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Professional Responsibility Course

The Professional Responsibility course examines many of the moral, legal, economic, social, and structural aspects of the health care system in which students will be immersed in now and during their career. This course examines the moral and ethical context of the practice of medicine, or what society expects of physicians in addition to our purely technical skills – including how we comport ourselves, how well we communicate, what our obligations to our patients and communities are, and how well we live up to them.

The PR course helps students recognize, confront, and resolve ethical dilemmas that arise during patient care and research, when the proper course of action – what we should do – is not immediately obvious, and there is often disagreement among well-meaning people. The course includes lectures and small group discussion sessions. Students take turns leading the small group discussion sessions under the supervision of faculty facilitators.

For more information:

Faculty Directors: Karen Jubanyik, MD and David Rosenthal, MD