Patients on Antidepressants Are at an Increased Risk of Adverse Events following Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Ratnasamy P, Diatta F, Oghenesume O, Sanchez J, Gouzoulis M, Grauer J. Patients on Antidepressants Are at an Increased Risk of Adverse Events following Total Knee Arthroplasty. Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2024 PMID: 39637418, DOI: 10.5435/jaaos-d-24-00743.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTime of surgeryTotal knee arthroplasty patientsAdverse eventsRevision surgeryTotal knee arthroplastyPatient ageIncreased risk of adverse eventsRisk of adverse eventsElixhauser Comorbidity Index scorePostoperative adverse eventsInferior perioperative outcomesComorbidity Index scoreKnee arthroplastyPerioperative outcomesElixhauser Comorbidity IndexPostoperative outcomesAntidepressant medicationAntidepressantsComorbidity indexMultivariate analysisPatient populationSurgeryIncreased riskLevel IIIPatientsAnatomic vs. reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: usage trends and perioperative outcomes
Halperin S, Dhodapkar M, Kim L, Modrak M, Medvecky M, Donohue K, Grauer J. Anatomic vs. reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: usage trends and perioperative outcomes. Seminars In Arthroplasty JSES 2024, 34: 91-96. DOI: 10.1053/j.sart.2023.08.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTotal shoulder arthroplastyElixhauser Comorbidity IndexPerioperative outcomesAdverse eventsSurgeon volumeShoulder arthroplastyHigher Elixhauser comorbidity indexPerioperative adverse eventsSevere adverse eventsUrinary tract infectionCommon orthopaedic proceduresMatching of patientsPatient demographicsTract infectionsPearlDiver databaseMultivariable analysisOverall incidencePatient populationKidney infectionMerit further investigationOrthopedic proceduresGreater oddsRTSAIncreased percentagePatients
Evolving Trends in the Use of Sacroiliac Fusion From 2015 to 2020
Halperin S, Dhodapkar M, Jiang W, Elaydi A, Jordan Y, Whang P, Grauer J. Evolving Trends in the Use of Sacroiliac Fusion From 2015 to 2020. Spine 2023, 49: 577-582. PMID: 37075329, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000004684.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSI fusionOpen approachAdverse eventsSacroiliac fusionHigher Elixhauser comorbidity indexRetrospective cohort analysisElixhauser Comorbidity IndexLess adverse eventsEvolution of patientsComorbidity indexAdult patientsPatient characteristicsPrimary outcomeIndependent predictorsPearlDiver databaseMultivariable analysisPatient populationOpen procedureBACKGROUND DATACohort analysisSI jointDegenerative indicationsMIS approachMIS casesOlder ageSecond Primary Malignancies of the Bones and Joints: More Common than Expected in Osteosarcoma Patients
Freedman I, Dowd H, Dhodapkar M, Halperin S, Grauer J. Second Primary Malignancies of the Bones and Joints: More Common than Expected in Osteosarcoma Patients. JAAOS Global Research And Reviews 2023, 7: e22.00275. PMID: 36695170, PMCID: PMC9875998, DOI: 10.5435/jaaosglobal-d-22-00275.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSecond primary malignanciesStandardized incidence ratiosOsteosarcoma survivorsPrimary malignancyCommon second primary malignancyNational Cancer Institute's SurveillanceEnd Results 18 databaseCommon primary bone tumorPrimary bone tumorsPopulation-level dataIncidence ratiosOverall incidenceOsteosarcoma patientsPatient populationExcess riskBone tumorsAnatomic locationLong-term eventsOsteosarcoma casesPatientsYoung adultsTumorsSoft tissueMalignancyOsteosarcoma
Bucket-Handle Meniscus Tear Management With Meniscectomy Versus Repair Correlates With Patient, Socioeconomic, and Hospital Factors
Mercier M, Galivanche A, Efthymiou L, Wilhelm C, Grauer J, Gardner E. Bucket-Handle Meniscus Tear Management With Meniscectomy Versus Repair Correlates With Patient, Socioeconomic, and Hospital Factors. Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2022, 31: 565-573. PMID: 36730692, DOI: 10.5435/jaaos-d-21-01052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBucket-handle meniscus tearsHospital factorsMeniscal repairLogistic regression modelsMeniscus tearsTreatment approachesMultivariable logistic regression modelIdentification of patientsCommon knee injuriesInfluence of patientUrban teaching hospitalClinical factorsDischarge weightRegression modelsKnee injuriesPatient populationSicker patientsOptimal treatmentUnivariate analysisTeaching hospitalNationwide utilizationHigher median household incomeHigher oddsTear managementRepresentative cohortEmergency Department Visits Within 90 Days of Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Ratnasamy P, Kammien A, Gouzoulis M, Grauer J. Emergency Department Visits Within 90 Days of Total Ankle Arthroplasty. Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics 2022, 7: 2473011421s00895. PMCID: PMC9679845, DOI: 10.1177/2473011421s00895.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTotal ankle arthroplastyElixhauser Comorbidity IndexSurgical site painED visitsSite painTAA patientsAnkle arthroplastyRisk factorsCommon reasonHealth care utilization/costsHigher Elixhauser comorbidity indexPostoperative ED visitsRetrospective cohort studyEmergency department visitsDay of surgeryLogistic regression analysisComorbidity indexCohort studyED utilizationDepartment visitsPatient factorsPostoperative weekEmergency departmentPatient populationFemale sex
Risk Factors for Venous Thromboembolism in Children Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery.
Mets EJ, Pathak N, Galivanche AR, McLynn RP, Frumberg DB, Grauer JN. Risk Factors for Venous Thromboembolism in Children Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery. Orthopedics 2021, 45: 31-37. PMID: 34846239, DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20211124-06.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVenous thromboembolismAdverse eventsRisk factorsOrthopedic surgeryNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric databaseSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric databaseIncidence of VTEPostoperative venous thromboembolismMinor adverse eventsPostoperative adverse eventsPreoperative blood transfusionIndependent risk factorMajor adverse eventsHigh-risk subpopulationsVTE prophylaxisPerioperative outcomesPatient demographicsBlood transfusionPatient factorsPediatric patientsSurgical variablesPreventable complicationsFemur fracturesPatient populationRetrospective analysisHospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey response rates are significantly affected by patient characteristics and postoperative outcomes for patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty
Mercier MR, Galivanche AR, David WB, Malpani R, Pathak N, Hilibrand AS, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey response rates are significantly affected by patient characteristics and postoperative outcomes for patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty. PLOS ONE 2021, 16: e0257555. PMID: 34582475, PMCID: PMC8478166, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257555.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal knee arthroplastyPrimary total knee arthroplastyHospital Consumer AssessmentPostoperative outcomesPatient characteristicsHCAHPS survey resultsHCAHPS surveySurvey response rateKnee arthroplastyResponse rateHealthcare providersConsumer AssessmentHigher American SocietyMultivariate regression analysisAnesthesia scorePostoperative variablesTKA patientsAdult patientsPrimary outcomePatient factorsSurgical variablesPatient populationPatient satisfactionSingle institutionHospital experienceTotal Joint Arthroplasty in Patients With Achondroplasia: Comparison of 90-Day Adverse Events and 5-Year Implant Survival
Moore HG, Schneble CA, Kahan JB, Polkowski GG, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Total Joint Arthroplasty in Patients With Achondroplasia: Comparison of 90-Day Adverse Events and 5-Year Implant Survival. Arthroplasty Today 2021, 11: 151-156. PMID: 34584919, PMCID: PMC8452593, DOI: 10.1016/j.artd.2021.08.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTotal joint arthroplastyAdverse eventsImplant survivalJoint arthroplastyFive-year implant survivalShort-term adverse eventsPrimary total hipSurgical site infectionLong-term implant successMultivariate logistic regressionTotal knee arthroplastyCommon skeletal dysplasiaMedical comorbiditiesSite infectionTotal hipPatient populationKnee arthroplastyAdministrative databasesHigher oddsLarge cohortGreater oddsPatientsImplant successSurvival curvesArthroplastyPredictors and Sequelae of Postoperative Delirium in a Geriatric Patient Population With Hip Fracture
Haynes MS, Alder KD, Toombs C, Amakiri IC, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Predictors and Sequelae of Postoperative Delirium in a Geriatric Patient Population With Hip Fracture. JAAOS Global Research And Reviews 2021, 5: e20.00221. PMID: 33989253, PMCID: PMC8133215, DOI: 10.5435/jaaosglobal-d-20-00221.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHip fracture populationPostoperative deliriumPreoperative dementiaHip fractureGeriatric hip fracture populationDependent functional statusFracture populationAdverse postoperative outcomesHigher American SocietyIndependent risk factorPostoperative adverse outcomesGeriatric patient populationNongeneral anesthesiaPreoperative diabetesPostoperative outcomesIndependent predictorsMale sexAdverse outcomesPatient populationFunctional statusRevision surgeryRisk factorsDeliriumHigher oddsRisk subpopulations
Spine coding transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10: Not taking advantage of the specificity of a more granular system
Sabatino MJ, Burroughs PJ, Moore HG, Grauer JN. Spine coding transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10: Not taking advantage of the specificity of a more granular system. North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) 2020, 4: 100035. PMID: 35141603, PMCID: PMC8820049, DOI: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2020.100035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchICD-10 codesDiagnostic codesICD-9ICD-10Number of patientsSpine-related conditionsSpecific diagnostic codesDistribution of utilizationIndex encounterSpine patientsPatient populationDiagnosis codesSpine conditionsClinical careInternational ClassificationPatientsCurrent studyFive-fold increaseSmall proportionYearsDorsopathySpecificityDiseaseCare
Surgical Treatment of Septic Shoulders: A Comparison Between Arthrotomy and Arthroscopy
Bovonratwet P, Fu MC, Pathak N, Ondeck NT, Bohl DD, Nho SJ, Grauer JN. Surgical Treatment of Septic Shoulders: A Comparison Between Arthrotomy and Arthroscopy. Arthroscopy The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019, 35: 1984-1991. PMID: 31196694, DOI: 10.1016/j.arthro.2019.02.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatients' preoperative characteristicsRate of reoperationSeptic shoulderAdverse eventsPreoperative characteristicsPerioperative complicationsNative shoulderNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseQuality Improvement Program databaseNational patient populationMinor adverse eventsSerious adverse eventsImprovement Program databaseRisk of reoperationRetrospective comparative studyLength of staySignificant differencesUnderwent irrigationPostoperative complicationsPatient characteristicsSurgical groupSurgical treatmentSeptic arthritisOperative timePatient population
Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty in Octogenarians: An Analysis of 957 Cases
Bovonratwet P, Tyagi V, Ottesen TD, Ondeck NT, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty in Octogenarians: An Analysis of 957 Cases. The Journal Of Arthroplasty 2017, 33: 178-184. PMID: 28844628, DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2017.07.032.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRevision total knee arthroplastyTotal knee arthroplastyBlood transfusionOctogenarian patientsKnee arthroplastyPatient populationNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseQuality Improvement Program databaseLonger lengthYoung populationHigh rateImprovement Program databaseYoung patient populationNumber of octogenariansLarger patient populationYear oldsHospital stayIntraoperative characteristicsPerioperative complicationsPerioperative coursePropensity matchingAdvanced ageProgram databaseOctogenariansStayOutpatient and Inpatient Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Procedures Have Similar Short-Term Complication Profiles
Bovonratwet P, Ondeck NT, Tyagi V, Nelson SJ, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Outpatient and Inpatient Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Procedures Have Similar Short-Term Complication Profiles. The Journal Of Arthroplasty 2017, 32: 2935-2940. PMID: 28602533, DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2017.05.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAmbulatory Surgical ProceduresArthroplasty, Replacement, KneeCohort StudiesComorbidityDatabases, FactualFemaleHumansInpatientsLength of StayMaleMiddle AgedOutcome Assessment, Health CareOutpatientsPatient ReadmissionPatient SatisfactionPostoperative ComplicationsPropensity ScoreQuality ImprovementUnited StatesConceptsUnicompartmental knee arthroplastyNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseInpatient Unicompartmental Knee ArthroplastyQuality Improvement Program databaseLength of hospitalImprovement Program databasePerioperative complicationsProgram databaseOutpatient unicompartmental knee arthroplastyShort-term complication profileUnicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) proceduresNational patient populationPerioperative outcome measuresHigh patient satisfactionKnee arthroplasty proceduresPotential confounding factorsInpatient cohortPerioperative outcomesPostdischarge complicationsPatient characteristicsComplication profileOutpatient surgeryPatient populationKnee arthroplastyOutpatient procedure
Do we really know our patient population in database research? A comparison of the femoral shaft fracture patient populations in three commonly used national databases.
Samuel AM, Lukasiewicz AM, Webb ML, Bohl DD, Basques BA, Varthi AG, Leslie MP, Grauer JN. Do we really know our patient population in database research? A comparison of the femoral shaft fracture patient populations in three commonly used national databases. The Bone & Joint Journal 2016, 98-B: 425-32. PMID: 26920971, DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.98b3.36285.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Surgical Quality Improvement ProgramCharleston Comorbidity IndexNational Trauma Data BankNationwide Inpatient SampleOrthopaedic trauma researchPatient populationNational databaseLarge national clinical databaseSurgical Quality Improvement ProgramOrthopaedic trauma populationPopulation of patientsFemoral shaft fracturesNational Clinical DatabaseTrauma Data BankQuality Improvement ProgramTrauma researchMore comorbiditiesComorbidity indexShaft fracturesTrauma populationDistribution of ageInpatient SampleInclusion criteriaSD 1.9SD 2.3Spinal Fracture in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis
Lukasiewicz AM, Bohl DD, Varthi AG, Basques BA, Webb ML, Samuel AM, Grauer JN. Spinal Fracture in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis. Spine 2016, 41: 191-196. PMID: 26579959, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000001190.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Inpatient SampleSpinal fracturesAdverse eventsCervical fracturesSpinal columnHospital adverse eventsMortality of fracturesSmall case seriesSpinal cord injuryAnkylosed spinePatient demographicsRetrospective cohortThoracic fracturesCase seriesHigh morbidityInjury characteristicsInpatient stayMinor traumaCord injuryPatient populationCase reportInpatient SampleBACKGROUND DATAHigh riskPatients
Analysis of Delays to Surgery for Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries
Samuel AM, Bohl DD, Basques BA, Diaz-Collado PJ, Lukasiewicz AM, Webb ML, Grauer JN. Analysis of Delays to Surgery for Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries. Spine 2015, 40: 992-1000. PMID: 25785963, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000000883.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCervical VertebraeChi-Square DistributionComorbidityDatabases, FactualDecompression, SurgicalFemaleHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateLinear ModelsMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisPatient AdmissionRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSpinal Cord InjuriesTime FactorsTime-to-TreatmentTreatment OutcomeYoung AdultConceptsCervical spinal cord injuryIncomplete spinal cord injurySpinal cord injuryNational Trauma Data Bank Research Data SetCentral spinal cord injuryComplete spinal cord injuryLate surgeryCord injuryUpper cervical spinal cord injuryGreater Charlson Comorbidity IndexSuperior neurological outcomeCharlson Comorbidity IndexMajority of patientsComorbidity indexNeurological outcomeUnderwent surgerySurgical timingInjury characteristicsRetrospective studyEmergency departmentInpatient admissionsPatient populationSurgery occurBACKGROUND DATAPatients