Program Director
Paul B. Beeson Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Professor of Immunobiology; Paul B. Beeson Professor of Medicine, Internal Medicine: Rheumatology; Program Director, Investigative Medicine, Internal Medicine: Rheumatology
Program Director
Paul B. Beeson Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Professor of Immunobiology; Paul B. Beeson Professor of Medicine, Internal Medicine: Rheumatology; Program Director, Investigative Medicine, Internal Medicine: Rheumatology
Deputy Director
Professor of Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases) and of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Vice Chair for Research, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatrics; Deputy Director, Investigative Medicine PhD Program, Investigative Medicine Program; Co-Director of Education, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation, YCCI Senior Leadership; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
Professor of Pharmacology and of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry; Co-Leader, Developmental Therapeutics, Yale Cancer Center; Co-Director Therapeutics/Chemotherapy Program
Professor of Emergency Medicine and of Biostatistics and of Medicine (Endocrinology); Co-Director, Yale Center for Analytical Sciences (YCAS); Director, Yale Data Coordinating Center; Professor, Biostatistics
Professor of Medicine (General Medicine), of Emergency Medicine, and of Public Health; Vice Chief of Faculty Affairs, General Internal Medicine; Director, Program in Addiction Medicine
Humana Foundation Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics) and Professor of Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases) and of Investigative Medicine; Director, Yale Program on Aging; Director, Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center; Director, Yale Center for Disability and Disabling Disorders; Director, Yale Training Program in Geriatric Clinical Epidemiology and Aging-Related Research
Henry J. and Joan W. Binder Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases) and of Cell Biology; Director Investigated Gastroenterology NIH T32, Internal Medicine; Deputy Director, MD-PhD Program
Professor of Pediatrics (Neonatology) and of Genetics; Faculty, Investigative Medicine Program, Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Harold H. Hines, Jr. Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and Professor in the Institute for Social and Policy Studies, of Investigative Medicine and of Public Health (Health Policy); Founder, Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE)
Professor of Surgery (Cardiac); Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Gladys Phillips Crofoot Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics) and Professor in the Institution for Social and Policy Studies