Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with obesity and prevalent heart failure: a prespecified analysis of the SELECT trial
Deanfield J, Verma S, Scirica B, Kahn S, Emerson S, Ryan D, Lingvay I, Colhoun H, Plutzky J, Kosiborod M, Hovingh G, Hardt-Lindberg S, Frenkel O, Weeke P, Rasmussen S, Goudev A, Lang C, Urina-Triana M, Pietilä M, Lincoff A, Investigators S, Abe M, Abhaichand R, Abhayaratna W, Abhyankar A, Abidin I, Assi H, Mendoza J, Adas M, Agaiby J, Agarwal D, Agha M, Ahmed A, Ahtiainen P, Aigner E, Ajay N, Ali N, Al-Karadsheh A, Allison R, Allison D, Alpenidze D, Altuntas Y, Al-Zoebi A, Ambuj R, Amerena J, Anderson R, Ando T, Andrews R, Antonova E, Appel K, Arantes F, Araz M, Arbel Y, León J, Argyrakopoulou G, Ariani M, Mendoza M, Arif A, Arneja J, Aroda V, Aronne L, Arstall M, Asamoah N, Asanin M, Audish H, Avram R, Badat A, Badiu C, Bakdash W, Bakiner O, Bandezi V, Bang L, Bansal S, Baranyai M, Barbarash O, Barber M, Barnum O, Rochette G, Bashkin A, Baum S, Bays H, Ruiz A, Beckowski M, Beerachee Y, Bellary S, Belousova L, Berk M, Bernstein M, Berra C, Beshay I, Bhagwat A, Bhan A, Biggs W, Billings L, Bitar F, Block B, Bo S, Bogdanski P, Bolshakova O, Boshchenko A, Bosworth H, Lopez R, Bôttcher M, Bourgeois R, Brautigam D, Breton C, Broadley A, Brockmyre A, Brodie S, Bucci M, Budincevic H, Budoff M, Buffman B, Buljubasic N, Buranapin S, Burgess L, Burguera B, Buriakovska O, Buscemi S, Busch R, Buse J, Buynak R, Byrne M, Caceaune E, Bonfanti A, Calinescu C, Call R, Varzic S, Cannon K, Capehorn M, Cariou B, Carr J, Carrillo-Jimenez R, Casas M, Castro A, Celik A, Cercato C, Cermak O, Y J, Chacon C, Chaicha-Brom T, Chandra S, Chettibi M, Chevts J, Christopher J, Chrustowski W, Cif A, Clark R, Clark W, Clifford P, Coetzee K, Cogni G, Colao A, Colquhoun D, Concha M, Condit J, Constance C, Constantin C, Constantinescu S, Corbett C, Cornett G, Correia M, Cortinovis F, Cosma D, Creely S, Cross D, Curtis B, Czochra W, Daboul N, Dagdelen S, D'agostino R, Dang C, Datta S, Davuluri A, Dawood S, De Jong D, De La Cuesta C, De Los Rios Ibarra M, De Pablo C, De Pauw M, Dela Llana A, Delibasic M, Delic-Brkljacic D, Demicheli T, Denger R, Desai D, Desai P, Desouza C, Dicker D, Djenic N, Dobson S, Doi M, Doran J, Dorman R, Dotta F, Dukes C, Duronto E, Durst R, Dvoryashina I, Ebrahim I, Eggebrecht H, Egstrup K, Ekinci E, Eliasson B, Eliasson K, Enache G, Enculescu D, English P, Ermakova P, Ershova O, Ezaki H, Ezhov M, Farias E, Farias J, Farsky P, Ferreira D, Filteau P, Finneran M, Folkens E, Fonseca A, Fonseca L, Fordan S, Fourie N, França S, Franco D, Franek E, Friedman K, Frittitta L, Froer M, Fuckar K, Fujii K, Fujita R, Fukushima Y, Fulat M, Fulwani M, Gajos G, Galyavich A, Gambill M, Gandotra D, Winston G, Hernandez P, Reza R, Garg N, Garg S, Garvey W, Garza J, Gatta-Cherifi B, Gelev V, Geller S, Geohas J, Georgiev B, Ghazi A, Gilbert M, Gilinskaya O, Gislason G, Yavuz D, Albarrán O, Gordeev I, Gorton S, Goudev A, Valderhaug T, Groenemeijer B, Gul I, Gullestad L, Gurieva I, Guseva G, Hagenow A, Haluzik M, Halvorsen S, Hammoudi N, Hanaoka K, Hancu N, Hanusch U, Harris K, Harris B, Hartleib M, Hartman A, Hata Y, Heimer B, Herman L, Herzog W, Hewitt E, Heymer P, Hiremath S, Hjelmesaeth J, Høgalmen R, Høivik H, Holmer H, Horoshko O, Houser P, Hove J, Hsieh I, Hulot J, Hussein Z, Ilashchuk T, Ilveskoski E, Ipatko I, Iranmanesh A, Isawa T, Issa M, Iteld B, Iwasawa T, Jabbar D, Jackson R, Jackson-Voyzey E, Jacob S, Jaffrani N, Jardula M, Jastreboff A, Jensen S, Jerkins T, Jimenez-Ramos S, Singh S, Johnson W, Joyce J, Jozefowska M, Jugnundan P, Jungmair W, Jurowiecki J, Kadokami T, Kahali D, Kahrmann G, Kaiser S, Kalmucki P, Kanadasi M, Kandath D, Kania G, Kannan J, Kapp C, Karczmarczyk A, Kartalis A, Kaser S, Kasim S, Kastelic R, Kato T, Katova T, Kaul U, Kautzky-Willer A, Kawanishi M, Kayikcioglu M, Kazakova E, Keeling P, Kempe H, Kereiakes D, Kerneis M, Keski-Opas T, Khadra S, Khaisheva L, Kharakhulakh M, Khlevchuk T, Khoo J, Kiatchoosakun S, Kinoshita N, Kinoshita M, Kitamura R, Kiyosue A, Klavina I, Klein E, Klimsa Z, Klonoff D, Klug E, Kobalava Z, Kodera S, Koga T, Kokkinos A, Koleckar P, Könyves L, Koren M, Kormann A, Kostner K, Kreutzmann K, Krishinan S, Krishnasamy S, Krivosheeva I, Kruljac I, Kubicki T, Kuchar L, Kujawiak M, Kunishige H, Kurtinecz M, Lisboa H, Kushnir M, Kyyak Y, Lace A, Lakka T, Lalic N, Lalic K, Lambadiari V, Lanaras L, Lang C, Langlois M, Lash J, Latkovskis G, Lau D, Soto J, Le Roux C, Ledesma G, Lee L, Lee T, Lee K, Lehrke M, Leite S, Leksycka A, Lenzmeier T, Leonetti F, Leonidova V, Lepor N, Leung M, Levchenko O, Levins P, Levy L, Lewis M, Liberopoulos E, Liberty I, Lindholm C, Lingvay I, Linhart A, Liu M, Liu J, Lofton H, Logemann T, Lombaard J, Lombard L, Lorraine R, Lovell C, Ludvik B, Lukaszewicz M, Lupkovics G, Lupovitch S, Lupu S, Lynch M, Lysak Z, Lysenko T, Maeda H, Maeda I, Mæng M, Mahajan A, Maher V, Maia L, Makotoko E, Malavazos A, Malecha J, Malicherova E, Manita M, Mannucci E, Mareev V, Marin L, Markova T, Marso S, Martens F, Martinez C, Cano C, Martins C, Comas L, Matsumoto T, Mcdonald K, Mcgowan B, Mcgrew F, Mclean B, Mcpherson D, Torres J, Meyers P, Meyhöfer S, Raya P, Milanova M, Milicic D, Miller G, Mills R, Mîndrescu N, Mingrone G, Minkova D, Mirani M, Miras A, Mistodie C, Mitomo S, Mittal S, Miyake T, Miyamoto N, Molony D, Monteiro P, Mooe T, Moosa N, Portillo C, Villegas E, Morawski E, Morbey C, Morin R, Morisaki K, Morosanu M, Mosenzon O, Mostovoy Y, Munir I, Muratori F, Murray R, Murthy A, Myint M, Myshanych G, Nafornita V, Nagano T, Nair S, Nakhle S, Natsuaki M, Nayak B, Nibouche D, Nicholls S, Nicolau J, Nicolescu G, Nierop P, Niskanen L, Ntaios G, Nygård O, Oaks J, Obrezan A, O'donnell P, Oguri M, Oguzhan A, Oh F, Ohsugi M, Okada Y, Okayama H, Onaca A, Onaka H, Oneil P, Ong T, Ong S, Ono Y, Opsahl P, Ostrowska L, Oviedo A, Ozdogan O, Ozpelit E, Pagkalos E, Pagotto U, Páll D, Pandey A, Parkhomenko O, Parvathareddy K, Patel M, Patsilinakos S, Paul N, Pedersen S, Pereira I, Pereira E, Terns P, Perez-Vargas E, Pergaeva Y, Perkelvald A, Peskov A, Peter J, Peters K, Petit C, Petrov I, Philis-Tsimikas A, Pietilä M, Pinto F, Piros A, Piyayotai D, Platonov D, Poirier P, Pop L, Popa B, Pop-Busui R, Poremba J, Porto A, Postadzhiyan A, Pothineni R, Potu R, Powell T, Prafulla K, Prager R, Prakova-Teneva Z, Pratley R, Price H, Pulka G, Pullman J, Punt Z, Purighalla R, Purnell P, Qureshi M, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Raikhel M, Rancane G, Randeva H, Rasouli N, Pintilei D, Reyes C, Rezgale I, Rice E, Riley T, Risser J, Ristic A, Fernández M, Robbins D, Robitaille Y, Rodbard H, Plazas J, Römer T, Rosen G, Rosman A, Rossi P, Rudenko L, Ruffin O, Ruhani A, Runev N, Ruyatkin D, Ruzic A, Ryabov V, Rydén L, Saggar S, Sakamoto T, Salter T, Samal A, Samoilova Y, Sanabria H, Sancak S, Sangrigoli R, Sansanayudh N, Santini F, Saraiva J, Sardinov R, Sargeant W, Sari R, Sathananthan A, Sathyapalan T, Sato A, Sauter J, Sbraccia P, Schaap J, Schaum T, Schiele F, Scott J, Lieberman G, Segner A, Senior R, Sergeeva-Kondrachenko M, Serota H, Serusclat P, Sethi R, Shah M, Shah N, Shalaev S, Sharma R, Sharma S, Shaydyuk O, Shea H, Shechter M, Shehadeh N, Shirazi M, Shlesinger Y, Shneker A, Shutemova E, Siasos G, Siddiqui I, Sidey J, Sigal F, Sime I, Singh N, Siraj E, Sivalingam K, Skoczylas G, Smith S, Smolenskaya O, Snyder B, Sofer Y, Sofley C, Solano R, Sonmez Y, Sorokin M, González A, Sotolongo C, Soufer J, Selcukbiricik O, Spaic T, Spriggs D, Sreenan S, Stahl H, Stamatelopoulos K, Stanislavchuk M, Stankovic G, Stasek J, Steg G, Steindorf J, Stephan D, Stewart J, Still C, St-Maurice F, Stogowska-Nikiciuk B, Stoker J, Stokic E, Strzelecka A, Sturm K, Sueyoshi A, Sugiura T, Sultan S, Suplotova L, Suwanagool A, Suwanwalaikorn S, Sveklina T, Swanson N, Swart H, Swenson B, Szyprowska E, Tait G, Takács R, Takeuchi Y, Tamirisa A, Tanaka H, Tatovic D, Tellier G, Teragawa H, Teterovska D, Thomas N, Thuan J, Tinahones F, Tisheva-Gospodinova S, Toarba C, Todoriuk L, Tokmakova M, Tonstad S, Toplak H, Tran H, Tripathy D, Trusau A, Tsabedze N, Tsougos E, Tsoukas G, Tuccinardi D, Tuna M, Turatti L, Tziomalos K, Udommongkol C, Ueda O, Ukkola O, Unubol M, Urbach D, Triana M, Usdan L, Vaidya B, Vale N, Vallieres G, Van Beek A, Van De Borne P, Van Der Walt E, Van Der Zwaan C, Van Nieuwenhuizen E, Van Zyl L, Vanduynhoven P, Varghese K, Vasileva S, Vassilev D, Vathesatogkit, Velychko V, Vercammen C, Verges B, Verma S, Verwerft J, Vesela A, Veselovskaya N, Vettor R, Veze I, Vijan V, Vijayaraghavan R, Villarino A, Vincent R, Vinogradova O, Vishlitzky V, Vlad A, Vladu I, Vo A, Von Engelhardt C, Von Münchhausen C, Vorobyeva O, Vossenberg T, Vrolix M, Vukicevic M, Vyshnyvetskyy I, Wadvalla S, Wagner J, Wakeling J, Wallace J, Mohamed W, Wander G, Ward K, Warren M, Watanabe A, Weber B, Weintraub H, Weisnagel J, Welker J, Wendisch U, Wenocur H, Wierum C, Wilding J, William M, Wilson P, Wilson J, Wong Y, Wongcharoen W, Wozniak I, Wu C, Wyatt N, Wynne A, Yamaguchi H, Yamasaki M, Yazici D, Yeh H, Yotov Y, Yuan Q, Zacher J, Zagrebelnaya O, Zaidman C, Zalevskaya A, Zarich S, Zatelli M, Zeller H, Zhdanova E, Zornitzki T, Zrazhevskiy K, Zykov M, Lincoff A, Ryan D, Colhoun H, Deanfield J, Emerson S, Kahn S, Kushner R, Plutzky J, Brown-Frandsen K, Hovingh G, Hardt-Lindberg S, Tornøe C. Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with obesity and prevalent heart failure: a prespecified analysis of the SELECT trial. The Lancet 2024, 404: 773-786. PMID: 39181597, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(24)01498-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReduced ejection fractionOnce-weekly subcutaneous semaglutideHistory of heart failureEjection fractionHeart failureHeart failure subtypesAtherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseSubcutaneous semaglutideBaseline characteristicsCardiovascular diseaseEffects of once-weekly subcutaneous semaglutideNew York Heart Association statusCardiovascular outcomesInteractive web response systemIncidence of clinical eventsGLP-1 receptor agonistsHeart failure endpointsSafety of semaglutideSubtypes of heart failureWeb response systemClinical heart failureEffect of semaglutideDouble-blind mannerSerious adverse eventsPhase 3 trial
Naltrexone/bupropion for binge‐eating disorder: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial
Grilo C, Lydecker J, Jastreboff A, Pittman B, McKee S. Naltrexone/bupropion for binge‐eating disorder: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial. Obesity 2023, 31: 2762-2773. PMID: 37751990, PMCID: PMC10600891, DOI: 10.1002/oby.23898.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBinge-Eating DisorderBulimiaBupropionDouble-Blind MethodFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedNaltrexoneObesityTreatment OutcomeWeight LossConceptsNaltrexone/bupropionBinge-eating disorderObesity statusLogistic regressionWeight lossPlacebo-controlled trialWeight loss outcomesPrevalent psychiatric disordersEvidence-based treatmentsPost-treatment assessmentBinge-eating frequencyGreater percentage weight lossMedication outcomesRemission ratePharmacological optionsPlaceboBupropionPsychiatric disordersPercentage weight lossMixed modelsDisordersObesityPatientsSignificant reductionWeight reductionReducing BMI below the obesity threshold in adolescents treated with once‐weekly subcutaneous semaglutide 2.4 mg
Kelly A, Arslanian S, Hesse D, Iversen A, Körner A, Schmidt S, Sørrig R, Weghuber D, Jastreboff A. Reducing BMI below the obesity threshold in adolescents treated with once‐weekly subcutaneous semaglutide 2.4 mg. Obesity 2023, 31: 2139-2149. PMID: 37196421, DOI: 10.1002/oby.23808.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentBody Mass IndexDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2Double-Blind MethodHumansHypoglycemic AgentsObesityOverweightTreatment OutcomeConceptsWeekly subcutaneous semaglutideBMI categoriesSubcutaneous semaglutideWeek 68Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonistsObesity thresholdPeptide-1 receptor agonistsHigh-intensity physical activityObesity class IIIOverweight BMI categoryLogistic regression modelsOverweight BMIReceiving placeboTeens trialLifestyle interventionReceptor agonistPhysical activityPlaceboBMISemaglutideParticipants' BMIClass IIIOverall populationPhase 3aHealthy nutritionTriple–Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity — A Phase 2 Trial
Jastreboff A, Kaplan L, Frías J, Wu Q, Du Y, Gurbuz S, Coskun T, Haupt A, Milicevic Z, Hartman M. Triple–Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity — A Phase 2 Trial. New England Journal Of Medicine 2023, 389: 514-526. PMID: 37366315, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2301972.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody weightPercentage changePlacebo groupEnd pointGlucagon-like peptide-1Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptideLower starting doseWeight-related conditionsCommon adverse eventsPlacebo-controlled trialPrimary end pointSecondary end pointsBody mass indexTreatment of obesityDose-dependent increaseDose-response relationshipWeight reductionStarting doseAdverse eventsInsulinotropic polypeptideHeart ratePeptide-1Side effectsGlucagon receptorWeeksTirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity in people with type 2 diabetes (SURMOUNT-2): a double-blind, randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
Garvey W, Frias J, Jastreboff A, le Roux C, Sattar N, Aizenberg D, Mao H, Zhang S, Ahmad N, Bunck M, Benabbad I, Zhang X, investigators S, Abalos F, Manghi F, Zaidman C, Vico M, Aizenberg D, Costanzo P, Serra L, MacKinnon I, Hissa M, Vidotti M, Saraiva J, Alves B, Franco D, Moratto O, Murthy S, Goyal G, Yamasaki Y, Sato N, Inoue S, Asakura T, Shestakova M, Khaykina E, Troshina E, Vorokhobina N, Ametov A, Tu S, Yang C, Lee I, Huang C, Ou H, Freeman G, Machineni S, Klein K, Sultan S, Parsa A, Otero-Martinez J, Gonzalez A, Bhargava A, Brian S, Ince C, Plantholt S, Cole J, Lacour A, Vega D, de Souza J, Rohlf J, St. John R, Horowitz B, Audish H, Galindo R, Umpiperrez G, Ard J, Curtis B, Garvey W, Fraser N, Mandry J, Mohseni R, Mayfield R, Powell T, Vance C, Ong S, Lewy-Alterbaum A, Murray A, Al-Karadsheh A, Yacoub T, Roberts K, Fried D, Rosenstock J, Pulla B, Bode B, Frias J, Klaff L, Brazg R, Van J, Tan A, Briskin T, Rhee M, Chaicha-Brom T, Hartley P, Nunez L, Cortes-Maisonet G, Soucie G, Hsia S, Jones T. Tirzepatide once weekly for the treatment of obesity in people with type 2 diabetes (SURMOUNT-2): a double-blind, randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. The Lancet 2023, 402: 613-626. PMID: 37385275, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(23)01200-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType 2 diabetesBody mass indexTreatment discontinuationAdverse eventsBodyweight reductionWeight managementGlucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonistsInteractive web response systemPeptide-1 receptor agonistsGlucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptideComputer-generated random sequenceFrequent adverse eventsPlacebo-controlled trialSerious adverse eventsIncretin-based therapiesPhase 3 trialWeb response systemTreatment of obesityWeekly tirzepatideCoprimary endpointsRescue therapySafety endpointWeek 72Safety profileStudy treatmentRetatrutide, a GIP, GLP-1 and glucagon receptor agonist, for people with type 2 diabetes: a randomised, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, parallel-group, phase 2 trial conducted in the USA
Rosenstock J, Frias J, Jastreboff A, Du Y, Lou J, Gurbuz S, Thomas M, Hartman M, Haupt A, Milicevic Z, Coskun T. Retatrutide, a GIP, GLP-1 and glucagon receptor agonist, for people with type 2 diabetes: a randomised, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, parallel-group, phase 2 trial conducted in the USA. The Lancet 2023, 402: 529-544. PMID: 37385280, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(23)01053-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptideType 2 diabetesGLP-1 receptor agonistsEscalation groupPhase 2 trialReceptor agonistDulaglutide groupPlacebo groupStudy treatmentGLP-1Interactive web response systemModerate gastrointestinal adverse eventsType 2 diabetes managementCurrent consensus guidelinesGastrointestinal adverse eventsWeb response systemPhase 1 studyStudy site personnelHealth care centersGlucagon receptor agonistPhase 3 programRange of dosesPhase 2 dataBaseline HbAGlycaemic targetsNew Frontiers in Obesity Treatment: GLP-1 and Nascent Nutrient-Stimulated Hormone-Based Therapeutics
Jastreboff A, Kushner R. New Frontiers in Obesity Treatment: GLP-1 and Nascent Nutrient-Stimulated Hormone-Based Therapeutics. Annual Review Of Medicine 2023, 74: 125-139. PMID: 36706749, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-med-043021-014919.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2Glucagon-Like Peptide 1HumansHypoglycemic AgentsObesityTreatment OutcomeConceptsGLP-1 RAsGlucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonistsPeptide-1 receptor agonistsAnti-obesity therapeuticsTreatment of obesityMechanism-based treatmentsNeurobiology of obesityObesity treatmentReceptor agonistGLP-1Obesity therapeuticsEffective treatmentObesityHalf of AmericansFirst agentTreatmentTherapeuticsAgonistsAgents
Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment of Obesity
Jastreboff AM, Aronne LJ, Ahmad NN, Wharton S, Connery L, Alves B, Kiyosue A, Zhang S, Liu B, Bunck MC, Stefanski A. Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment of Obesity. New England Journal Of Medicine 2022, 387: 205-216. PMID: 35658024, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2206038.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody weightTreatment discontinuationAdverse eventsGlucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonistsPeptide-1 receptor agonistsGlucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptidePercentage changeDose escalation periodWeight-related complicationsCommon adverse eventsCoprimary end pointsBody mass indexSubstantial global morbidityTreatment of obesityMean percentage changePercentage of participantsMean body weightWeight reductionCardiometabolic measuresTreat populationPlacebo groupWeek 72Mean BMIWeekly dosesDose escalation
Impact of Obesity on Heart Transplantation Outcomes
Chouairi F, Milner A, Sen S, Guha A, Stewart J, Jastreboff AM, Mori M, Clark KA, Miller PE, Fuery MA, Rogers JG, Notarianni A, Jacoby D, Maulion C, Anwer M, Geirsson A, Desai NR, Ahmad T, Mullan CW. Impact of Obesity on Heart Transplantation Outcomes. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2021, 10: e021346. PMID: 34854316, PMCID: PMC9075353, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.121.021346.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultCohort StudiesHeart TransplantationHumansObesityRisk AssessmentTreatment OutcomeWaiting ListsConceptsBody mass indexHigher BMI categoriesImpact of obesityHeart transplantation outcomesBMI categoriesTransplantation outcomesHeart transplantationHigher body mass indexAllocation system changeAdvanced heart failureOrgan Sharing databaseObese BMI categoriesVentricular assist deviceNew Organ ProcurementPosttransplant deathPosttransplantation deathPosttransplant mortalityBackground PatientsBMI 18.5Adult patientsCohort studyHeart failureHeart transplantSharing databaseWaitlist deathsTesting the effects of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide on cocaine self-administration and subjective responses in humans with cocaine use disorder
Angarita GA, Matuskey D, Pittman B, Costeines JL, Potenza MN, Jastreboff AM, Schmidt HD, Malison RT. Testing the effects of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide on cocaine self-administration and subjective responses in humans with cocaine use disorder. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 221: 108614. PMID: 33621809, PMCID: PMC8026565, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108614.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine use disorderGLP-1Use disordersGLP-1 receptor agonist exenatideGlucagon-like peptide-1 analogSubjective effectsEfficacy of exenatideLevels of amylinPreclinical rodent studiesPeptide-1 analogVisual analog scaleGLP-1 analoguesSelf-reported euphoriaInfusion of cocaineSelf-administer cocaineAcute pretreatmentSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeAnalog scaleHormone levelsRodent studiesExenatidePlaceboCocaine infusionsCUD subjects
Clinical Considerations Regarding the Use of Obesity Pharmacotherapy in Adolescents with Obesity
Srivastava G, Fox CK, Kelly AS, Jastreboff AM, Browne AF, Browne NT, Pratt JSA, Bolling C, Michalsky MP, Cook S, Lenders CM, Apovian CM. Clinical Considerations Regarding the Use of Obesity Pharmacotherapy in Adolescents with Obesity. Obesity 2019, 27: 190-204. PMID: 30677262, PMCID: PMC6449849, DOI: 10.1002/oby.22385.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsIntensive lifestyle interventionObesity pharmacotherapyLifestyle interventionSevere obesityPrediabetes/type 2 diabetesObesity-related comorbid diseasesNonalcoholic fatty liver diseasePediatric primary care providersIntensive lifestyle modificationFatty liver diseaseMore effective treatment strategiesObstructive sleep apneaEffective treatment optionPrimary care providersType 2 diabetesEffective treatment strategiesLifestyle modificationPharmacotherapy optionsBariatric surgeryComorbid diseasesLiver diseaseSleep apneaTreatment algorithmExcess adiposityInformed consent regulations
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology Comprehensive Clinical Practice Guidelines Formedical Care of Patients with Obesity
Garvey WT, Mechanick JI, Brett EM, Garber AJ, Hurley DL, Jastreboff AM, Nadolsky K, Pessah-Pollack R, Plodkowski R, Guidelines R. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology Comprehensive Clinical Practice Guidelines Formedical Care of Patients with Obesity. Endocrine Practice 2016, 22: 1-203. PMID: 27219496, DOI: 10.4158/ep161365.gl.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH KeywordsClinical Decision-MakingHumansObesityQuality of LifeRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicTreatment OutcomeUnited StatesConceptsClinical practice guidelinesAmerican CollegeAdiposity-based chronic diseaseDetailed evidence-based recommendationsReal-world medical careCoronary Artery Risk DevelopmentOral glucose tolerance testClinical Endocrinologists ACEWeight-related complicationsGlucose tolerance testPrevention of diabetesIndividualization of careSelection of therapyBehavioral modificationEvidence-based recommendationsMedical care planAmerican AssociationQuality of lifeHigh-quality careAACE protocolAdjustable gastricSibutramine TrialRecommendation gradesNonpharmacologic interventionsClinical Endocrinologists