activity American Academy of Neurology Guidelines Subcommittee
05/01/2019 - Presentactivity American Academy of Neurology Ethics, Law, and Humanities Committee
05/01/2019 - Presentactivity New England Epilepsy Society
Organized hybrid meetings of epilepsy clinicians, researchers, and trainees across New England, focusing on clinical and basic research, quality improvement, educational, and clinical projects. Collaborated with the Epilepsy Foundations of New England and Connecticut to promote collaboration between clinicians, researchers, and patient advocacy organizations.09/01/2023 - 09/01/2024honor Fellow of the American Epilepsy Society
honor OHER Award for Yale Research Excellence
honor Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology
activity American Epilepsy Society Psychosocial Comorbidities Committee
12/01/2016 - 01/01/2021honor Epilepsia Clinical Science Award
honor Career Development Award
honor Emerging Leaders Program
honor Young Investigator Award
honor Rebecca Goldberg Kaufman Honor
honor Palatucci Advocacy Leader and Advisor
honor Young Investigator Award
honor Research Highlight
honor Practice Research Training Scholarship
honor Quest for Success Certificate of Achievement
honor Neurologist in Training Clinical Ethics Fellowship
honor Harvard Medical School Travelling Fellowship
honor John Ware Memorial Fellowship