The Effect of Surgeon Experience on the Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in the Central Compartment and the Pathologic Features of Clinically Unapparent Metastatic Lymph Nodes: What Are We Missing When We Don't Perform a Prophylactic Dissection of Central Compartment Lymph Nodes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer?
Scherl S, Mehra S, Clain J, Dos Reis L, Persky M, Turk A, Weing B, Husaini H, Urken M. The Effect of Surgeon Experience on the Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in the Central Compartment and the Pathologic Features of Clinically Unapparent Metastatic Lymph Nodes: What Are We Missing When We Don't Perform a Prophylactic Dissection of Central Compartment Lymph Nodes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer? VideoEndocrinology 2014, 1 DOI: 10.1089/ve.2014.0022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMetastatic lymph nodesLymph nodesPapillary thyroid cancerThyroid cancerSurgeon experienceProphylactic central neck dissectionCentral compartment lymph nodesSenior surgeon's assessmentAbnormal lymph nodesCentral neck dissectionProphylactic dissectionExtranodal extensionOccult metastasesNeck dissectionPathologic featuresRisk stratificationIntraoperative inspectionSurgeon's assessmentClinical assessmentSurgeon groupCentral compartmentLevel of agreementResident assessmentPoor sensitivityMetastasisThe Effect of Surgeon Experience on the Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in the Central Compartment and the Pathologic Features of Clinically Unapparent Metastatic Lymph Nodes: What Are We Missing When We Don't Perform a Prophylactic Dissection of Central Compartment Lymph Nodes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer?
Scherl S, Mehra S, Clain J, Dos Reis LL, Persky M, Turk A, Wenig B, Husaini H, Urken ML. The Effect of Surgeon Experience on the Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in the Central Compartment and the Pathologic Features of Clinically Unapparent Metastatic Lymph Nodes: What Are We Missing When We Don't Perform a Prophylactic Dissection of Central Compartment Lymph Nodes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer? Thyroid 2014, 24: 1282-1288. PMID: 24787362, DOI: 10.1089/thy.2013.0600.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProphylactic central neck dissectionPapillary thyroid cancerMetastatic lymph nodesExtranodal extensionLymph nodesOccult metastasesPositive nodesSurgeon experienceOccult nodesPathologic featuresThyroid cancerPresence of ENECentral compartment lymph nodesAdverse histologic featuresMultiple positive nodesPositive central nodesSenior surgeon's assessmentCentral neck dissectionFalse-negative casesGroup of surgeonsEvident nodesPreoperative evidenceProphylactic dissectionNeck dissectionRisk stratification