honor AAUW American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship, 50K/1 year (2024-2025)
honor Alan Alda Foundation Grant to Empower Women in STEM Leadership, 2023-2025
honor Laura Bassi Scholarship for Junior Academics, 2022/2023
activity in partnership with Harvard Medical School
activity Microbial Protein Nanowires
activity Multimodal Nanoscope Discovers Bacteria Produced, Electronically Conductive, Micrometer-Long Cytochrome Nanowires by Correlating Structure with the Function
Abstract/SynopsisCells compute with chemistry and semiconductors compute with transistors – but both operate by controlling the flow of electrons. Biochemistry typically allows electron flow in proteins only over a few nanometers whereas semiconductors use wires that can conduct quickly over long distances. What if cells have designed biomolecules that behave like wires? To breathe, living cells typically use oxygen-like soluble, membrane-ingestible molecules to dump electrons generated in metabolism. But I have found that to “breathe” in hot, anoxic environments that mimic early earth, soil bacteria, Geobacter have evolved nanowires, made up of polymerized cytochrome proteins, to export electrons to extracellular acceptors that could be hundreds of cell lengths away (Cell 2019, Nature Chem.Bio. 2020, Nature 2021). Rather than waiting for oxygen-like molecules to form and be taken up by cells, life can instead employ cytochrome nanowires to grow in harsh environments. These nanowire-forming cytochromes are widespread in diverse microbes and are essential for extracellular respiration. This discovery was made possible with methods I have developed for imaging protein structure and function. This was a very surprising discovery, because thousands of papers since 2002 thought that these nanowires are made up of pili protein, not cytochromes, as cytochromes usually stay monomeric. However, my work showed that Geobacter have evolved a polymeric assembly of cytochromes and therefore, can perform micrometer long electron transfer.
activity Designing Microbial Protein Nanowires for Long Range Electron Transfer
honor Nominated by Yale for Blavatnik Regional Awards of 2022
honor NSF's Materials Innovation Platforms (MIP), Represented Yale Team at the NSF Site Visit, $20M/5 years,"Using Biology to Make Multifunctional Biomaterials"
activity Multimodal Nanoscale Imaging to Probe Structure-Function Correlation of Geobacter Nanowires
activity Correlated Imaging of Protein Structure and Electron Transfer in Geobacter Nanowires
activity Conformation-Induced Conductivity Switching in Bacterial Protein Nanowires
activity Large-Scale Conformational Changes Induce Tunable Electronic and Mechanical Functionality in Proteins
activity “Now you see them, now you don’t: imaging electron transport”
activity Geobacter Nanowire Conductivity
activity Geobacter Nanowires
activity Structural Basis for the Conductivity of Bacterial Nanowires
activity Structural Basis for Metallic Conductivity in Bacterial Pili Protein Filaments
activity Yale University-Microbial Sciences Institute
honor DOE BER BEST Proposal Award, $3M/3 years, Earth & Biological Science Directorate. "Integrated Multimodal Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Intra- and Inter-Cellular Biomolecules Involved in Microbial Interactions"