activity American Psychological Association Division 18: Psychologists in Public Service, Serious Mental Illness/Severe Emotional Disturbance Section
Chair-Elect08/08/2016 - Presentactivity VA Psychology Training Council- Model Curriculum Committee
2018 - Presentactivity American Psychological Association Division 18: Psychologists in Public Service, Serious Mental Illness/Severe Emotional Disturbance Section
Chair08/12/2018 - Presenthonor Distinguished Psychologist Award for Education
honor American Psychological Association Early Career Psychologist Outstanding Poster Award
honor Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association Award of Distinction: Le Roy Spaniol Educator Award
activity American Psychological Association Division 18: Psychologists in Public Service, Serious Mental Illness/Severe Emotional Disturbance Section
Secretary08/11/2014 - 08/08/2016honor American Psychological Association Early Career Psychologist Achievement Award
honor American University Dissertation Fellowship Award
honor American Academy of Political and Social Science Junior Fellow