Everyone (Public)Genetics Department Seminar Series: “GlycoRNAs and cell surface RNA biology.”The Anlyan CenterPassword: 080122Add event to CalendarAdd event series to CalendarSpeakerHarvard University Ryan Flynn, MD,PhDAssistant Professor ContactAgata Purcell203.785.2649agata.purcell@yale.eduHostJun Lu, PhDjun.lu@yale.eduAdmissionFreeTagLectures and SeminarsFoodSnacksNext upcoming occurrences of this eventNov 202412TuesdayEventGenetics Department Seminar Series: "Socio-Economic Status: A Social Construct with Heritable Components and Genetic Consequences."Speaker: Abdel Abdellaoui, PhD 11:30 AM12:30 PMNov 202419TuesdayEventGenetics Department Seminar Series: "Direct lineage reprogramming in lung cancer and for cell therapy."Speaker: Tushar Desai, MD, PhD11:30 AM12:30 PMNov 202426TuesdayEventCancelled: Genetics Department Seminar Series11:30 AM12:30 PMOct 20248Tuesday11:30 AM12:30 PMDownload FlyerEdit This Event