Access challenges to opioid use disorder treatment among individuals experiencing homelessness: Voices from the streets
Hsu M, Jung O, Kwan L, Jegede O, Martin B, Malhotra A, Suzuki J. Access challenges to opioid use disorder treatment among individuals experiencing homelessness: Voices from the streets. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2023, 157: 209216. PMID: 37981243, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2023.209216.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid use disorderSocioeconomic statusUse disordersCOVID-19 pandemicBuprenorphine/naloxoneActive substance useUse disorder treatmentPercent of participantsActive prescriptionMOUD accessSublingual buprenorphineOUD treatmentTreatment gapTreatment accessMOUDDisorder treatmentBuprenorphineAdverse effectsSubstance useVulnerable populationsIndividual-level factorsMedicationsAccess challengesWhite participantsDisorders
Treatment of substance use disorders among black and white adults: rates, correlates, and racial discrimination
Bommersbach TJ, Jegede O, Na PJ, Stefanovics EA, Rhee TG, Rosenheck RA. Treatment of substance use disorders among black and white adults: rates, correlates, and racial discrimination. Journal Of Addictive Diseases 2021, 40: 345-356. PMID: 34747323, DOI: 10.1080/10550887.2021.1997038.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTreatment receiptPast-year SUDCriminal justice involvementSUD treatmentWhite individualsWhite adultsMultivariate analysisBlack individualsIndependent differentiating factorsSubstance use disorder treatmentUse disorder treatmentSubstance use disordersNational Epidemiologic SurveyRelated Conditions-IIILow social supportJustice involvementClinical correlatesRacial groupsPsychiatric disordersPsychiatric treatmentUse disordersEpidemiologic SurveyDisorder treatmentBivariate analysisSociodemographic disadvantage