Role of GUCA1C in Primary Congenital Glaucoma and in the Retina: Functional Evaluation in Zebrafish
Morales-Cámara S, Alexandre-Moreno S, Bonet-Fernández J, Atienzar-Aroca R, Aroca-Aguilar J, Ferre-Fernández J, Méndez C, Morales L, Fernández-Sánchez L, Cuenca N, Coca-Prados M, Martínez-de-la-Casa J, Garcia-Feijoo J, Escribano J. Role of GUCA1C in Primary Congenital Glaucoma and in the Retina: Functional Evaluation in Zebrafish. Genes 2020, 11: 550. PMID: 32422965, PMCID: PMC7288452, DOI: 10.3390/genes11050550.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAmino Acid SequenceAnimalsApoptosisBase SequenceCRISPR-Cas SystemsFemaleGene EditingGene Knockout TechniquesGlaucomaGliosisGuanylate Cyclase-Activating ProteinsHigh-Throughput Nucleotide SequencingHumansMaleMiddle AgedPedigreeRetinaReverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain ReactionSequence AlignmentSequence Homology, Amino AcidZebrafishZebrafish ProteinsConceptsPrimary congenital glaucomaCongenital glaucomaRetinal ganglion cell layerRetinal ganglion cell apoptosisCiliary epitheliumGlial fibrillary acidic proteinWhole-exome sequencing analysisGanglion cell layerGanglion cell apoptosisHuman ocular ciliary epitheliumFibrillary acidic proteinOcular anterior segmentIntraocular pressure regulationOcular ciliary epitheliumNon-pigmented ciliary epitheliumAutosomal recessive fashionOptical neuropathyOcular effectsRetinal damageMüller cellsAnterior segmentPressure regulationAcidic proteinKnockout animalsGuanylate cyclaseCPAMD8 loss-of-function underlies non-dominant congenital glaucoma with variable anterior segment dysgenesis and abnormal extracellular matrix
Bonet-Fernández J, Aroca-Aguilar J, Corton M, Ramírez A, Alexandre-Moreno S, García-Antón M, Salazar J, Ferre-Fernández J, Atienzar-Aroca R, Villaverde C, Iancu I, Tamayo A, Méndez-Hernández C, Morales-Fernández L, Rojas B, Ayuso C, Coca-Prados M, Martinez-de-la-Casa J, García-Feijoo J, Escribano J. CPAMD8 loss-of-function underlies non-dominant congenital glaucoma with variable anterior segment dysgenesis and abnormal extracellular matrix. Human Genetics 2020, 139: 1209-1231. PMID: 32274568, DOI: 10.1007/s00439-020-02164-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAlpha-MacroglobulinsAnimalsAnterior ChamberCase-Control StudiesComplement C3CRISPR-Cas SystemsEmbryo, NonmammalianExtracellular MatrixEye AbnormalitiesFemaleGene EditingGene ExpressionGenes, RecessiveGlaucomaHigh-Throughput Nucleotide SequencingHumansLoss of Function MutationMaleMiddle AgedPedigreeTrabecular MeshworkTrabeculectomyTrypsin Inhibitor, Kazal PancreaticZebrafishConceptsZebrafish embryosAnterior segment dysgenesisExtracellular matrixPrimary congenital glaucomaNext-generation DNA sequencingGross developmental abnormalitiesFunction pathogenic mechanismQuantitative reverse transcription PCRAbnormal extracellular matrixCongenital glaucomaCRISPR/Mesenchyme-like cellsTrabecular meshwork cellsReverse transcription-PCRUnknown functionExtracellular matrix disorganizationDNA sequencingGenesGenetic alterationsEmbryosMeshwork cellsDevelopmental abnormalitiesTranscription-PCRAnterior chamber angleDisease Role
Whole-Exome Sequencing of Congenital Glaucoma Patients Reveals Hypermorphic Variants in GPATCH3, a New Gene Involved in Ocular and Craniofacial Development
Ferre-Fernández JJ, Aroca-Aguilar JD, Medina-Trillo C, Bonet-Fernández JM, Méndez-Hernández CD, Morales-Fernández L, Corton M, Cabañero-Valera MJ, Gut M, Tonda R, Ayuso C, Coca-Prados M, García-Feijoo J, Escribano J. Whole-Exome Sequencing of Congenital Glaucoma Patients Reveals Hypermorphic Variants in GPATCH3, a New Gene Involved in Ocular and Craniofacial Development. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 46175. PMID: 28397860, PMCID: PMC5387416, DOI: 10.1038/srep46175.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCarrier ProteinsChromosome SegregationEmbryo, NonmammalianExome SequencingEyeFaceFamilyFemaleGene Expression Regulation, DevelopmentalGene Knockdown TechniquesGlaucomaHumansMaleMiddle AgedMutationOrgan SpecificityPedigreePhenotypePromoter Regions, GeneticReceptors, CXCR4SkullSubcellular FractionsTranscriptional ActivationZebrafishConceptsNew genesZebrafish embryosCraniofacial developmentEarly zebrafish embryosNeural crest cell migrationCrest cell migrationNew disease genesMesenchymal-like cellsHigh genetic heterogeneityUnidentified functionTransient overexpressionProximal promoterDisease genesGene Pitx2Whole-exome sequencingGenesCell migrationGenetic heterogeneityExome sequencingSkeletal muscleRare variantsCraniofacial abnormalitiesEmbryosSequencingProtein
Adult-Onset Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Caused by Mutations in Optineurin
Rezaie T, Child A, Hitchings R, Brice G, Miller L, Coca-Prados M, Héon E, Krupin T, Ritch R, Kreutzer D, Crick RP, Sarfarazi M. Adult-Onset Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Caused by Mutations in Optineurin. Science 2002, 295: 1077-1079. PMID: 11834836, DOI: 10.1126/science.1066901.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAlternative SplicingAmino Acid SequenceBrainCell Cycle ProteinsChromosome MappingChromosomes, Human, Pair 10Ciliary BodyExonsEye ProteinsFemaleGlaucoma, Open-AngleGolgi ApparatusHeterozygoteHumansIntraocular PressureMaleMembrane Transport ProteinsMiddle AgedMutationMutation, MissenseNerve Tissue ProteinsOcular HypertensionPedigreePolymorphism, Single-Stranded ConformationalRetinaTrabecular MeshworkTranscription Factor TFIIIAZinc FingersConceptsPrimary open-angle glaucomaHereditary primary open-angle glaucomaNormal intraocular pressureOpen-angle glaucomaAdult-onset primary open-angle glaucomaNeuroprotective roleIntraocular pressureAngle glaucomaTumor necrosisLeading causeTrabecular meshworkOPTN geneCiliary epitheliumCausative genesGlaucomaChromosome 10p14OptineurinSequence alterationsNecrosisRetinaIndividualsBrainEpithelium
Sequence Analysis and Homology Modeling Suggest That Primary Congenital Glaucoma on 2p21 Results from Mutations Disrupting Either the Hinge Region or the Conserved Core Structures of Cytochrome P4501B1
Stoilov I, Akarsu A, Alozie I, Child A, Barsoum-Homsy M, Turacli M, Or M, Lewis R, Ozdemir N, Brice G, Aktan S, Chevrette L, Coca-Prados M, Sarfarazi M. Sequence Analysis and Homology Modeling Suggest That Primary Congenital Glaucoma on 2p21 Results from Mutations Disrupting Either the Hinge Region or the Conserved Core Structures of Cytochrome P4501B1. American Journal Of Human Genetics 1998, 62: 573-584. PMID: 9497261, PMCID: PMC1376958, DOI: 10.1086/301764.Peer-Reviewed Original Research