Association patterns of antisocial personality disorder across substance use disorders
Low A, Stiltner B, Nunez Y, Adhikari K, Deak J, Pietrzak R, Kranzler H, Gelernter J, Polimanti R. Association patterns of antisocial personality disorder across substance use disorders. Translational Psychiatry 2024, 14: 346. PMID: 39198385, PMCID: PMC11358160, DOI: 10.1038/s41398-024-03054-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntisocial personality disorderSubstance use disordersPersonality disorderUse disorderAssociation of antisocial personality disorderPresence of antisocial personality disorderPrevalence of antisocial personality disorderHazardous useDSM-5 SUD diagnosesSubstance use disorder severityDiagnostic criteriaInteraction effects with sexTobacco use disorderDSM-5Association of alcoholSUD diagnosisDisordersCocaineRacial/ethnic backgroundsIndividualsCocUDSeverityCannabisAssociation patternsAssociationIdentifying neurofunctional domains across substance use disorders
Hartwell E, Schwandt M, Nunez Y, Wetherill R, Kember R, Wiers C, Gelernter J, Kranzler H. Identifying neurofunctional domains across substance use disorders. The American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse 2024, 50: 536-546. PMID: 39018668, DOI: 10.1080/00952990.2024.2368180.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersHistory of abuse/neglectExploratory factor analysisExecutive functionSubstance useSemi-Structured Assessment for Drug DependenceWisconsin Card Sorting TestPersistence of substance use disordersNEO Personality InventoryCard Sorting TestFactor analysisNature of substance use disordersSix-factor modelPatterns of associationPersonality InventoryNeurofunctional domainsSorting TestDrug dependenceTargeted clinical interventionsLatent variable modelsClinical interventionsFit indicesAbuse/neglectDisordersLatent domains
Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of cannabis use disorder yields insight into disease biology and public health implications
Levey D, Galimberti M, Deak J, Wendt F, Bhattacharya A, Koller D, Harrington K, Quaden R, Johnson E, Gupta P, Biradar M, Lam M, Cooke M, Rajagopal V, Empke S, Zhou H, Nunez Y, Kranzler H, Edenberg H, Agrawal A, Smoller J, Lencz T, Hougaard D, Børglum A, Demontis D, Gaziano J, Gandal M, Polimanti R, Stein M, Gelernter J. Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of cannabis use disorder yields insight into disease biology and public health implications. Nature Genetics 2023, 55: 2094-2103. PMID: 37985822, PMCID: PMC10703690, DOI: 10.1038/s41588-023-01563-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSingle nucleotide polymorphism-based heritabilityMulti-ancestry genome-wide association studyAssociation studiesMillion Veteran ProgramGenome-wide association studiesWide significant lociWide association studySignificant lociReference panelSmall populationDisease biologyAncestryAmerican ancestryHeritabilityVeteran ProgramNumerous medical comorbiditiesLung cancer riskRelationship analysisLociBiologyPublic health implicationsEast AsiansPublic health consequencesMedical comorbiditiesCigarette smokingPolysubstance addiction patterns among 7,989 individuals with cocaine use disorder
Stiltner B, Pietrzak R, Tylee D, Nunez Y, Adhikari K, Kranzler H, Gelernter J, Polimanti R. Polysubstance addiction patterns among 7,989 individuals with cocaine use disorder. IScience 2023, 26: 107336. PMID: 37554454, PMCID: PMC10405253, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107336.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCocaine use disorderUse disordersAddiction patternsMixed bipolar episodesLatent class analysisDSM-5 diagnosisPosttraumatic stress disorderAntisocial personality disorderPsA severityMedication useHigher PSAPSA subgroupsHigher oddsBipolar episodesStress disorderPersonality disorderDisordersSubgroupsAgeSexClass analysisParticipantsComorbiditiesDiseaseDiagnosis
Genome-Wide Investigation of Maximum Habitual Alcohol Intake in US Veterans in Relation to Alcohol Consumption Traits and Alcohol Use Disorder
Deak JD, Levey DF, Wendt FR, Zhou H, Galimberti M, Kranzler HR, Gaziano JM, Stein MB, Polimanti R, Gelernter J, Muralidhar S, Moser J, Deen J, Gaziano J, Beckham J, Chang K, Tsao P, Luoh S, Casas J, Churby L, Whitbourne S, Brewer J, Brophy M, Selva L, Shayan S, Cho K, Pyarajan S, DuVall S, Connor T, Argyres D, Aslan M, Stephens B, Concato J, Gelernter J, Gleason T, Huang G, Koenen K, Marx C, Radhakrishnan K, Schork N, Stein M, Zhao H, Kaufman J, Nunez Y, Pietrzak R, Beck D, Cissell S, Crutchfield P, Lance W, Cheung K, Li Y, Sun N, Chen Q, Rajeevan N, Sayward F, Gagnon D, Harrington K, Quaden R, O'Leary T, Ramoni R. Genome-Wide Investigation of Maximum Habitual Alcohol Intake in US Veterans in Relation to Alcohol Consumption Traits and Alcohol Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5: e2238880. PMID: 36301540, PMCID: PMC9614582, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.38880.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesGenome-wide significant lociGenomic structural equation modelingSignificant lociAlcohol traitsAssociation studiesAfrican ancestry participantsGenome-wide investigationAncestry-specific genome-wide association studiesGenetic correlationsPsychiatric traitsLinkage disequilibrium score regressionGenetic associationStrong genetic correlationSingle nucleotide variantsGenetic architectureGenetic association studiesGenetic lociTop associationsNegative rgEuropean ancestry participantsNucleotide variantsFunctional variantsScore regressionTraitsT119. AN INTERNATIONAL AND MULTI-ANCESTRAL GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDY META-ANALYSIS OF CANNABIS USE DISORDERS
Levey D, Galimberti M, Johnson E, Cooke M, Rajagopal V, Deak J, Zhou H, Lam M, Nunez Y, Edenberg H, Polimanti R, Lencz T, Demontis D, Stein M, Gelernter J. T119. AN INTERNATIONAL AND MULTI-ANCESTRAL GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDY META-ANALYSIS OF CANNABIS USE DISORDERS. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2022, 63: e233. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2022.07.415.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGenome-wide association study in individuals of European and African ancestry and multi-trait analysis of opioid use disorder identifies 19 independent genome-wide significant risk loci
Deak JD, Zhou H, Galimberti M, Levey DF, Wendt FR, Sanchez-Roige S, Hatoum AS, Johnson EC, Nunez YZ, Demontis D, Børglum AD, Rajagopal VM, Jennings MV, Kember RL, Justice AC, Edenberg HJ, Agrawal A, Polimanti R, Kranzler HR, Gelernter J. Genome-wide association study in individuals of European and African ancestry and multi-trait analysis of opioid use disorder identifies 19 independent genome-wide significant risk loci. Molecular Psychiatry 2022, 27: 3970-3979. PMID: 35879402, PMCID: PMC9718667, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-022-01709-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesGenome-wide significant risk lociAssociation studiesVariant associationsLarge-scale genome-wide association studiesGenetic correlationsSignificant risk lociPsychiatric Genomics ConsortiumMulti-trait analysisPolygenic risk score analysisSingle-variant associationsGWS lociGenetic architectureIndividuals of EuropeanGWS associationsRisk lociGene regionGenomics ConsortiumMillion Veteran ProgramSusceptibility lociAfrican ancestryLociRisk score analysisGenetic informativenessSNPs oneGenome-wide meta-analysis of alcohol use disorder in East Asians
Zhou H, Kalayasiri R, Sun Y, Nuñez YZ, Deng HW, Chen XD, Justice AC, Kranzler HR, Chang S, Lu L, Shi J, Sanichwankul K, Mutirangura A, Malison RT, Gelernter J. Genome-wide meta-analysis of alcohol use disorder in East Asians. Neuropsychopharmacology 2022, 47: 1791-1797. PMID: 35094024, PMCID: PMC9372033, DOI: 10.1038/s41386-022-01265-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use disorderAlcohol dependenceUse disordersICD-9-CM diagnosisGenome-wide association studiesEast Asian subjectsElectronic health recordsPack yearsLeading causePolygenic risk scoresThai cohortRisk scoreAlcohol consumptionDSM-IVAsian subjectsCohortMillion Veteran Program sampleHealth recordsLarge genome-wide association studiesEast AsiansOngoing recruitmentRisk genesDisordersRisk lociSubjectsClinical and behavioral correlates in adult methamphetamine users with childhood exposure to household drug and alcohol use
Rattanasumawong W, Malison R, Gelernter J, Nunez Y, Kalayasiri R. Clinical and behavioral correlates in adult methamphetamine users with childhood exposure to household drug and alcohol use. The International Journal Of Alcohol And Drug Research 2022, 9: 77-84. DOI: 10.7895/ijadr.345.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAntisocial personality disorderBaseline socio-demographic informationMA useCross-sectional baseline dataPersonality disorderSevere clinical presentationMethamphetamine usersSocio-demographic informationGreater subsequent useSemi-Structured AssessmentCohort studyClinical presentationAdult methamphetamine usersFamily historyChildhood exposureDrug useRespective drugsAlcohol dependenceDrug dependenceDrug typeAlcohol useFamily exposureMA usersBaseline dataSelf-harm experience
Reliability and validity of DSM-IV and DSM-5 methamphetamine use disorder diagnoses using the Chinese Version of the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA)
Ma YJ, Wang YY, Liu MQ, Fang T, Wei ZR, Chen SB, Tan H, Nunez YZ, Zhang XJ, Hao W, Malison RT, Kranzler HR, Gelernter J, Liu TQ, Yang BZ. Reliability and validity of DSM-IV and DSM-5 methamphetamine use disorder diagnoses using the Chinese Version of the Semi-Structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA). Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 229: 109047. PMID: 34710713, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109047.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
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