The ataxia3 Mutation in the N-Terminal Cytoplasmic Domain of Sodium Channel Nav1.6 Disrupts Intracellular Trafficking
Sharkey LM, Cheng X, Drews V, Buchner DA, Jones JM, Justice MJ, Waxman SG, Dib-Hajj SD, Meisler MH. The ataxia3 Mutation in the N-Terminal Cytoplasmic Domain of Sodium Channel Nav1.6 Disrupts Intracellular Trafficking. Journal Of Neuroscience 2009, 29: 2733-2741. PMID: 19261867, PMCID: PMC2679640, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.6026-08.2009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMutant channelsCytoplasmic N-terminal regionN-terminal cytoplasmic domainCytoplasmic N-terminal domainMouse chromosome 15N-terminal domainN-terminal regionAmino acid substitution p.Primary cerebellar granule cellsVoltage-dependent inward sodium currentMutant proteinsCytoplasmic domainJuvenile lethalityCis-GolgiTrafficking defectsPlasma membraneSodium channelsIntracellular traffickingProtein abundanceWild typeN-terminusGolgi complexMutant transcriptsChromosome 15Whole-cell patch-clamp studies