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Yale Cardiovascular Medicine Education Fund

We are excited to launch the Yale Cardiovascular Medicine Education Fund. Periodically, we will highlight a faculty member, fellow, or educational opportunity. We ask you to kindly consider giving a gift to support this new fund, which will provide support for needed resources including lectureships, training, professional development, and other educational priorities.

Lawrence S. Cohen MD, the Ebenezer K. Hunt Professor of Medicine (Emeritus), served as the chief of Yale Cardiovascular Medicine from 1970-1978. An accomplished teacher and physician, he oversaw the early growth of cardiac catheterization and coronary arteriography at Yale New Haven Hospital. He taught physical diagnosis and led the medical student course “Learning Heart Sounds” for almost four decades. He is the recipient of the Francis Gilman Blake Award of Yale School of Medicine for Outstanding Teaching of the Medical Sciences. He initiated the Yale clinical trials comparing medical treatment and coronary bypass surgery in patients with stable angina and thrombolytics in patients with unstable angina and myocardial infarction. He is past president of the Association of University Cardiologists and the Interurban Clinical Club founded by William Osler in 1905.

In 1991, he was appointed Deputy Dean of the medical school and later served as Special Advisor to the Dean and Research Integrity Officer to three deans.

If Dr. Cohen has had an impact on your life, we encourage you to send a note – that we can share with him – along with a gift to the Yale Cardiology Education Fund in his honor. To learn more about our work and opportunities to partner with us through charitable giving, please contact Laura Wyrick, Associate Director of Development, at or 203-436-8540

How to Make a Gift

Online Giving

Visit the Yale Office of Development website to make an online donation.


Checks should be made payable to Yale University and sent to the following address:


Yale School of Medicine
Office of Development
Attn: Laura Wyrick
P.O. Box 7611
New Haven, CT 06519-0611

Thank you in advance for your support and donation.