The Zinc-Metallothionein Redox System Reduces Oxidative Stress in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells
Rodríguez-Menéndez S, García M, Fernández B, Álvarez L, Fernández-Vega-Cueto A, Coca-Prados M, Pereiro R, González-Iglesias H. The Zinc-Metallothionein Redox System Reduces Oxidative Stress in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells. Nutrients 2018, 10: 1874. PMID: 30513827, PMCID: PMC6315569, DOI: 10.3390/nu10121874.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRetinal pigment epitheliumOxidative stressRetinal pigment epithelial cellsOxidative damagePre-treated cellsInduces oxidative stressPigment epithelial cellsNon-treated cellsReactive oxygen intermediatesΜM of zincPigment epitheliumRPE cellsZn-MTProtective mechanismEpithelial cellsFree radical generatorMT levelsAAPH treatmentOxygen intermediates
Quantitative study of zinc and metallothioneins in the human retina and RPE cells by mass spectrometry-based methodologies
Rodríguez-Menéndez S, Fernández B, García M, Álvarez L, Fernández M, Sanz-Medel A, Coca-Prados M, Pereiro R, González-Iglesias H. Quantitative study of zinc and metallothioneins in the human retina and RPE cells by mass spectrometry-based methodologies. Talanta 2017, 178: 222-230. PMID: 29136815, DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2017.09.024.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Quantitative bioimaging of trace elements in the human lens by LA-ICP-MS
Konz I, Fernández B, Fernández ML, Pereiro R, González-Iglesias H, Coca-Prados M, Sanz-Medel A. Quantitative bioimaging of trace elements in the human lens by LA-ICP-MS. Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry 2014, 406: 2343-2348. PMID: 24500754, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-014-7617-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMatrix-matched laboratory standardsMass spectrometryIsotope dilution mass spectrometryPlasma mass spectrometryDilution mass spectrometryHuman eye lensesAnalysis of FeDepth profiling analysisQuantitative bioimagingThin gold filmMatrix effectsExternal calibrationID-ICPLaser ablation cellQuantification purposesLA-ICPStandard solutionsGold filmCuSpectrometryHomogeneous distributionAblation cellLaser ablationFeMS
Metallothioneins (MTs) in the human eye: a perspective article on the zinc–MT redox cycle
Gonzalez-Iglesias H, Alvarez L, García M, Petrash C, Sanz-Medel A, Coca-Prados M. Metallothioneins (MTs) in the human eye: a perspective article on the zinc–MT redox cycle. Metallomics 2013, 6: 201-208. PMID: 24419560, DOI: 10.1039/c3mt00298e.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCellular zinc homeostasisOxidative damageAntioxidant functionMT genesMultiple isoformsReactive oxygen speciesPotential oxidative damageDe novo synthesisZinc homeostasisAntioxidant defense mechanismsMain regulatorDefense mechanismsNovo synthesisProtein expressionOxygen speciesExogenous zincZn7-MTMetallothioneinOxidative stressMT complexZinc releaseStoichiometric transitionsZinc-MTPro-inflammatory cytokinesLevels of metallothionein
The Stoichiometric Transition from Zn6Cu1-Metallothionein to Zn7-Metallothionein Underlies the Up-regulation of Metallothionein (MT) Expression QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF MT-METAL LOAD IN EYE CELLS*
Alvarez L, Gonzalez-Iglesias H, Garcia M, Ghosh S, Sanz-Medel A, Coca-Prados M. The Stoichiometric Transition from Zn6Cu1-Metallothionein to Zn7-Metallothionein Underlies the Up-regulation of Metallothionein (MT) Expression QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF MT-METAL LOAD IN EYE CELLS*. Journal Of Biological Chemistry 2012, 287: 28456-28469. PMID: 22722935, PMCID: PMC3436589, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m112.365015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInflammatory eye diseaseRetinal ganglion cellsPresence of TNFαCorneal epithelial cell lineInflammatory cytokinesProinflammatory cytokinesEpithelial cell lineSynthesis of metallothioneinGanglion cellsEye diseaseLevels of metallothioneinCorneal tissueCombination of zincEndothelial cellsCytokinesMT1 isoformsIL1αEffect of zincGene expressionCadaver eyesConcentration of metallothioneinEye cellsMicroarray-based analysisZinc exposureMT isoforms