Enhanced Human Decidual Cell–Expressed FKBP51 May Promote Labor-Related Functional Progesterone Withdrawal
Schatz F, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Basar M, Buchwalder LF, Ocak N, Guzel E, Guller S, Semerci N, Kayisli UA, Lockwood CJ. Enhanced Human Decidual Cell–Expressed FKBP51 May Promote Labor-Related Functional Progesterone Withdrawal. American Journal Of Pathology 2015, 185: 2402-2411. PMID: 26207680, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2015.05.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTerm decidual cellsDecidual cellsProgesterone receptorP4 withdrawalInterstitial trophoblastMedroxyprogesterone acetateDC culturesHuman term labourLow progesterone receptorsGlucocorticoid receptor expressionFunctional progesterone withdrawalCultured decidual cellsHuman decidual cellsPlasma progesterone levelsThird trimester trophoblastDC nucleiDecidual sectionsOrganon 2058Plasma P4 levelsTerm laborPR expressionProgesterone withdrawalProgesterone levelsReceptor expressionGR expression
A Novel Immortalized Human Endometrial Stromal Cell Line with Normal Progestational Response
Krikun G, Mor G, Alvero A, Guller S, Schatz F, Sapi E, Rahman M, Caze R, Qumsiyeh M, Lockwood CJ. A Novel Immortalized Human Endometrial Stromal Cell Line with Normal Progestational Response. Endocrinology 2004, 145: 2291-2296. PMID: 14726435, DOI: 10.1210/en.2003-1606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCell Line, TransformedDeciduaEndometriumEstradiolFas Ligand Proteinfas ReceptorFemaleFibronectinsGene ExpressionHot TemperatureHumansInsulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 1KaryotypingMedroxyprogesterone AcetateMembrane GlycoproteinsPlasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1ProgestinsProlactinStromal CellsTelomeraseThromboplastinConceptsHuman endometrial stromal cellsImmortalized human endometrial stromal cell lineHuman endometrial stromal cell lineCultured human endometrial stromal cellsEndometrial stromal cell linePrimary human endometrial stromal cellsPlasminogen activator inhibitor-1Endometrial stromal cellsExpression of IGFFas/Fas ligandActivator inhibitor-1Cell linesProgestational responseParent cellsOvarian steroidsMedroxyprogesterone acetateDecidualization responseAbnormal karyotypeStromal cell lineTissue factorNew cell lineStromal cellsFas ligandInhibitor-1Process of immortalization