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Publications Utilizing Services and/or Support Provided by the Keck Biostatistics Resource

  1. K. Hoek, D. Rimm, K. Williams, H. Zhao, S. Ariyan, A. Lin, H. Kluger, A. Berger, E. Cheng, E. S. Trombetta, T. Wu, M. Niinobe, K. Yoshikawa, G. E. Hannigan, R. Halaban (2004) Expression profiling reveals novel pathways in the transformation of melanocytes to melanomas. Cancer Research 64:5270-5282.
  2. G. Chalasani, Q, Li, B. T. Konieczny, L. Smith-Diggs, B. Wrobel, Z. Dai, D. L. Perkins, F. K. Baddoura, F. G. Lakkis (2004) The allograft defines the type of rejection (acute versus chronic) in the face of an established effector immune response. J Immunol. 172:7813-20.
  3. A. C. Gustafsson, A. Asplund, N. M. Wikonkal, A. Sela, D. J. Leffell, K. Kidd, J. Lundeberg, D. E. Brash, F. Pontén (2004) PTCH codon 1315 polymorphism and risk for non-melanoma skin cancer. British J Dermatol. 152:868-873.
  4. N. C. de Lanerolle, T. Eid, T. S. Lee, S. Mane, J. H. Kim, O. P. Ottersen, D. Spencer (2004) Aquaporin-4 and hippocampal sclerosis in human temporal lobe epilepsy: a microarray analysis. American Epilepsy Society. 1.053, 2004-12-06
  5. T. Lee, T. Eid, S. Mane, J. Schweitzer, D. Spencer, N. de Lanerolle (2004) Subcategories of temporal lobe epilepsy are characterized by distinct genomic expression profiles. Submitted to Neuroscience.
  6. M. Kidd, S. Mane, T. Hinoue, I. M. Modlin (2005) Relationship between Ki67 and P16INK4A and disease spread in gastrointestinal carcinoids. Submitted to Cancer Research.
  7. H. L. Cook,, H. E. Mischo, J. A. Steitz. (2004) The Herpesvirus saimiri small nuclear RNAs recruit AU-rich element-binding proteins but do not alter host AU-rich element-containing mRNA levels in virally transformed T cells. Mol Cell Biol. 24:4522-33.
  8. G. Eick, M. Kidd, M. D. Shapiro, R. L. Camp, S. Mane, I. M. Modlin (2005) Microsatellite instability and gene mutations in TGFßRII are absent in small bowel carcinoids. Cancer. 103:229-36.
  9. M. Yono, H. E. Foster Jr, D. Shin, S. Mane, R. M. Weiss, J. Latipour (2005) Molecular classification of doxazosin-induced alterations in the rat prostate using gene expression profiling. Life Sciences. 77:470-479.
  10. H. L. Cook, J. R. Lytle, H. E. Mischo, M.J. Li, J. J. Rossi, D. P. Silva, R. C. Desrosiers, J. A. Steitz. (2005) Small nuclear RNAs encoded by Herpesvirus saimiri upregulate the expression of genes linked to T cell activation in virally transformed T cells. Current Biology. 15:974-9.
  11. B. Sukumaran, J. Carlyon, J. Cai, N, Berliner, E. Fikrig (2005) Early Transcriptional Response of Human Neutrophils to Anaplasma phagocytophilum Infection. Infection and Immunity. 73:8089-8099.
  12. G. U. Denk, S. Cai, W. Chen, A. Lin, C. J. Soroka, J. L. Boyer (2006) A comparison of gene expression in mouse liver and kidney in obstructive cholestasis utilizing high-density oligonucleotide microarray technology. World J Gastroenterol. 12:2536-2548.
  13. B. E. Enerson, A. Lin, B. Lu, H. Zhao, M.P. Lawton, E. Floyd (2006) Acute drug-induced vascular injury in beagle dogs: pathology and correlating genomic expression. Toxicologic Pathology 34: 27-32.
  14. T.S. Lee, S. Mane, T. Eid, H. Zhao, A. Lin, Z. Guan, J. Schweitzer, D. King- Stevens, P. Weber, S. Spencer, D. Spencer, N. de Lanerolle (2006) Hippocampal Sclerosis, Gene Expression and Human Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Molecular Mechanisms of Seizures. Submitted to Brain Pathology

Publications from the Keck Biostatistics Resource

  1. B. Wu, T. Abbott, D. Fishman, W. McMurray, G. Mor, K. Stone, D. Ward, K. Williams, H. Zhao (2003) Comparison of statistical methods for classification of ovarian cancer using a proteomics dataset. Bioinformatics ,19:1636-1643.
  2. Y. Lai, B. Wu, L. Chen, H. Zhao (2004) Statistical method for identifying differential gene-gene coexpression patterns. Bioinformatics, 20:3146-3155.
  3. N. Carriero, M. V. Osier, K-H Cheung, P. L. Miller, M. Gerstein, H. Zhao, B. Wu, S. Rifkin, J. Chang, H. Zhang, K. White, K. Williams, M. Schultz (2004) A 'high productivity/low maintenance' approach to high performance computation for biomedicine: Four Case Studies. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 12:90-98.
  4. R. Marathe, Z. Guan, R. Anandalakshmi, H. Zhao, S. Dinesh-Kumar (2004) Study of Arabidopsis thaliana resistome in response to cucumber mosaic virus infection using whole genome microarray. Plant Molecular Biology, 55:501-520.
  5. Z. Guan, H. Zhao (2005) A semiparametric approach for marker gene selection based on gene expression data. Bioinformatics, 21:529-536.
  6. W. Yu, B. Wu, T. Huang, X. Li, K. Williams, H. Zhao (2005) Statistical methods in proteomics. Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics.
  7. E. Gulcicek, C. Colangelo, W. McMurray, K. Stone, B. Wu, T. Wu, H. Spratt, A. Kurosky, H. Zhao, K. Williams (2005) Proteomics and the analysis of proteomic data: an overview of current protein-profiling technologies. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics (Davison, D., Page, R., Petsko, G., Stormo, G., and Stein, L. eds) John Wiley and Sons, Indianapolis, IN, Chapter 13:Unit 13.1.
  8. W. Yu, B. Wu, N. Lin, K. Stone, K. Williams, H. Zhao (2006) Detecting and aligning in mass spectrometry data with applications to MALDI. Comput Biol Chem. 30:27-38.
  9. W. Yu, B. Wu, J. Liu, X. Li, K. Stone, K. Williams, H. Zhao (2006) MALDI-MS data analysis for disease biomarker discovery. Methods Mol Biol. 328:199-216.
  10. W. Yu, X. Li, J. Liu, B. Wu, K. Williams, H. Zhao (2006) Multiple peak alignment in sequential data analysis: A scale-space based approach. IEEE/ACM Trans.Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 3:208-219.
  11. B. Wu, T. Abbott, D. Fishman, W. McMurray, G. Mor, K. Stone, D. Ward, K. Williams, H. Zhao (2007) Ovarian cancer classification based on mass spectrometry analysis of sera. Cancer Inform. 2:123-32 .