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Alexandra Popa, PhD

Principal Scientist, Global Computational Biology and Digital Sciences

Alexandra Popa has joined Boehringer-Ingelheim as a Principal Scientist in the Computational Department since 2020. Her research is focused on the identification of new targets as well as the establishment of strong biomarkers in the field of oncology. Prior to her current position, she worked at the CeMM Institute in Austria (studying the evolution and impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, the Tasmanian Devil transmissible cancer, the virus-induced liver immune-metabolism), the IPMC Institute in France (investigating the translational mechanism of proteins in cells and profiling immune cell populations in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma), and the LBBE laboratory in France (examining the mechanisms of transcription processing during alternative splicing). Dr. Popa has obtained her PhD from the Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in France on the topic of recombination-induced genome evolution changes.


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