphysin (see: Takei K, Slepnev VI, Haucke V, and De Camilli P. 1999. Nat. Cell Biol. 1: 33-39)
2_dynamin 13 DKO
Tomographic EM reconstruction of plasma membrane invaginations enriched in clathrin coated pits at a nerve terminal lacking dynamin 1 and 3. (from: Raimondi A, Ferguson SM, Lou X, Armbruster M, Paradise S, Giovedi S, Messa M, Kono N, Takashi J, Cappello V, O’Toole E, Ryan TA, and De Camilli P. 2010. Neuron. 70(6):1100-14.)
3_membrane sheet EM
Endocytic intermediates generated by the incubation of isolated plasma membrane sheets with brain cytosol. (see: Wu M, Huang B, Graham M, Raimondi A, Heuser JE, Zhuang X, and De Camilli P. 2010. Nat. Cell Biol. 9: 902-908.)
4_z_dynamin KO EM
Electron micrograph of a synapse lacking dynamin 1. Note abundance of clathrin coated profiles. (see: Ferguson SM, Brasnjo G, Hayashi M, Wölfel M, Collesi C, Giovedi S, Raimondi A, Gong LW, Paradise S, O’Toole E, Flavell R, Cremona O, Miesenböck, Ryan TA, and De Camilli P. 2007. Science. 316: 570-574.)
5_synapses WT dynKO sjKO
Tomographic EM reconstruction of thick sections of synapses from wild type mouse neurons (left), dynamin 1 KO neurons (center) and synaptojanin 1 KO neurons (right). Blue = synaptic vesicles; green = clathrin coated profiles. (from: Hayashi M, Raimondi A, O’Toole E, Paradise S, Collesi C, Cremona O, Ferguson SM, and De Camilli P. 2008. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 105: 2175-2180.)
6_synapse EM
Electron microscopic image of a synapse in the mouse cerebellum
7_dynamin12DKO fibroblast EM
Electron tomogram (left) and corresponding reconstruction of tubular plasma membrane invaginations capped by clathrin coated pits (red) in a fibroblast the lack dynamin. (from: Ferguson S, Raimondi A, Paradise S, Shen H, Mesaki K, Destaing O, Ko G, Cremona O, O'Toole E, and De Camilli P. 2009. Dev. Cell. 17: 811-822.)
8_neuron staining
Immunofluorescence of neurons in culture: presynaptic nerve terminals are visualized by anti-synapsin antibodies (green) (from the work of Shawn Ferguson)
9_dynamin13DKO synapse
Electron micrograph of a synapse lacking both dynamin 1 and 3. Note the abundance of clathrin coated profiles. (from: Raimondi A, Ferguson SM, Lou X, Armbruster M, Paradise S, Giovedi S, Messa M, Kono N, Takashi J, Cappello V, O’Toole E, Ryan TA, and De Camilli P. 2010. Neuron. 70(6):1100-14.)
10_VPS13A and VPS13C localization
VPS13A and VPS13C are localized at contacts between the ER and either mitochondria or endo/lysosomes respectively. Top: schematic representation showing that both proteins can also localize at contacts between the ER and lipid droplets. Bottom fluorescence image (green: ER; blue: mitochondria or endo/lysosomes respectively; magenta: VPS13)(Kumar, Leonzino et al. 2018, J. Cell Biol 2018, PMID:30093493)
11_Phosphoinositide code for cellular membranes
Phosphoinositide code for cellular membranes
Synapsin 1 undergoes liquid-liquid phase separation
Synapsin 1 undergoes liquid-liquid phase separation (from Milovanovic et al. 2018, Science, PMID:29976799)
FAM21 subunit of the WASH complex at the tip of actin tails in VAP double KO cells
M21 subunit of the WASH complex at the tip of actin tails in VAP double KO cells (From Dong et al. 2016, Cell PMID:27419871)
Tridimensional model of membranous organelles in the cortical region of a neuronal cell body in the mouse central nervous system.
Tridimensional model of membranous organelles in the cortical region of a neuronal cell body in the mouse central nervous system. The model was generated from a FIB-SEM dataset (from Wu et al. 2017, PNAS, PMID:28559323).
Tridimensional model of membranous organelles in an axon of the mouse central nervous system.
Tridimensional model of membranous organelles in an axon of the mouse central nervous system. The model was generated from a FIB-SEM dataset (from Wu et al. 2017, PNAS, PMID:28559323).
Tridimensional model of membranous organelles in a neuronal dendrite of the mouse central nervous system.
Tridimensional model of membranous organelles in a neuronal dendrite of the mouse central nervous system. The model was generated from a FIB-SEM dataset (from Wu et al. 2017, PNAS, PMID:28559323).
Tridimensional model of a dendritic spine with a spine apparatus in the mouse central nervous system.
Tridimensional model of a dendritic spine with a spine apparatus in the mouse central nervous system. The model was generated from a FIB-SEM dataset (from Wu et al. 2017, PNAS, PMID:28559323).