activity Nonconvulsive seizures in the critically ill: continuous EEG, quantitative EEG and COVID-19
activity Epilepsy and EEG Collaborative Topics
activity The role of continuous EEG in the ICU; and Seizure clusters and rescue therapy
activity The neurophysiology of SUDEP; Recordings from the responsive neurostimulation system; The EEG in status epilepticus (plenary)
activity Nonconvulsive seizures and status epilepticus in the critically ill: the silent epidemic; Chronic brain stimulation for treatment of epilepsy
honor Insley Lecturer
activity Stroke and Epilepsy
activity NORSE/FIRES Consensus Definition
honor Fellow
activity Treating periodic discharges and related patterns after anoxia
activity ICU EEG: Indications, advances, limitations and pitfalls
activity 1. Diagnosis and treatment of status epilepticus; 2. ICU EEG: Indications, limitations and pitfalls; 3. Brain Stimulation for Epilepsy
honor Attending of the Year
honor Keynote Speaker
honor Sahlie Distinguished Lecturer
activity Neurostimulation for medically intractable epilepsy
honor Fellow
honor Gloor Lecturer and Grand Plenary Speaker
activity EEG/Brain Monitoring in the ICU; Brain stimulation for epilepsy
activity Seizures in the critically ill patient