Thomas Kosten
Professor Adjunct, PsychiatryCards
Integrating Drug Target Information in Deep Learning Models to Predict the Risk of Adverse Events in Patients with Comorbid Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder
Miranda O, Qi X, Brannock M, Whitworth R, Kosten T, Ryan N, Haas G, Kirisci L, Wang L. Integrating Drug Target Information in Deep Learning Models to Predict the Risk of Adverse Events in Patients with Comorbid Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder. Biomedicines 2024, 12: 2772. DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines12122772.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPost-traumatic stress disorderAlcohol use disorder patientsAlcohol use disorderComorbid post-traumatic stress disorderUse disorderOpioid use disorderStress disorderSuicidal behaviorPotential therapeutic medicationsDeep learning modelsTarget informationDisordersElectronic medical recordsLearning modelsDepressionPotential therapeutic effectsNeighborhood-level social determinants of healthUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical CenterRisk of adverse eventsNeighborhood-level social determinantsSocial determinants of healthAdverse eventsMedicationAdverse outcomesDeterminants of healthDisorders due to Substance Use: General Approaches
Kosten T, Domingo C. Disorders due to Substance Use: General Approaches. 2024, 2527-2542. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51366-5_92.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersDSM-5ICD-11Depressive symptomsSubstance use disorder criteriaBorderline personality disorderSubstance-induced conditionsGoal of abstinenceDrug withdrawal symptomsPersonality disorderDepressive disorderAgonist maintenanceWithdrawal symptomsAcute detoxificationLifetime substanceSUD diagnosisAbused drugsDevelopmental differencesUrine toxicologySubstance useAlcohol usePsychosocial rehabilitationDisordersDrug useSymptomsDexmedetomidine HCL (BXCL501) as a potential treatment for alcohol use disorder and comorbid PTSD: A phase 1b, placebo‐controlled crossover laboratory study
Petrakis I, Nolen T, Vandergrift N, Hirsch S, Krystal J, De Vivo M, Sabados J, Pisani E, Newcomb J, Kosten T. Dexmedetomidine HCL (BXCL501) as a potential treatment for alcohol use disorder and comorbid PTSD: A phase 1b, placebo‐controlled crossover laboratory study. American Journal On Addictions 2024 PMID: 39152094, DOI: 10.1111/ajad.13637.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPathophysiology of posttraumatic stress disorderAlcohol use disorderSubjective effects of alcoholEffects of alcoholUse disorderComorbid alcohol use disorderAlcohol cue reactivityPosttraumatic stress disorderCrossover laboratory studyCue reactivityAlcohol cravingNoradrenergic dysregulationStress disorderBlood pressureSubjective effectsEthanol administrationClinically significant adverse effectsPharmacotherapeutic approachesTest daysReceptor agonistsPotential treatmentDouble-blind fashionCravingDrinking alcoholDisordersUse of Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes, Impulsivity, and Anxiety: Influences on Suicidal Ideation Among Youth and Young Adults in Texas
Wilkinson A, Chen B, Swann A, Graham D, Nielsen D, Kosten T, Loukas A, Mantey D, Bataineh B, Harrell M. Use of Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes, Impulsivity, and Anxiety: Influences on Suicidal Ideation Among Youth and Young Adults in Texas. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2024, 27: 54-60. PMID: 39028574, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntae163.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchE-cigarette useCigarette useE-cigarettesRisk of suicidal ideationHigh riskCigarette/e-cigarette useTexas Adolescent TobaccoAssociated with higher riskYoung adultsUse of cigarettesSuicidal ideationMixed-effects logistic regressionIncreased risk of suicidal ideationIncreased riskHigher risk of suicidal ideationAdolescent tobaccoInfluence of cigaretteLevels of SESLogistic regressionCigaretteCessation programsTwo-weekMultiple social identitiesRiskAppropriate supportLithium reduces impulsive decision making in transdiagnostic patients at high risk for suicide attempt recurrence: A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study
Murphy N, Pham G, Weyland A, Engelhardt J, Kypriotakis G, Thomas Y, Kosten T, Moukaddam N, Mathew S, Swann A. Lithium reduces impulsive decision making in transdiagnostic patients at high risk for suicide attempt recurrence: A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Journal Of Affective Disorders Reports 2024, 17: 100833. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadr.2024.100833.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmediate memory taskInternal State ScaleTime perception tasksSuicidal behaviorImpulsive decisionsSuicide attemptsResponse latencySpectrum of suicidal behaviorsLethal suicidal behaviorMeasures of impulsivityLithium doseConservative response biasSevere suicide attemptsDouble-blind crossover designRandomized double-blind crossover designPrevent suicide riskEffects of lithiumPill placeboMemory taskBehavioral therapySuicide riskResponse biasAdjunctive behavioral therapySelf-harmAssociated with attemptsCognitive enhancing effect of rTMS combined with tDCS in patients with major depressive disorder: a double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study
Li X, Liu J, Wei S, Yu C, Wang D, Li Y, Li J, Zhuang W, Luo R, Li Y, Liu Z, Su Y, Liu J, Xu Y, Fan J, Zhu G, Xu W, Tang Y, Yan H, Cho R, Kosten T, Zhou D, Zhang X. Cognitive enhancing effect of rTMS combined with tDCS in patients with major depressive disorder: a double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study. BMC Medicine 2024, 22: 253. PMID: 38902735, PMCID: PMC11188255, DOI: 10.1186/s12916-024-03443-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRBANS total scoreRepetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationTranscranial direct current stimulationMDD patientsTotal scoreHDRS-24Transcranial direct current stimulation groupDepressive disorderImmediate memoryDepressive symptomsCognitive dysfunctionHamilton Depression Rating ScaleTreatment of cognitive dysfunctionDepressed response ratesDepression Rating ScaleCognitive enhancing effectsTreating cognitive dysfunctionImprove neurocognitive impairmentsActive rTMS groupDouble-blindSafety of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationTranscranial direct current stimulation treatmentMDD inpatientsRepeatable BatterySessions of treatmentEfficacy and Safety of Esmethadone (REL-1017) in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder and Inadequate Response to Standard Antidepressants: A Phase 3 Randomized Controlled Trial.
Fava M, Stahl S, Pani L, De Martin S, Cutler A, Maletic V, Gorodetzky C, Vocci F, Sapienza F, Kosten T, Kröger C, Champasa P, O'Gorman C, Guidetti C, Alimonti A, Comai S, Mattarei A, Folli F, Bushnell D, Traversa S, Inturrisi C, Manfredi P, Pappagallo M. Efficacy and Safety of Esmethadone (REL-1017) in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder and Inadequate Response to Standard Antidepressants: A Phase 3 Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal Of Clinical Psychiatry 2024, 85 PMID: 38917366, DOI: 10.4088/jcp.24m15265.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMontgomery-Asberg Depression Rating ScaleIntent-to-treatIntent-to-treat analysisStandard antidepressantsDepressive disorderPost hoc analysisBaseline Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating ScaleInadequate response to standard antidepressantsSevere depressionPost hoc analysis of patientsDepression Rating ScaleMajor depressive disorderAnalysis of patientsAdverse eventsMontgomery-AsbergConsistent with prior studiesPlacebo-controlled trialRating ScaleEfficacy measuresPer-protocolIntent-to-treat populationTreatment adherencePhase 3 randomized controlled trialsAdjunctive treatmentMDDEnhancing post-traumatic stress disorder patient assessment: leveraging natural language processing for research of domain criteria identification using electronic medical records
Miranda O, Kiehl S, Qi X, Brannock M, Kosten T, Ryan N, Kirisci L, Wang Y, Wang L. Enhancing post-traumatic stress disorder patient assessment: leveraging natural language processing for research of domain criteria identification using electronic medical records. BMC Medical Informatics And Decision Making 2024, 24: 154. PMID: 38835009, PMCID: PMC11151516, DOI: 10.1186/s12911-024-02554-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNatural language processingPost-traumatic stress disorderPost-traumatic stress disorder patientsRDoC domainsLanguage processingAbnormal instancesLeverage natural language processingDiagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorderDomain criteriaSimilarity threshold valueF1-macro scorePositive valence systemsHeightened cue reactivityElectronic medical recordsClinical notesF1 scoreCue reactivityStress disorderRDoCValence systemsReal-timeMental health improvementDisease trajectoryExtraction researchSensorimotor disturbancesLetter to the Editor regarding ‘Unique pharmacodynamic properties and low abuse liability of the µ-opioid receptor ligand (S)-methadone’
Pappagallo M, Kosten T, Gorodetzky C, Vocci F, Sapienza F, De Martin S, Comai S, Mattarei A, Inturrisi C, Manfredi P. Letter to the Editor regarding ‘Unique pharmacodynamic properties and low abuse liability of the µ-opioid receptor ligand (S)-methadone’. Molecular Psychiatry 2024, 29: 3935-3937. PMID: 38806691, PMCID: PMC11609086, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-024-02621-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVaccines as Immunotherapies for Substance Use Disorders
Kosten T. Vaccines as Immunotherapies for Substance Use Disorders. American Journal Of Psychiatry 2024, 181: 362-371. PMID: 38706331, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.20230828.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersHuman clinical trials of vaccinesPreclinical vaccine studiesClinical trials of vaccinesVaccine clinical trialsHuman clinical trialsTrials of vaccinesVaccine immunotherapyIllicit fentanyl useOpioid pharmacotherapyEffective therapySubstance use disorder treatmentFentanyl useClinical trialsVaccine studiesAnimal modelsAnimal studiesUse disorderVaccine technologyLethal overdoseImmunotherapyVaccineLimited treatment accessFentanyl overdoseTreatment access
- December 21, 2021
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