Yale Vape Flavor Study
Health Professionals
What is the purpose of this trial?
We are currently conducting a research study investigating how the taste of e-cigarettes differs between men & women. Looking for healthy adults (21+) who smoke cigarettes and have tried/use e-cigarettes and are not looking to quit.
Study includes a brief intake appointment, followed by 4 lab sessions (1-2 hours each). During lab sessions participants sample different e-cigarette flavors. No blood collection. Flexible scheduling, including evenings.
Reimbursement for travel provided. Earn up to $425 for participating.
If interested, call or text 203-530-1724 or email vapeflavorstudy@yale.edu
HIC #2000032981
Prescreen online survey: https://yalesurvey.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5AyFrVRV3zg6r9c
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Principal Investigator
- Last Updated08/27/2024
- Study HIC#2000032981