Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with obesity and prevalent heart failure: a prespecified analysis of the SELECT trial
Deanfield J, Verma S, Scirica B, Kahn S, Emerson S, Ryan D, Lingvay I, Colhoun H, Plutzky J, Kosiborod M, Hovingh G, Hardt-Lindberg S, Frenkel O, Weeke P, Rasmussen S, Goudev A, Lang C, Urina-Triana M, Pietilä M, Lincoff A, Investigators S, Abe M, Abhaichand R, Abhayaratna W, Abhyankar A, Abidin I, Assi H, Mendoza J, Adas M, Agaiby J, Agarwal D, Agha M, Ahmed A, Ahtiainen P, Aigner E, Ajay N, Ali N, Al-Karadsheh A, Allison R, Allison D, Alpenidze D, Altuntas Y, Al-Zoebi A, Ambuj R, Amerena J, Anderson R, Ando T, Andrews R, Antonova E, Appel K, Arantes F, Araz M, Arbel Y, León J, Argyrakopoulou G, Ariani M, Mendoza M, Arif A, Arneja J, Aroda V, Aronne L, Arstall M, Asamoah N, Asanin M, Audish H, Avram R, Badat A, Badiu C, Bakdash W, Bakiner O, Bandezi V, Bang L, Bansal S, Baranyai M, Barbarash O, Barber M, Barnum O, Rochette G, Bashkin A, Baum S, Bays H, Ruiz A, Beckowski M, Beerachee Y, Bellary S, Belousova L, Berk M, Bernstein M, Berra C, Beshay I, Bhagwat A, Bhan A, Biggs W, Billings L, Bitar F, Block B, Bo S, Bogdanski P, Bolshakova O, Boshchenko A, Bosworth H, Lopez R, Bôttcher M, Bourgeois R, Brautigam D, Breton C, Broadley A, Brockmyre A, Brodie S, Bucci M, Budincevic H, Budoff M, Buffman B, Buljubasic N, Buranapin S, Burgess L, Burguera B, Buriakovska O, Buscemi S, Busch R, Buse J, Buynak R, Byrne M, Caceaune E, Bonfanti A, Calinescu C, Call R, Varzic S, Cannon K, Capehorn M, Cariou B, Carr J, Carrillo-Jimenez R, Casas M, Castro A, Celik A, Cercato C, Cermak O, Y J, Chacon C, Chaicha-Brom T, Chandra S, Chettibi M, Chevts J, Christopher J, Chrustowski W, Cif A, Clark R, Clark W, Clifford P, Coetzee K, Cogni G, Colao A, Colquhoun D, Concha M, Condit J, Constance C, Constantin C, Constantinescu S, Corbett C, Cornett G, Correia M, Cortinovis F, Cosma D, Creely S, Cross D, Curtis B, Czochra W, Daboul N, Dagdelen S, D'agostino R, Dang C, Datta S, Davuluri A, Dawood S, De Jong D, De La Cuesta C, De Los Rios Ibarra M, De Pablo C, De Pauw M, Dela Llana A, Delibasic M, Delic-Brkljacic D, Demicheli T, Denger R, Desai D, Desai P, Desouza C, Dicker D, Djenic N, Dobson S, Doi M, Doran J, Dorman R, Dotta F, Dukes C, Duronto E, Durst R, Dvoryashina I, Ebrahim I, Eggebrecht H, Egstrup K, Ekinci E, Eliasson B, Eliasson K, Enache G, Enculescu D, English P, Ermakova P, Ershova O, Ezaki H, Ezhov M, Farias E, Farias J, Farsky P, Ferreira D, Filteau P, Finneran M, Folkens E, Fonseca A, Fonseca L, Fordan S, Fourie N, França S, Franco D, Franek E, Friedman K, Frittitta L, Froer M, Fuckar K, Fujii K, Fujita R, Fukushima Y, Fulat M, Fulwani M, Gajos G, Galyavich A, Gambill M, Gandotra D, Winston G, Hernandez P, Reza R, Garg N, Garg S, Garvey W, Garza J, Gatta-Cherifi B, Gelev V, Geller S, Geohas J, Georgiev B, Ghazi A, Gilbert M, Gilinskaya O, Gislason G, Yavuz D, Albarrán O, Gordeev I, Gorton S, Goudev A, Valderhaug T, Groenemeijer B, Gul I, Gullestad L, Gurieva I, Guseva G, Hagenow A, Haluzik M, Halvorsen S, Hammoudi N, Hanaoka K, Hancu N, Hanusch U, Harris K, Harris B, Hartleib M, Hartman A, Hata Y, Heimer B, Herman L, Herzog W, Hewitt E, Heymer P, Hiremath S, Hjelmesaeth J, Høgalmen R, Høivik H, Holmer H, Horoshko O, Houser P, Hove J, Hsieh I, Hulot J, Hussein Z, Ilashchuk T, Ilveskoski E, Ipatko I, Iranmanesh A, Isawa T, Issa M, Iteld B, Iwasawa T, Jabbar D, Jackson R, Jackson-Voyzey E, Jacob S, Jaffrani N, Jardula M, Jastreboff A, Jensen S, Jerkins T, Jimenez-Ramos S, Singh S, Johnson W, Joyce J, Jozefowska M, Jugnundan P, Jungmair W, Jurowiecki J, Kadokami T, Kahali D, Kahrmann G, Kaiser S, Kalmucki P, Kanadasi M, Kandath D, Kania G, Kannan J, Kapp C, Karczmarczyk A, Kartalis A, Kaser S, Kasim S, Kastelic R, Kato T, Katova T, Kaul U, Kautzky-Willer A, Kawanishi M, Kayikcioglu M, Kazakova E, Keeling P, Kempe H, Kereiakes D, Kerneis M, Keski-Opas T, Khadra S, Khaisheva L, Kharakhulakh M, Khlevchuk T, Khoo J, Kiatchoosakun S, Kinoshita N, Kinoshita M, Kitamura R, Kiyosue A, Klavina I, Klein E, Klimsa Z, Klonoff D, Klug E, Kobalava Z, Kodera S, Koga T, Kokkinos A, Koleckar P, Könyves L, Koren M, Kormann A, Kostner K, Kreutzmann K, Krishinan S, Krishnasamy S, Krivosheeva I, Kruljac I, Kubicki T, Kuchar L, Kujawiak M, Kunishige H, Kurtinecz M, Lisboa H, Kushnir M, Kyyak Y, Lace A, Lakka T, Lalic N, Lalic K, Lambadiari V, Lanaras L, Lang C, Langlois M, Lash J, Latkovskis G, Lau D, Soto J, Le Roux C, Ledesma G, Lee L, Lee T, Lee K, Lehrke M, Leite S, Leksycka A, Lenzmeier T, Leonetti F, Leonidova V, Lepor N, Leung M, Levchenko O, Levins P, Levy L, Lewis M, Liberopoulos E, Liberty I, Lindholm C, Lingvay I, Linhart A, Liu M, Liu J, Lofton H, Logemann T, Lombaard J, Lombard L, Lorraine R, Lovell C, Ludvik B, Lukaszewicz M, Lupkovics G, Lupovitch S, Lupu S, Lynch M, Lysak Z, Lysenko T, Maeda H, Maeda I, Mæng M, Mahajan A, Maher V, Maia L, Makotoko E, Malavazos A, Malecha J, Malicherova E, Manita M, Mannucci E, Mareev V, Marin L, Markova T, Marso S, Martens F, Martinez C, Cano C, Martins C, Comas L, Matsumoto T, Mcdonald K, Mcgowan B, Mcgrew F, Mclean B, Mcpherson D, Torres J, Meyers P, Meyhöfer S, Raya P, Milanova M, Milicic D, Miller G, Mills R, Mîndrescu N, Mingrone G, Minkova D, Mirani M, Miras A, Mistodie C, Mitomo S, Mittal S, Miyake T, Miyamoto N, Molony D, Monteiro P, Mooe T, Moosa N, Portillo C, Villegas E, Morawski E, Morbey C, Morin R, Morisaki K, Morosanu M, Mosenzon O, Mostovoy Y, Munir I, Muratori F, Murray R, Murthy A, Myint M, Myshanych G, Nafornita V, Nagano T, Nair S, Nakhle S, Natsuaki M, Nayak B, Nibouche D, Nicholls S, Nicolau J, Nicolescu G, Nierop P, Niskanen L, Ntaios G, Nygård O, Oaks J, Obrezan A, O'donnell P, Oguri M, Oguzhan A, Oh F, Ohsugi M, Okada Y, Okayama H, Onaca A, Onaka H, Oneil P, Ong T, Ong S, Ono Y, Opsahl P, Ostrowska L, Oviedo A, Ozdogan O, Ozpelit E, Pagkalos E, Pagotto U, Páll D, Pandey A, Parkhomenko O, Parvathareddy K, Patel M, Patsilinakos S, Paul N, Pedersen S, Pereira I, Pereira E, Terns P, Perez-Vargas E, Pergaeva Y, Perkelvald A, Peskov A, Peter J, Peters K, Petit C, Petrov I, Philis-Tsimikas A, Pietilä M, Pinto F, Piros A, Piyayotai D, Platonov D, Poirier P, Pop L, Popa B, Pop-Busui R, Poremba J, Porto A, Postadzhiyan A, Pothineni R, Potu R, Powell T, Prafulla K, Prager R, Prakova-Teneva Z, Pratley R, Price H, Pulka G, Pullman J, Punt Z, Purighalla R, Purnell P, Qureshi M, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Raikhel M, Rancane G, Randeva H, Rasouli N, Pintilei D, Reyes C, Rezgale I, Rice E, Riley T, Risser J, Ristic A, Fernández M, Robbins D, Robitaille Y, Rodbard H, Plazas J, Römer T, Rosen G, Rosman A, Rossi P, Rudenko L, Ruffin O, Ruhani A, Runev N, Ruyatkin D, Ruzic A, Ryabov V, Rydén L, Saggar S, Sakamoto T, Salter T, Samal A, Samoilova Y, Sanabria H, Sancak S, Sangrigoli R, Sansanayudh N, Santini F, Saraiva J, Sardinov R, Sargeant W, Sari R, Sathananthan A, Sathyapalan T, Sato A, Sauter J, Sbraccia P, Schaap J, Schaum T, Schiele F, Scott J, Lieberman G, Segner A, Senior R, Sergeeva-Kondrachenko M, Serota H, Serusclat P, Sethi R, Shah M, Shah N, Shalaev S, Sharma R, Sharma S, Shaydyuk O, Shea H, Shechter M, Shehadeh N, Shirazi M, Shlesinger Y, Shneker A, Shutemova E, Siasos G, Siddiqui I, Sidey J, Sigal F, Sime I, Singh N, Siraj E, Sivalingam K, Skoczylas G, Smith S, Smolenskaya O, Snyder B, Sofer Y, Sofley C, Solano R, Sonmez Y, Sorokin M, González A, Sotolongo C, Soufer J, Selcukbiricik O, Spaic T, Spriggs D, Sreenan S, Stahl H, Stamatelopoulos K, Stanislavchuk M, Stankovic G, Stasek J, Steg G, Steindorf J, Stephan D, Stewart J, Still C, St-Maurice F, Stogowska-Nikiciuk B, Stoker J, Stokic E, Strzelecka A, Sturm K, Sueyoshi A, Sugiura T, Sultan S, Suplotova L, Suwanagool A, Suwanwalaikorn S, Sveklina T, Swanson N, Swart H, Swenson B, Szyprowska E, Tait G, Takács R, Takeuchi Y, Tamirisa A, Tanaka H, Tatovic D, Tellier G, Teragawa H, Teterovska D, Thomas N, Thuan J, Tinahones F, Tisheva-Gospodinova S, Toarba C, Todoriuk L, Tokmakova M, Tonstad S, Toplak H, Tran H, Tripathy D, Trusau A, Tsabedze N, Tsougos E, Tsoukas G, Tuccinardi D, Tuna M, Turatti L, Tziomalos K, Udommongkol C, Ueda O, Ukkola O, Unubol M, Urbach D, Triana M, Usdan L, Vaidya B, Vale N, Vallieres G, Van Beek A, Van De Borne P, Van Der Walt E, Van Der Zwaan C, Van Nieuwenhuizen E, Van Zyl L, Vanduynhoven P, Varghese K, Vasileva S, Vassilev D, Vathesatogkit, Velychko V, Vercammen C, Verges B, Verma S, Verwerft J, Vesela A, Veselovskaya N, Vettor R, Veze I, Vijan V, Vijayaraghavan R, Villarino A, Vincent R, Vinogradova O, Vishlitzky V, Vlad A, Vladu I, Vo A, Von Engelhardt C, Von Münchhausen C, Vorobyeva O, Vossenberg T, Vrolix M, Vukicevic M, Vyshnyvetskyy I, Wadvalla S, Wagner J, Wakeling J, Wallace J, Mohamed W, Wander G, Ward K, Warren M, Watanabe A, Weber B, Weintraub H, Weisnagel J, Welker J, Wendisch U, Wenocur H, Wierum C, Wilding J, William M, Wilson P, Wilson J, Wong Y, Wongcharoen W, Wozniak I, Wu C, Wyatt N, Wynne A, Yamaguchi H, Yamasaki M, Yazici D, Yeh H, Yotov Y, Yuan Q, Zacher J, Zagrebelnaya O, Zaidman C, Zalevskaya A, Zarich S, Zatelli M, Zeller H, Zhdanova E, Zornitzki T, Zrazhevskiy K, Zykov M, Lincoff A, Ryan D, Colhoun H, Deanfield J, Emerson S, Kahn S, Kushner R, Plutzky J, Brown-Frandsen K, Hovingh G, Hardt-Lindberg S, Tornøe C. Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with obesity and prevalent heart failure: a prespecified analysis of the SELECT trial. The Lancet 2024, 404: 773-786. PMID: 39181597, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(24)01498-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReduced ejection fractionOnce-weekly subcutaneous semaglutideHistory of heart failureEjection fractionHeart failureHeart failure subtypesAtherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseSubcutaneous semaglutideBaseline characteristicsCardiovascular diseaseEffects of once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutideNew York Heart Association statusCardiovascular outcomesInteractive web response systemIncidence of clinical eventsGLP-1 receptor agonistsHeart failure endpointsSafety of semaglutideSubtypes of heart failureWeb response systemClinical heart failureEffect of semaglutideDouble-blind mannerSerious adverse eventsPhase 3 trial
Naltrexone/bupropion for binge‐eating disorder: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial
Grilo C, Lydecker J, Jastreboff A, Pittman B, McKee S. Naltrexone/bupropion for binge‐eating disorder: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial. Obesity 2023, 31: 2762-2773. PMID: 37751990, PMCID: PMC10600891, DOI: 10.1002/oby.23898.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNaltrexone/bupropionBinge-eating disorderObesity statusLogistic regressionWeight lossPlacebo-controlled trialWeight loss outcomesPrevalent psychiatric disordersEvidence-based treatmentsPost-treatment assessmentBinge-eating frequencyGreater percentage weight lossMedication outcomesRemission ratePharmacological optionsPlaceboBupropionPsychiatric disordersPercentage weight lossMixed modelsDisordersObesityPatientsSignificant reductionWeight reductionTriple–Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity — A Phase 2 Trial
Jastreboff A, Kaplan L, Frías J, Wu Q, Du Y, Gurbuz S, Coskun T, Haupt A, Milicevic Z, Hartman M. Triple–Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity — A Phase 2 Trial. New England Journal Of Medicine 2023, 389: 514-526. PMID: 37366315, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2301972.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody weightPercentage changePlacebo groupEnd pointGlucagon-like peptide-1Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptideLower starting doseWeight-related conditionsCommon adverse eventsPlacebo-controlled trialPrimary end pointSecondary end pointsBody mass indexTreatment of obesityDose-dependent increaseDose-response relationshipWeight reductionStarting doseAdverse eventsInsulinotropic polypeptideHeart ratePeptide-1Side effectsGlucagon receptorWeeksTirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity in people with type 2 diabetes (SURMOUNT-2): a double-blind, randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
Garvey W, Frias J, Jastreboff A, le Roux C, Sattar N, Aizenberg D, Mao H, Zhang S, Ahmad N, Bunck M, Benabbad I, Zhang X, investigators S, Abalos F, Manghi F, Zaidman C, Vico M, Aizenberg D, Costanzo P, Serra L, MacKinnon I, Hissa M, Vidotti M, Saraiva J, Alves B, Franco D, Moratto O, Murthy S, Goyal G, Yamasaki Y, Sato N, Inoue S, Asakura T, Shestakova M, Khaykina E, Troshina E, Vorokhobina N, Ametov A, Tu S, Yang C, Lee I, Huang C, Ou H, Freeman G, Machineni S, Klein K, Sultan S, Parsa A, Otero-Martinez J, Gonzalez A, Bhargava A, Brian S, Ince C, Plantholt S, Cole J, Lacour A, Vega D, de Souza J, Rohlf J, St. John R, Horowitz B, Audish H, Galindo R, Umpiperrez G, Ard J, Curtis B, Garvey W, Fraser N, Mandry J, Mohseni R, Mayfield R, Powell T, Vance C, Ong S, Lewy-Alterbaum A, Murray A, Al-Karadsheh A, Yacoub T, Roberts K, Fried D, Rosenstock J, Pulla B, Bode B, Frias J, Klaff L, Brazg R, Van J, Tan A, Briskin T, Rhee M, Chaicha-Brom T, Hartley P, Nunez L, Cortes-Maisonet G, Soucie G, Hsia S, Jones T. Tirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity in people with type 2 diabetes (SURMOUNT-2): a double-blind, randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. The Lancet 2023, 402: 613-626. PMID: 37385275, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(23)01200-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType 2 diabetesBody mass indexTreatment discontinuationAdverse eventsBodyweight reductionWeight managementGlucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonistsInteractive web response systemPeptide-1 receptor agonistsGlucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptideComputer-generated random sequenceFrequent adverse eventsPlacebo-controlled trialSerious adverse eventsIncretin-based therapiesPhase 3 trialWeb response systemTreatment of obesityWeekly tirzepatideCoprimary endpointsRescue therapySafety endpointWeek 72Safety profileStudy treatmentRetatrutide, a GIP, GLP-1 and glucagon receptor agonist, for people with type 2 diabetes: a randomised, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, parallel-group, phase 2 trial conducted in the USA
Rosenstock J, Frias J, Jastreboff A, Du Y, Lou J, Gurbuz S, Thomas M, Hartman M, Haupt A, Milicevic Z, Coskun T. Retatrutide, a GIP, GLP-1 and glucagon receptor agonist, for people with type 2 diabetes: a randomised, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, parallel-group, phase 2 trial conducted in the USA. The Lancet 2023, 402: 529-544. PMID: 37385280, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(23)01053-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptideType 2 diabetesGLP-1 receptor agonistsEscalation groupPhase 2 trialReceptor agonistDulaglutide groupPlacebo groupStudy treatmentGLP-1Interactive web response systemModerate gastrointestinal adverse eventsType 2 diabetes managementCurrent consensus guidelinesGastrointestinal adverse eventsWeb response systemPhase 1 studyStudy site personnelHealth care centersGlucagon receptor agonistPhase 3 programRange of dosesPhase 2 dataBaseline HbAGlycaemic targets
Clinical implications of Type 2 diabetes on outcomes after cardiac transplantation
Chouairi F, Mullan C, Ahmed A, Bhinder J, Guha A, Miller P, Jastreboff A, Fuery M, Chiravuri M, Geirsson A, Desai N, Maulion C, Sen S, Ahmad T, Anwer M. Clinical implications of Type 2 diabetes on outcomes after cardiac transplantation. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0273111. PMID: 36516178, PMCID: PMC9750001, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273111.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-transplant mortalityType 2 diabetesAllocation system changeOld allocation systemsHeart transplant recipientsOutcomes of patientsOrgan Sharing databaseProportion of patientsHeart transplantation outcomesLower likelihoodLikelihood of transplantationHigher likelihoodNew allocation systemCardiac transplantationHeart transplantationTransplant recipientsT2D patientsHeart failureSharing databaseCox regressionTransplantation outcomesUnited NetworkWorse outcomesT2DPatients
Testing the effects of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide on cocaine self-administration and subjective responses in humans with cocaine use disorder
Angarita GA, Matuskey D, Pittman B, Costeines JL, Potenza MN, Jastreboff AM, Schmidt HD, Malison RT. Testing the effects of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide on cocaine self-administration and subjective responses in humans with cocaine use disorder. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 221: 108614. PMID: 33621809, PMCID: PMC8026565, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108614.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine use disorderGLP-1Use disordersGLP-1 receptor agonist exenatideGlucagon-like peptide-1 analogSubjective effectsEfficacy of exenatideLevels of amylinPreclinical rodent studiesPeptide-1 analogVisual analog scaleGLP-1 analoguesSelf-reported euphoriaInfusion of cocaineSelf-administer cocaineAcute pretreatmentSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeAnalog scaleHormone levelsRodent studiesExenatidePlaceboCocaine infusionsCUD subjects
Body Mass Index and Age Effects on Brain 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1: a Positron Emission Tomography Study
Bini J, Bhatt S, Hillmer AT, Gallezot JD, Nabulsi N, Pracitto R, Labaree D, Kapinos M, Ropchan J, Matuskey D, Sherwin RS, Jastreboff AM, Carson RE, Cosgrove K, Huang Y. Body Mass Index and Age Effects on Brain 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1: a Positron Emission Tomography Study. Molecular Imaging And Biology 2020, 22: 1124-1131. PMID: 32133575, PMCID: PMC7351613, DOI: 10.1007/s11307-020-01490-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexPositron emission tomographyDehydrogenase type 1Mass indexObese individualsEnzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1Whole brainType 1Higher body mass indexPositron emission tomography studyVT valuesSevere Alzheimer's diseaseEmission tomography studiesSteroid stress hormonesAge-associated increaseMean whole brainSignificant age-associated increaseRegional distribution volumesVisceral adiposityInsulin resistanceActive cortisolExcess cortisolInactive cortisoneMemory dysfunctionParietal lobe
Preventing Childhood Obesity Through a Mindfulness-Based Parent Stress Intervention: A Randomized Pilot Study
Jastreboff AM, Chaplin TM, Finnie S, Savoye M, Stults-Kolehmainen M, Silverman WK, Sinha R. Preventing Childhood Obesity Through a Mindfulness-Based Parent Stress Intervention: A Randomized Pilot Study. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2018, 202: 136-142.e1. PMID: 30241766, PMCID: PMC6203652, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.07.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChildhood obesityChild body mass indexGroup interventionPhysical activity counselingRandomized pilot studyBody mass indexChildhood obesity riskControl group interventionEarly childhood obesityStress interventionsActivity counselingMass indexObesity riskPhysical activityTherapeutic mechanismObesityGroup attendanceRisk 2Pilot studyInterventionSignificant increaseLow-income parentsGreater improvementRiskParent-child dyads
Stress, cortisol, and other appetite‐related hormones: Prospective prediction of 6‐month changes in food cravings and weight
Chao AM, Jastreboff AM, White MA, Grilo CM, Sinha R. Stress, cortisol, and other appetite‐related hormones: Prospective prediction of 6‐month changes in food cravings and weight. Obesity 2017, 25: 713-720. PMID: 28349668, PMCID: PMC5373497, DOI: 10.1002/oby.21790.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFuture weight gainAppetite-related hormonesFood cravingsChronic stressWeight gainProspective community cohortFood Craving InventoryTotal ghrelinCommunity cohortBlood drawMorning cortisolClinical covariatesHormone levelsBody weightCortisol responseHigher food cravingsHigher cortisolCortisolCumulative Adversity InterviewCravingLinear mixed modelsBaselineGhrelinHormoneMonths
Disordered Eating Behaviors in Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: A Common Problem for Both Men and Women
Doyle EA, Quinn SM, Ambrosino JM, Weyman K, Tamborlane WV, Jastreboff AM. Disordered Eating Behaviors in Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: A Common Problem for Both Men and Women. Journal Of Pediatric Health Care 2016, 31: 327-333. PMID: 27843015, DOI: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2016.10.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDEPS-R scoreBody mass index valuesHemoglobin A1c levelsPoor glycemic controlDiabetes Eating Problem SurveyType 1 diabetesEating Problem SurveyMass index valuesPrevalence of DEBOverweight patientsSevere complicationsA1c levelsGlycemic controlEA womenEA menType 1Further evaluationProblem SurveyEating behaviorsWomenMenT1D.T1DScoresAdultsElevated Dopamine D2/3 Receptor Availability in Obese Individuals: A PET Imaging Study with [11C](+)PHNO
Gaiser EC, Gallezot JD, Worhunsky PD, Jastreboff AM, Pittman B, Kantrovitz L, Angarita GA, Cosgrove KP, Potenza MN, Malison RT, Carson RE, Matuskey D. Elevated Dopamine D2/3 Receptor Availability in Obese Individuals: A PET Imaging Study with [11C](+)PHNO. Neuropsychopharmacology 2016, 41: 3042-3050. PMID: 27374277, PMCID: PMC5101552, DOI: 10.1038/npp.2016.115.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexVentral striatumObese individualsD2/3R availabilityOB individualsReward regionsSubstantia nigra/ventral tegmental areaDopamine D2/3 receptor availabilityNormal-weight individualsTreatment of obesityVentral tegmental areaNovel pharmacologic targetsD2/3 receptor availabilitySN/VTAAgonist tracersOverweight cohortMass indexWeight individualsTegmental areaBrain reward regionsAntagonist tracersPharmacologic targetReceptor availabilitySecondary analysisNW individualsUtility of Psychological Screening of Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Transitioning to Adult Providers
Quinn SM, Ambrosino JM, Doyle EA, Weyman K, Tamborlane WV, Jastreboff AM. Utility of Psychological Screening of Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Transitioning to Adult Providers. Endocrine Practice 2016, 22: 1104-1110. PMID: 27295017, DOI: 10.4158/ep151190.or.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChart reviewEating Problem SurveyDiabetes distressAdditional patientsYoung adultsDepressive symptomsProblem SurveyPoor glycemic controlDiabetes Eating Problem SurveyBody mass indexDiabetes Distress ScalePatient Health QuestionnaireType 1 diabetesTransition clinicGlycemic controlMass indexPHQ-8Formal screeningAdult providersGlycated hemoglobinSymptomatic depressionAdult careHealth QuestionnaireMetabolic controlPatientsAltered Brain Response to Drinking Glucose and Fructose in Obese Adolescents
Jastreboff AM, Sinha R, Arora J, Giannini C, Kubat J, Malik S, Van Name MA, Santoro N, Savoye M, Duran EJ, Pierpont B, Cline G, Constable RT, Sherwin RS, Caprio S. Altered Brain Response to Drinking Glucose and Fructose in Obese Adolescents. Diabetes 2016, 65: 1929-1939. PMID: 27207544, PMCID: PMC5384636, DOI: 10.2337/db15-1216.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObese adolescentsLean adolescentsGlucose ingestionInsulin levelsBrain perfusionBrain regionsSugar-sweetened beverage consumptionAltered brain responsesHedonic brain regionsHippocampal blood flowFurther weight gainFructose ingestionAcyl ghrelinAttenuated suppressionFructose consumptionPerfusion responseBlood flowBrain adaptationBeverage consumptionGreater perfusionPerfusionVentral striatumFunctional MRIWeight gainIngestionFunctional Connectivity During Exposure to Favorite-Food, Stress, and Neutral-Relaxing Imagery Differs Between Smokers and Nonsmokers
Garrison KA, Sinha R, Lacadie CM, Scheinost D, Jastreboff AM, Constable RT, Potenza MN. Functional Connectivity During Exposure to Favorite-Food, Stress, and Neutral-Relaxing Imagery Differs Between Smokers and Nonsmokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2016, 18: 1820-1829. PMID: 26995796, PMCID: PMC4978981, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntw088.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional connectivityBrain regionsSupramarginal gyrusFavorite-food cuesSmoking-related alterationsMagnetic resonance imaging studyBrain functional connectivity patternsPrevious functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studiesTobacco use disorderBrain networksIntrinsic connectivity distributionResonance imaging studyFunctional magnetic resonance imaging studyFunctional connectivity patternsMultiple brain networksSmoking cessationNonsmokersPosterior insulaRolandic operculumSmokersFunctional brain networksImaging studiesGreater connectivityNeural responsesRecent reports
Blunted suppression of acyl‐ghrelin in response to fructose ingestion in obese adolescents: The role of insulin resistance
Van Name M, Giannini C, Santoro N, Jastreboff AM, Kubat J, Li F, Kursawe R, Savoye M, Duran E, Dziura J, Sinha R, Sherwin RS, Cline G, Caprio S. Blunted suppression of acyl‐ghrelin in response to fructose ingestion in obese adolescents: The role of insulin resistance. Obesity 2015, 23: 653-661. PMID: 25645909, PMCID: PMC4548801, DOI: 10.1002/oby.21019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcyl ghrelinObese insulinGlucose ingestionInsulin resistanceObese adolescentsCross-over designFructose ingestionGut hormonesChildhood obesityInsulin sensitivityFructose consumptionEffect of glucoseDiminished suppressionRandom orderIngestionObesityPYYAdolescentsInsulinSuppression differencesGlucoseMinutesResponseGhrelinOIR
Leptin Is Associated With Exaggerated Brain Reward and Emotion Responses to Food Images in Adolescent Obesity
Jastreboff AM, Lacadie C, Seo D, Kubat J, Van Name MA, Giannini C, Savoye M, Constable RT, Sherwin RS, Caprio S, Sinha R. Leptin Is Associated With Exaggerated Brain Reward and Emotion Responses to Food Images in Adolescent Obesity. Diabetes Care 2014, 37: 3061-3068. PMID: 25139883, PMCID: PMC4207200, DOI: 10.2337/dc14-0525.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow-calorie foodsBrain responsesFood imagesEmotion processingEmotion responsesAdolescent brainNeural responsesNeural activationHigh-calorie food consumptionFood cravingsNeural alterationsBrain rewardFunctional MRIAdolescent obesityRisk of overconsumptionAdolescentsObesity-related metabolic changesEndogenous leptin levelsFood advertisingMetabolic changesYouthDevelopment of obesityType 2 diabetesLean adolescentsNation's youthBlunted striatal responses to favorite-food cues in smokers
Jastreboff AM, Sinha R, Lacadie CM, Balodis IM, Sherwin R, Potenza MN. Blunted striatal responses to favorite-food cues in smokers. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2014, 146: 103-106. PMID: 25444233, PMCID: PMC4272899, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.09.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFavorite-food cuesNeural responsesNeutral-relaxing conditionsBody mass indexCue exposureBrain mechanismsRewarding stimuliBrain responsesStriatal responsesCuesDiminished activationLower body mass indexLean body massSmoking cessationMass indexSmoking statusFMRIInsulaSmokersWeight gainStimuliRatingsAudiotapesCaudateBody massSex differences in the association between dietary restraint, insulin resistance and obesity
Jastreboff AM, Gaiser EC, Gu P, Sinha R. Sex differences in the association between dietary restraint, insulin resistance and obesity. Eating Behaviors 2014, 15: 286-290. PMID: 24854820, PMCID: PMC4032476, DOI: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2014.03.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexInsulin resistanceMass indexRestrained eatingHomeostatic model assessmentSex differencesObese weight categoriesEating Behavior QuestionnaireEventual weight gainDutch Eating Behavior QuestionnaireHOMA-IRPlasma insulinObservational studyModel assessmentAbstractTextWeight categoriesWeight gainDietary restraintLarge community sampleFood consumptionWomenMenAIMSCommunity sampleBehavior Questionnaire
Comparison of BMI and Physical Activity Between Old Order Amish Children and Non-Amish Children
Hairston KG, Ducharme JL, Treuth MS, Hsueh WC, Jastreboff AM, Ryan KA, Shi X, Mitchell BD, Shuldiner AR, Snitker S. Comparison of BMI and Physical Activity Between Old Order Amish Children and Non-Amish Children. Diabetes Care 2013, 36: 873-878. PMID: 23093661, PMCID: PMC3609522, DOI: 10.2337/dc12-0934.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMin/dayPhysical activityOld Order AmishNutrition Examination Survey dataBMI z-scoreVigorous physical activityComparison of BMIHip-worn accelerometersOld Order Amish childrenNon-Hispanic white populationPediatric overweightMean BMIExcess weightNational HealthLong-term protectionLow prevalenceES groupNHANES estimatesChildhood factorsZ-scorePA levelsBMIDiabetesAnthropometric dataWhite population