Statistician 2
Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- Yale School of Public Health (2014)
- PhD
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2008)
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Frequent collaborators of Geliang Gan's published research.
Publications Timeline
A big-picture view of Geliang Gan's research output by year.
Fangyong Li, MS, MPH
Brinda Emu, MD
James Dziura, MPH, PhD
Jeremy Kortmansky, MD
Kenneth Morford, MD, FASAM
Marwan Mikheal Azar, MD, FAST, FIDSA
Correction: Randomized trial of physical activity on quality of life and lung cancer biomarkers in patients with advanced stage lung cancer: a pilot study
Bade B, Gan G, Li F, Lu L, Tanoue L, Silvestri G, Irwin M. Correction: Randomized trial of physical activity on quality of life and lung cancer biomarkers in patients with advanced stage lung cancer: a pilot study. BMC Cancer 2024, 24: 1409. PMID: 39548453, PMCID: PMC11566398, DOI: 10.1186/s12885-024-13183-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAltmetricPsychosocial Evaluation of Living Kidney Donors: A Survey of Current Practices in the United States
Clifton E, Winder G, Lentine K, Zimbrean P, Yadav A, Rubman S, Kalil R, Kumar V, Prashar R, Gan G, Deng Y, Joyce M, Holmes R, Laflen J, Bakhai D, Liapakis A, Doshi M. Psychosocial Evaluation of Living Kidney Donors: A Survey of Current Practices in the United States. Transplantation 2024, 108: e382-e389. PMID: 38867351, DOI: 10.1097/tp.0000000000005095.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricConceptsSubstance use disordersUse disorderActive anxiety disorderMental healthPosttraumatic stress disorderPsychosocial teamAnxiety disordersStress disorderActive suicidalitySelf-harmActivity depressionDisordersPsychosocial assessmentDepressionPsychosocial evaluationPost-donationUnited StatesClinical toolPsychosisLiving kidney donorsCannabisAnxietySuicideAbsolute contraindicationBest practicesIn‐person validation of the Ichthyosis Scoring System
Echeandia‐Francis C, Sun Q, Asch S, Bayart C, Benjamin L, Cipriano S, Craiglow B, Dyer J, Levy M, Lilly E, Newell B, Liang J, Gan G, Deng Y, Paller A, Choate K. In‐person validation of the Ichthyosis Scoring System. Pediatric Dermatology 2024, 41: 247-252. PMID: 38234066, DOI: 10.1111/pde.15508.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAltmetricConceptsInterrater intraclass correlation coefficientsIntrarater reliabilityIn-personIntraclass correlation coefficientIn-person evaluationContent validityInterrater reliabilityHeterogeneous group of skin disordersGroup of skin disordersIntraraterMedical professionalsInterrater agreementErythema evaluationIchthyosis subtypesPhotographic evaluationErythema scoreInterraterErythemaQuantify severitySkin disordersClinical utilityIchthyosisScoring systemHeterogeneous groupCorrelation coefficient
Pediatric HIV Disclosure Intervention Improves Immunologic Outcome at 48 Weeks: The Sankofa Trial Experience
Shabanova V, Emuren L, Gan G, Antwi S, Renner L, Amissah K, Kusah J, Lartey M, Reynolds N, Paintsil E. Pediatric HIV Disclosure Intervention Improves Immunologic Outcome at 48 Weeks: The Sankofa Trial Experience. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2023, 94: 371-380. PMID: 37643414, PMCID: PMC10617661, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0000000000003292.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHIV disclosure interventionsVirologic outcomesCD4 percentWeek 48HIV statusIntervention groupHIV disclosureDisclosure interventionDetectable viral loadWorld Health OrganizationAntiretroviral therapyImmunologic outcomesClinical outcomesIntervention armViral loadControl armClinical trialsTrial experienceSecondary analysisDisclosure statusHealth OrganizationCategorical variablesWeeksLinear mixed modelsBaselineClinical Data Do Not Reliably Predict Duodenal Histology at Follow-up in Celiac Disease
Patel N, Leffler D, Al-Toma A, Mulder C, Elli L, Gan G, Patil P, Atsawarungruangkit A, Kuijpers K, Del Gobbo A, Goldsmith J, Hintze Z, Pacheco M, Vieth M, Melcher B, Salomao M, Pai R, Hart J, Olivas A, Naini B, Meyerson C, Choi W, Kakar S, Westerhoff M, Cheng J, Gopal P, Hammer S, Prats M, Bronner M, Robert M. Clinical Data Do Not Reliably Predict Duodenal Histology at Follow-up in Celiac Disease. The American Journal Of Surgical Pathology 2023, 48: 212-220. PMID: 37994653, DOI: 10.1097/pas.0000000000002150.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricConceptsIntraepithelial lymphocytesCeliac diseaseClinical dataMarsh scoreMucosal recoveryVillous bluntingDuodenal biopsiesMucosal injuryDiet adherenceGluten-free diet adherenceComplete histologic remissionPersistent mucosal injuryMinority of patientsCeliac disease patientsDuodenal histologyHistologic remissionPathologists' awarenessMucosal statusMucosal healingGastrointestinal pathologistsDisease patientsFollow-upPatient managementEligibility criteriaPatientsPsychosocial evaluation of living liver donors—State of current practices in the United States
Zimbrean P, Rubman S, Andacoglu O, Bakhai D, Clifton E, Deng Y, Doshi M, Emamaullee J, Gan G, Holmes R, Jaber L, Jackson W, Joyce M, Kalil R, Kumar V, Laflen J, Lentine K, Prashar R, Winder G, Yadav A, Liapakis A. Psychosocial evaluation of living liver donors—State of current practices in the United States. Liver Transplantation 2023, 30: 505-518. PMID: 37861339, DOI: 10.1097/lvt.0000000000000288.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricConceptsDonor liver transplant programLiver transplant programPsychosocial evaluationTransplant programsPsychosocial contraindicationsAbsolute contraindicationLiver donationDonor candidatesOpioid use disorderSelf-injurious behaviorActive suicidalityProvider teamPsychosocial assessmentContraindicationsUse disordersMental healthPsychosocial teamPostdonationSignificant differencesDisordersUnited StatesDonationMultidisciplinary processDonorsCurrent practiceFacilitation and Preferred Models for Delivering Substance Use Disorder Treatment in HIV Clinics: Results From a Multisite Randomized Trial
Muvvala S, Gan G, Morford K, Dziura J, Esserman D, Porter E, Chan P, Cornman D, Reynolds J, Yager J, Fiellin D, Edelman E. Facilitation and Preferred Models for Delivering Substance Use Disorder Treatment in HIV Clinics: Results From a Multisite Randomized Trial. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2023, 17: e388-e391. PMID: 37934538, PMCID: PMC10726383, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000001192.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsOpioid use disorderAlcohol use disorderTobacco use disorderHIV clinicUse disordersAddiction treatmentSubstance use disorder treatmentUse disorder treatmentMaintenance phaseRandomized trialsStaff preferencesImproved outcomesMultisite Randomized TrialImplementation facilitationDisorder treatmentControl phaseClinicCliniciansTreatment modelTreatmentDisordersSignificant differencesInterventionHigher proportionAddiction treatment modelsEffect of a Home Health and Safety Intervention on Emergency Department Use in the Frail Elderly: A Prospective Observational Study
Bogucki S, Siddiqui G, Carter R, McGovern J, Dziura J, Gan G, Li F, Stover G, Cone D, Brokowski C, Joseph D. Effect of a Home Health and Safety Intervention on Emergency Department Use in the Frail Elderly: A Prospective Observational Study. Western Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2023, 0: 522-531. PMID: 37278776, PMCID: PMC10284516, DOI: 10.5811/westjem.58378.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsProspective observational studyED utilizationObservational studySubsequent ED utilizationEmergency department useEmergency department utilizationHome health nursesOutcomes of interestHome health programsLimited statistical powerSubsequent EDED evaluationStudy armsGeriatric patientsDepartment useHealth nursesFall riskStudy interventionHome visitsHome healthFrail ElderlyCognitive declineUseful markerHealth programsFrailtyA survey of transplant providers regarding attitudes, barriers, and facilitators to living donor liver transplantation in the United States
Liapakis A, Agbim U, Bittermann T, Dew M, Deng Y, Gan G, Emre S, Hunt H, Olthoff K, Locke J, Jesse M, Kumar V, Pillai A, Verna E, Lentine K, Group T. A survey of transplant providers regarding attitudes, barriers, and facilitators to living donor liver transplantation in the United States. Clinical Transplantation 2023, 37: e14967. PMID: 36938716, DOI: 10.1111/ctr.14967.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsDonor liver transplantDonor liver transplantationLiver transplant centersGood first optionLDLT centersLiver transplantLiver transplantationWaitlist candidatesTransplant centersDonor factorsLDLTTransplant providersConsensus conferenceSurgical expertiseElectronic surveyAmerican SocietyImportant barriersFirst optionExclusion rateKey barriersHigh levelsTransplantationTransplantFacilitatorsCenter
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Is Associated With Poor Overall Survival Among Patients With Head and Neck Cancer
Salahuddin S, Cohen O, Wu M, Irizarry J, Vega T, Gan G, Deng Y, Isaeva N, Prasad M, Schalper K, Mehra S, Yarbrough W, Emu B. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Is Associated With Poor Overall Survival Among Patients With Head and Neck Cancer. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2022, 76: 1449-1458. PMID: 36520995, PMCID: PMC10319962, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciac924.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsOverall survivalIndependent predictorsHNSCC patientsWorse prognosisOropharyngeal tumorsCox proportional hazards regression modelMultivariate analysisHPV-positive oropharyngeal tumorsNeck squamous cell cancerProportional hazards regression modelsLower median overall survivalAcademic hospital centerNon-HIV populationMedian overall survivalPredictors of survivalSquamous cell cancerHuman immunodeficiency virusPoor clinical outcomeExpression of CD4Poor overall survivalHazards regression modelsRace/ethnicityCD8 infiltrationHazard ratioClinicopathologic characteristics
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