Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment
Hinderer K, Friedmann E, Fins J. Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment. Dimensions Of Critical Care Nursing 2015, 34: 91-99. PMID: 25650494, DOI: 10.1097/dcc.0000000000000097.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEOL decisionsEnd-of-lifeCritical care nursesMechanical ventilation withdrawalCare nursesFamilies of critically ill patientsVentilator withdrawalImproving EOL careAdvance care planningPatient-proxy pairsWithdrawal of life-sustaining therapySecondary analysis of dataWithdrawal of mechanical ventilationLife-sustaining therapyEOL careCare planningPatient-directedResponses to questionsDisease trajectoryProxies' decisionsModification of directionSecondary analysisImprove patientAnalysis of dataNurses
Prospective Analysis of Life-Sustaining Therapy Discussions in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit: A Housestaff Perspective
Pieracci F, Ullery B, Eachempati S, Nilson E, Hydo L, Barie P, Fins J. Prospective Analysis of Life-Sustaining Therapy Discussions in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit: A Housestaff Perspective. Journal Of The American College Of Surgeons 2008, 207: 468-476. PMID: 18926447, DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2008.05.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEnd-of-life care planningEnd-of-lifeLack of decision-making capacityCare planningDecision-making capacityEnd-of-life careLikelihood of enactmentSurgical ICUPatient surrogatesHousestaffStandardized questionnaireSurgical intensive care unitClinical deteriorationIntensive care unitProspective dataCare unitProspective analysisPatientsICUAgeCareAcuityDisparitiesQuestionnairePlanning
Contracts, covenants and advance care planning: an empirical study of the moral obligations of patient and proxy
Fins J, Maltby B, Friedmann E, Greene M, Norris K, Adelman R, Byock I. Contracts, covenants and advance care planning: an empirical study of the moral obligations of patient and proxy. Journal Of Pain And Symptom Management 2005, 29: 55-68. PMID: 15652439, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2004.07.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatient self-determinationMoral obligationSelf-determinationAdvance care planningExercise of autonomyPatient-proxy relationshipLife-sustaining therapyObligations of patientsMoral judgmentCare planningNarrow notionsDisease trajectoryPatient instructionsLegal normsPatient-proxy pairsJudgmentPrincipal autonomyAggressive careAutonomyModified Likert scaleQuality of informationPatient educationCovenantersNegative instructionsCovenants
End-of-Life Decision-Making in the Hospital Current Practice and Future Prospects
Fins J, Miller F, Acres C, Bacchetta M, Huzzard L, Rapkin B. End-of-Life Decision-Making in the Hospital Current Practice and Future Prospects. Journal Of Pain And Symptom Management 1999, 17: 6-15. PMID: 9919861, DOI: 10.1016/s0885-3924(98)00109-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComfort care plansEnd-of-life decision-makingHospitalized dying patientsCare planningDNR ordersDo-not-resuscitate (DNRAssociated with DNR ordersCare Assessment ToolUrban academic medical centerHealth care proxyImprove practice patternsLife-sustaining treatmentEnd-of-lifeAcademic medical centerPalliative servicesPalliative careComfort careAdult deathsArtificial nutritionOutcome measuresPractice patternsAssessment toolChart review of patientsCareMedical Center