Enhancing Personalized Prognostic Assessment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes through a Multimodal and Explainable Deep Data Fusion Approach (MAGAERA)
Sauta E, Sartori F, Lanino L, Asti G, D'Amico S, Delleani M, Riva E, Zampini M, Zazzetti E, Bicchieri M, Maggioni G, Campagna A, Todisco G, Tentori C, Ubezio M, Russo A, Buizza A, Ficara F, Crisafulli L, Brindisi M, Ventura D, Pinocchio N, Rahal D, Lancellotti C, Bonometti A, Di Tommaso L, Savevski V, Santoro A, Derus N, Dall'Olio D, Santini V, Sole F, Platzbecker U, Fenaux P, Diez-Campelo M, Komrokji R, Garcia-Manero G, Haferlach T, Kordasti S, Zeidan A, Castellani G, Sanavia T, Fariselli P, Della Porta M. Enhancing Personalized Prognostic Assessment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes through a Multimodal and Explainable Deep Data Fusion Approach (MAGAERA). Blood 2024, 144: 105-105. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-205413.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPersonalized medicine programsMyelodysplastic syndrome patientsMyelodysplastic syndromeOverall survivalConcordance indexClinical outcomesMay-Grunwald-GiemsaHypomethylating agentsBone marrowAnalysis of hematological malignanciesSomatic mutation screeningEvaluation of T lymphocytesResponse to hypomethylating agentsCD34+ bone marrowStudies of myelodysplastic syndromesGenomic featuresMDS populationRNA-seqPrediction of patient outcomeGenomic characterizationHarrell's concordance indexPredicting clinical outcomesHematoxylin and eosin (H&EMorphological dataMulti-omicsArtificial Intelligence-Powered Digital Pathology to Improve Diagnosis and Personalized Prognostic Assessment in Patient with Myeloid Neoplasms
Asti G, Curti N, Maggioni G, Carlini G, Lanino L, Campagna A, D'Amico S, Sauta E, Delleani M, Bonometti A, Lancellotti C, Rahal D, Ubezio M, Todisco G, Tentori C, Russo A, Crespi A, Figini G, Buizza A, Riva E, Zampini M, Brindisi M, Ficara F, Crisafulli L, Ventura D, Pinocchio N, Zazzetti E, Bicchieri M, Grondelli M, Forcina Barrero A, Savevski V, Santoro A, Santini V, Sole F, Platzbecker U, Fenaux P, Diez-Campelo M, Komrokji R, Haferlach T, Kordasti S, Di Tommaso L, Zeidan A, Loghavi S, Garcia-Manero G, Castellani G, Della Porta M. Artificial Intelligence-Powered Digital Pathology to Improve Diagnosis and Personalized Prognostic Assessment in Patient with Myeloid Neoplasms. Blood 2024, 144: 3598-3598. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-206248.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLeukemia-free survivalMyeloid neoplasmsOverall survivalConcordance indexGenomic informationBone marrowPredictive of overall survivalMD Anderson Cancer CenterCell typesProportion of patientsHarrell's concordance indexSomatic gene mutationsMorphological featuresHumanitas Research HospitalGenomic dataMGG smearsPersonalized risk assessmentRUNX1 mutationsBM aspiratesClinically relevant informationClinical entityBiopsy dataMN patientsPrognostic assessmentWhole slide images
Reclassification of Ascertain (ASTX727-02) Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) Patients: Outcomes Including Clinical Response, Overall Survival (OS), and Leukemia Free Survival (LFS) Based on IPSS-R and IPSS-M Scoring Systems
Garcia-Manero G, McCloskey J, Griffiths E, Zeidan A, Yee K, Al-Kali A, Deeg H, Patel P, Sabloff M, Keating M, Zhu N, Gabrail N, Fazal S, Maly J, Odenike O, Kantarjian H, DeZern A, O'Connell C, Roboz G, Busque L, Buckstein R, Amin H, Randhawa J, Leber B, Lee S, Chan W, Souza S, Sano Y, Keer H, Savona M. Reclassification of Ascertain (ASTX727-02) Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) Patients: Outcomes Including Clinical Response, Overall Survival (OS), and Leukemia Free Survival (LFS) Based on IPSS-R and IPSS-M Scoring Systems. Blood 2023, 142: 4619. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-188258.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInternational Prognosis Scoring SystemLow-risk MDSHigh-risk MDSLeukemia-free survivalIPSS-R scoreOverall survivalMDS subjectsClinical outcomesPatient outcomesC-indexConcordance indexScoring systemMDS/CMMLMedian overall survivalDifferent risk stratification systemsHarrell's concordance indexMyelodysplastic syndrome patientsHigh-risk populationRisk stratification systemHigh-risk categoryHR categoriesCycle 2Different risk categoriesTreatment discontinuationClinical responseCombining Gene Mutation with Transcriptomic Data Improves Outcome Prediction in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Sauta E, Zampini M, Dall'Olio D, Sala C, Todisco G, Travaglino E, Lanino L, Tentori C, Maggioni G, D'Amico S, Asti G, Dall'Olio L, Mosca E, Ubezio M, Campagna A, Riva E, Bicchieri M, Savevski V, Santoro A, Kordasti S, Santini V, Diez-Campelo M, Kubasch A, Platzbecker U, Fenaux P, Zhao L, Zeidan A, Haferlach T, Castellani G, Della Porta M. Combining Gene Mutation with Transcriptomic Data Improves Outcome Prediction in Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Blood 2023, 142: 1863. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-186222.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute myeloid leukemiaProportional hazards modelOverall survivalClinical outcomesMyelodysplastic syndromeClinical featuresMDS patientsPrognostic informationConcordance indexCox proportional hazards modelConventional prognostic scoresIPSS-R scorePrimary end pointBone marrow blastsHarrell's concordance indexPeripheral blood cytopeniasPrognostic scoring systemRisk of progressionAdditional prognostic informationCytogenetic alterationsGene mutationsIndividual patient levelSame clinical phenotypeBlood cytopeniasMarrow blasts