CHAPTER 9 Current Concepts in the Classification, Treatment, and Modeling of Pathological Gambling and Other Impulse Control Disorders
Williams W, Grant J, Winstanley C, Potenza M. CHAPTER 9 Current Concepts in the Classification, Treatment, and Modeling of Pathological Gambling and Other Impulse Control Disorders. 2008, 317-357. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-373861-5.00029-1.ChaptersIntermittent explosive disorderControl disordersPathological gamblingCompulsive computer useCompulsive skin pickingCore clinical featuresHigh prevalence ratesImpulse control disordersClinical featuresObsessive-compulsive spectrum disordersTreatment trialsPsychiatric cohortPrevalence ratesGeneral populationExplosive disorderSkin pickingMental disordersAppetitive urgeCompulsive sexual behaviorDistressing behaviorsStatistical ManualDisordersCurrent conceptsCompulsive shoppingSexual behavior