Clinical Outcomes and Variability Based on Baseline Cytogenetic Risk of Patients with MDS Treated with Hypomethylating Agents: An Analysis from the International Consortium for MDS (icMDS) Validate Database
Getz T, Kewan T, Bewersdorf J, Stempel J, Lanino L, Wei W, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Uy G, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, McMahon C, Shallis R, Zeidner J, Savona M, Ball S, Chandhok N, Logothetis C, Bidikian A, Roboz G, Rolles B, Wang E, Harris A, Amaya M, Hawkins H, Grenet J, Xie Z, Madanat Y, Abaza Y, Badar T, Haferlach T, Maciejewski J, Sallman D, Enjeti A, Al-Rabi K, Halahleh K, Hiwase D, Diez-Campelo M, Valcarcel D, Haferlach C, Pleyer L, Kotsianidis I, Pappa V, Santini V, Consagra A, Al-Kali A, Ogawa S, Nannya Y, Stahl M, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Zeidan A. Clinical Outcomes and Variability Based on Baseline Cytogenetic Risk of Patients with MDS Treated with Hypomethylating Agents: An Analysis from the International Consortium for MDS (icMDS) Validate Database. Blood 2024, 144: 3219-3219. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-202075.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-complex karyotypeInternational Prognostic Scoring SystemCytogenetic risk groupHMA initiationComplex karyotypeIPSS-RHypomethylating agentsOverall survivalRisk groupsCytogenetic abnormalitiesAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantationHematopoietic stem cell transplantationAssociated with worse survivalHypomethylating agent combinationsPoor-risk cytogeneticsPeripheral blood blastsTreated with azacitidinePrognostic Scoring SystemMeasured overall survivalStem cell transplantationKaplan-Meier methodLog-rank testOutcomes of PTTime-to-event analysisRisk of patientsComparative Analysis of Outcomes with HMA Plus Venetoclax Vs Intensive Chemotherapy in AML Patients Harboring Very-High Risk Cytogenetics
Aguirre L, Bewersdorf J, Liu Y, Shallis R, Boussi L, Zucenka A, Garciaz S, Bystrom R, DeAngelo D, Stone R, Luskin M, Garcia J, Winer E, Ling K, Chen E, Wadleigh M, Stein E, Goldberg A, Zeidan A, Shimony S, Stahl M. Comparative Analysis of Outcomes with HMA Plus Venetoclax Vs Intensive Chemotherapy in AML Patients Harboring Very-High Risk Cytogenetics. Blood 2024, 144: 4267-4267. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-202744.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMorphologic leukemia-free stateComposite complete remissionTreated with ICIntensive chemotherapyMonosomal karyotypeComplex karyotypeProgressive diseaseSurvival outcomesTreatment strategiesAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantationComposite complete remission rateTreated with intensive chemotherapyHematopoietic stem cell transplantationComparative analysis of outcomesDismal survival outcomesConventional cytotoxic chemotherapyAggressive disease biologyMulticenter retrospective cohortStem cell transplantationAnalyze survival outcomesKaplan-Meier methodLog-rank testAnalysis of outcomesCK-AMLCPX-351Outcomes with HMA Plus Venetoclax Vs Intensive Chemotherapy in AML Patients with Chromosome 5 and 7 Abnormalities
Boussi L, Bewersdorf J, Liu Y, Shallis R, Aguirre L, Zucenka A, Garciaz S, Bystrom R, DeAngelo D, Stone R, Luskin M, Garcia J, Winer E, Chen E, Wadleigh M, Ling K, Zeidan A, Goldberg A, Stein E, Shimony S, Stahl M. Outcomes with HMA Plus Venetoclax Vs Intensive Chemotherapy in AML Patients with Chromosome 5 and 7 Abnormalities. Blood 2024, 144: 4281-4281. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-204467.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute myeloid leukemiaMedian OSTP53 co-mutationsTreated with ICIntensive chemotherapyComposite CRCo-mutationsComplete remissionOverall survivalPts ageAllogeneic stem cell transplantationSecondary acute myeloid leukemiaDiagnosed AMLAcute myeloid leukemia patientsAssociated with poor outcomesEstimate overall survivalStem cell transplantationKaplan-Meier methodLog-rank testPredictors of survivalCPX-351Monosomy 5MRD negativityInduction therapyComplex karyotypeMDS-157 Overall Survival (OS), Clinical Benefit, and Durable Red Blood Cell (RBC) Transfusion Independence (TI) With Imetelstat in the IMerge Phase 3 Trial of RBC-Transfusion Dependent (TD) Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS)
Santini V, Komrokji R, Sekeres M, Savona M, Fenaux P, Madanat Y, Oliva E, Buckstein R, Annaášová A, Germing U, Mittelman M, Thepot S, Riggs J, Dougherty S, Berry T, Navada S, Xia Q, Sun L, Zeidan A, Platzbecker U. MDS-157 Overall Survival (OS), Clinical Benefit, and Durable Red Blood Cell (RBC) Transfusion Independence (TI) With Imetelstat in the IMerge Phase 3 Trial of RBC-Transfusion Dependent (TD) Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS). Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s386-s387. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)01345-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesNon-del(5q) lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsRBC-TIOverall survivalRBC-TDNon-del(5qClinical benefitRed blood cellsHemoglobin increaseRBC transfusion dependenceStratified log-rank testMedian follow-upKaplan-Meier methodLog-rank testWithdrawal of consentMedian OSOS ratesHemoglobin riseMyelodysplastic syndromeOS analysisHemoglobin levelsAssess OSPlaceboImetelstat
What Is the Optimal Treatment Modality in Molecularly Defined Secondary AML? a Multicenter Cohort Study
Shimony S, Bewersdorf J, Shallis R, Liu Y, Schaefer E, Zeidan A, Goldberg A, Stein E, Marcucci G, Chen E, Ramos J, Lindsley R, Stein A, DeAngelo D, Neuberg D, Stone R, Ball B, Stahl M. What Is the Optimal Treatment Modality in Molecularly Defined Secondary AML? a Multicenter Cohort Study. Blood 2023, 142: 1478. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-172763.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute myeloid leukemiaComposite complete responseStem cell transplantationOverall survivalCPX-351Complete responseTreatment modalitiesMonosomal karyotypeCohort studyOdds ratioTreatment groupsLarge multicenter retrospective cohort studyMulticenter retrospective cohort studyAllogeneic stem cell transplantationSecondary acute myeloid leukemiaIncomplete count recoveryImproved overall survivalMedian overall survivalMulticenter cohort studyRetrospective cohort studyWorse overall survivalOptimal treatment modalityOptimal treatment selectionLog-rank testEffect of treatmentValidation of the Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-M) in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Who Were Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA)
Kewan T, Bewersdorf J, Blaha O, Stahl M, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, Amaya M, Zeidner J, Savona M, Stempel J, Chandhok N, Logothetis C, Ramaswamy R, Rose A, Roboz G, Rolles B, Wang E, Harris A, Shallis R, Xie Z, Padron E, Maciejewski J, Sallman D, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Zeidan A. Validation of the Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-M) in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Who Were Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA). Blood 2023, 142: 3240. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-186340.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchComplete remission rateOverall response rateOutcome of ptsMedian overall survivalOverall survivalHypomethylating agentHMA initiationHR-MDSC-indexRisk groupsScoring systemInternational Prognostic Scoring SystemResponse criteriaPrognostic scoring systemHigh-risk diseaseLarge multicenter cohortHigh-risk groupHarrell's C-indexLog-rank testPrediction of outcomeDifferent scoring systemsSubsequent validation studiesHMA cyclesMedian followAllogeneic HSCTValidation of the Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-M) in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Who Underwent Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)
Kewan T, Bewersdorf J, Blaha O, Stahl M, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Uy G, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, Amaya M, Zeidner J, Savona M, Stempel J, Chandhok N, Logothetis C, Cochran H, Rose A, Roboz G, Wang E, Rolles B, Harris A, Shallis R, Xie Z, Padron E, Maciejewski J, Sallman D, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Zeidan A. Validation of the Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-M) in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Who Underwent Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT). Blood 2023, 142: 4980. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-186578.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOverall survivalHigh-risk groupUnderwent HSCTC-indexRisk groupsHigh riskDonor typeInternational Prognostic Scoring SystemAllogenic stem cell transplantationTime of HSCTMedian overall survivalReduced-intensity conditioningSignificant OS differencePrognostic scoring systemRisk stratification toolTime of diagnosisStem cell transplantationSingle-institution analysisLog-rank testHarrell's C-indexDifferent overall survivalCox proportional hazardsHMA cyclesHaploidentical donorsMaintenance therapyValidation of the Composite Complete Response (cCR) Definitions in the International Working Group (IWG) 2023 Criteria in Patients (Pts) with Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (HR-MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA) - a Large, Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database
Bewersdorf J, Kewan T, Blaha O, Stahl M, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Uy G, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, McMahon C, Zeidner J, Savona M, Stempel J, Chandhok N, Logothetis C, Roboz G, Rolles B, Wang E, Harris A, Amaya M, Hawkins H, Grenet J, Shallis R, Xie Z, Maciejewski J, Sallman D, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Zeidan A. Validation of the Composite Complete Response (cCR) Definitions in the International Working Group (IWG) 2023 Criteria in Patients (Pts) with Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (HR-MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA) - a Large, Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database. Blood 2023, 142: 324. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-180299.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImproved OSHypomethylating agentHMA initiationMedian OSResponse assessmentTP53 mutationsResponse definitionsPartial hematologic recoveryPredictors of OSMultivariable Cox modelBone marrow blastsKaplan-Meier analysisLog-rank testOverall response rateEfficacy of therapyMultivariable regression modelsReal-world analysisAllo-HCTBM assessmentBM evaluationHemoglobin thresholdHematologic recoveryMarrow blastsMedian durationMedian ageIntensive Induction Chemotherapy (IC) Vs Hypomethylating Agents + Venetoclax (HMA/VEN) in IDH1- or IDH2-Mutant Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) - a Multicenter Cohort Study
Bewersdorf J, Shimony S, Shallis R, Liu Y, Schaefer E, Zeidan A, Goldberg A, Stein E, Marcucci G, Lindsley R, Chen E, Ramos J, Stein A, DeAngelo D, Neuberg D, Stone R, Ball B, Stahl M. Intensive Induction Chemotherapy (IC) Vs Hypomethylating Agents + Venetoclax (HMA/VEN) in IDH1- or IDH2-Mutant Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) - a Multicenter Cohort Study. Blood 2023, 142: 1589. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-174283.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntensive induction chemotherapyAcute myeloid leukemiaComposite complete responseMedian overall survivalOverall survivalComplete responseIDH2 mutationsAllo-SCTLarge multicenter retrospective cohort studyMulticenter retrospective cohort studyAllogeneic stem cell transplantationSecondary acute myeloid leukemiaComparable overall survivalIDH1 inhibitor ivosidenibHigh rateRetrospective cohort studyStem cell transplantationLog-rank testStandard of careLarge academic centerYears of ageEffect of treatmentIDH-mutant AMLMultivariable stepwiseFit patientsImpact of Type of Hypomethylating Agent (HMA) Used on Outcomes of Patients (Pts) with Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (HR-MDS) - a Large, Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis
Bewersdorf J, Kewan T, Blaha O, Stahl M, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Uy G, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, McMahon C, Zeidner J, Savona M, Stempel J, Chandhok N, Ramaswamy R, Roboz G, Rolles B, Wang E, Harris A, Amaya M, Hawkins H, Grenet J, Gurnari C, Shallis R, Xie Z, Maciejewski J, Sallman D, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Zeidan A. Impact of Type of Hypomethylating Agent (HMA) Used on Outcomes of Patients (Pts) with Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (HR-MDS) - a Large, Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis. Blood 2023, 142: 4613. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-178728.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCox multivariable regression modelOverall survivalHMA initiationHypomethylating agentMultivariable regression modelsTP53 mutationsAllo-HCTComplete remissionComplex karyotypePartner drugsBone marrowSurvival analysisAllogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantMultivariable Cox regression modelsTreatment typeOverall responseAdverse genetic featuresMedian overall survivalOutcomes of patientsHematopoietic cell transplantAdverse overall survivalKaplan-Meier methodCox regression modelLog-rank testPredictors of responseClinical Implications of TP53 Mutations/Allelic State in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA)- a Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database
Kewan T, Bewersdorf J, Blaha O, Stahl M, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, Amaya M, Zeidner J, Savona M, Stempel J, Chandhok N, Cochran H, Ramaswamy R, Singh A, Roboz G, Rolles B, Wang E, Harris A, Shallis R, Xie Z, Padron E, Maciejewski J, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Sallman D, Zeidan A. Clinical Implications of TP53 Mutations/Allelic State in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA)- a Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database. Blood 2023, 142: 1002. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-186875.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOverall response rateMedian overall survivalOverall survivalComplete responseHMA initiationHMA therapyMultivariable Cox proportional hazards regression modelsCox proportional hazards regression modelHigh-risk disease featuresComplex karyotypeProportional hazards regression modelsWorse overall survivalLog-rank testHazards regression modelsSignificant differencesLogistic regression modelsAllogenic HSCTBM biopsyHMA cyclesMDS-EBTherapy initiationMedian ageRegression modelsCR ratePoor outcome
Gilteritinib Remains Clinically Active in Relapsed/Refractory FLT3 Mutated AML Previously Treated with FLT3 inhibitors
Numan Y, Rahman Z, Grenet J, Boisclair S, Bewersdorf J, Barth D, Zeidan A, Yilmaz M, Dinner S, Deutsch Y, Frankfurt O, Litzow M, Al-Kali A, Foran J, Sproat L, Jovanovic B, Daver N, Perl A, Altman J. Gilteritinib Remains Clinically Active in Relapsed/Refractory FLT3 Mutated AML Previously Treated with FLT3 inhibitors. Blood 2020, 136: 5-7. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2020-137251.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStem cell transplantMedian survivalFLT3 mutationsBristol-Myers SquibbDaiichi SankyoBoehringer IngelheimCRC ratesLymphoma SocietyCombination therapyPolymerase chain reactionFLT3-ITDSingle agentDrug resistanceAdvisory CommitteeBone marrow flow cytometryComposite complete remissionFLT3-D835 mutationsHigher CRCS ratesNon-transplanted patientsPoor median survivalKaplan-Meier curvesMulti-institutional analysisLog-rank testBayer HealthCare PharmaceuticalsMAPK pathway
Chromosome 1 abnormalities and clinical outcomes in multiple myeloma in the era of novel agents.
Giri S, Huntington S, Wang R, Zeidan A, Podoltsev N, Gore S, Ma X, Gross C, Davidoff A, Neparidze N. Chromosome 1 abnormalities and clinical outcomes in multiple myeloma in the era of novel agents. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2019, 37: 8044-8044. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2019.37.15_suppl.8044.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOverall survivalMultiple myelomaPerformance statusMultivariable Cox survival analysisMedian overall survivalPoor performance statusLines of therapyKaplan-Meier methodCox regression analysisDays of diagnosisWorse overall survivalCox survival analysisLog-rank testReal-world treatmentCommon genetic mutationsHigh-risk mutationsSitu hybridization testingElectronic health recordsISS stageReal-world practiceMedian ageMeier methodOS independentPrimary outcomeSpecific regimens
Does Provider Experience Treating Patients (pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Explain Duration of Hypomethylating Agent (HMA) Therapy and Overall Survival (OS)? A Large Population-Based Analysis
Zeidan A, Hu X, Zhu W, Stahl M, Giri S, Huntington S, Wang R, Podoltsev N, Gore S, Ma X, Davidoff A. Does Provider Experience Treating Patients (pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Explain Duration of Hypomethylating Agent (HMA) Therapy and Overall Survival (OS)? A Large Population-Based Analysis. Blood 2018, 132: 370. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2018-99-111052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHMA cyclesOverall survivalHMA initiationHMA therapyMyelodysplastic syndromeProvider typeCancer CenterMD volumeMultivariate Cox proportional hazardsKaplan-Meier log-rank testAZA-001 trialMedian overall survivalTwo-sided statistical testsLog-rank testReal-world survivalCox proportional hazardsLogistic regression analysisWilcoxon rank sum testChi-square testCommunity-based practiceRank sum testEligible ptsLookback periodEarly discontinuationAgent therapyUse of Statins, Survival and Incidence of Thrombosis Among Older Adults with Essential Thrombocythemia: A Population-Based Study
Podoltsev N, Zhu M, Wang R, Zeidan A, Wang X, Huntington S, Giri S, Davidoff A, Gore S, Ma X. Use of Statins, Survival and Incidence of Thrombosis Among Older Adults with Essential Thrombocythemia: A Population-Based Study. Blood 2018, 132: 4865. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2018-99-119118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUse of statinsIncidence of thrombosisStatin usersLog-rank testRisk of thrombosisOverall survivalEssential thrombocythemiaET diagnosisPercentage of daysHydrophilic statinsOlder adultsET patientsMultivariate Cox proportional hazards modelLarge population-based cohort studyContinuous Medicare Parts APopulation-based cohort studyCox proportional hazards modelEnd Results-MedicareErythropoietin-independent erythroid colony formationBetter overall survivalKaplan-Meier curvesPopulation-based cohortEnd of studyProportional hazards modelPart DUse of Statins, Survival and Incidence of Thrombosis Among Older Adults with Polycythemia Vera: A Population-Based Study
Podoltsev N, Zhu M, Wang R, Zeidan A, Wang X, Davidoff A, Huntington S, Giri S, Gore S, Ma X. Use of Statins, Survival and Incidence of Thrombosis Among Older Adults with Polycythemia Vera: A Population-Based Study. Blood 2018, 132: 3580. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2018-99-119272.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStatin usersImpact of statinsLog-rank testRisk of thrombosisOverall survivalPercentage of daysPV patientsMyeloproliferative neoplasmsPV diagnosisMultivariate Cox proportional hazards modelContinuous Medicare Parts ACox proportional hazards modelCardiovascular risk factorsEnd Results-MedicareErythropoietin-independent erythroid colony formationBetter overall survivalKaplan-Meier curvesType of statinPopulation-based cohortNumber of phlebotomiesEnd of studyProportional hazards modelPart DMedicare Part AHealth maintenance organization
Differential Response to Hypomethylating Agents Based on Sex: A Report on Behalf of the MDS Clinical Research Consortium (MDS CRC)
DeZern A, Zeidan A, Barnard J, Hand W, Al Ali N, Brown F, Zimmerman C, Roboz G, Komrokji R, Garcia-Manero G, Steensma D, Sekeres M. Differential Response to Hypomethylating Agents Based on Sex: A Report on Behalf of the MDS Clinical Research Consortium (MDS CRC). Blood 2015, 126: 2889. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v126.23.2889.2889.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigh-risk myelodysplastic syndromeMedian overall survivalBone marrow blastsFirst-line therapyOverall survivalTime of presentationMyelodysplastic syndromeMedian OSBlast percentageBetter OSMarrow blastsCytogenetic categoriesBone marrow blast percentageMDS Clinical Research ConsortiumStandard first-line therapyInternational Working Group criteriaCox PH analysisCox proportional analysisMarrow blast percentageSpeakers bureauClinical Research ConsortiumLog-rank testDate of deathFuture prospective investigationsMann-Whitney U test
The Utility Of Newer Risk Models In Predicting Outcomes Of Patients (pts) With Higher-Risk (HR) Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Treated With Azactidine (aza)
Zeidan A, Al Ali N, Kharfan-Dabaja M, Padron E, Zhang L, Epling-Burnette P, Lancet J, List A, Komrokji R. The Utility Of Newer Risk Models In Predicting Outcomes Of Patients (pts) With Higher-Risk (HR) Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Treated With Azactidine (aza). Blood 2013, 122: 2771. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v122.21.2771.2771.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMD Anderson Prognostic Scoring SystemMedian overall survivalHigh-risk groupMoffitt Cancer CenterAZA therapyHR-MDSOverall survivalPrognostic scoring systemMyelodysplastic syndromeIntermediate riskRisk groupsLower riskScoring systemPrognostic groupsInt-2Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndromeHigh-risk myelodysplastic syndromeCycles of therapyHR-MDS patientsKaplan-Meier curvesLog-rank testOff-label useAZA initiationRevised IPSSR-IPSS