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Module 10: U.S. Public Health System and COVID-19

The Story...

While continuing their research into the impacts of COVID-19, high school friends Tash, Ray, and June recognize the recovery and spread of the virus are very different across the globe and across different populations in the U.S. They want to know more about the public health system, how it works, and what is being done to combat the virus. What are the roles of federal, state, and local agencies? What is each person’s individual responsibility? Why are some communities recovering faster than others? Why are other communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus, and what can we do about it?

Performance Expectations:

  • Identify organizations, government agencies and community partners that make up the public health system and what they do.
  • Use data as evidence to determine how effective federal agencies have been in combating COVID-19.
  • Identify how health determinants have impacted patients afflicted with COVID-19.
  • Determine the inequities of the public health system and how the pandemic has magnified them.

Module 10 Challenges