Organization OnlyScientific Seminar Series: Haifan Lin, PhDThe Anlyan CenterAdd event to CalendarAll are welcomeSpeakerHaifan Lin, PhDEugene Higgins Professor of Cell Biology, and Professor of Genetics, of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, and of Dermatology; Director, Yale Stem Cell CenterContactsMatthew Vesely, MD, PhD203.481.3419Caroline Nelson, MD, FAAD203.785.4445Anna Eisenstein, MD, PhDanna.eisenstein@yale.eduAdmissionFreeTagLectures and SeminarsMar 202526Wednesday12:00 PM1:00 PM Use Ctrl + scroll to zoom the map Use two fingers to move the map The Anlyan CenterN203300 Cedar StreetNew Haven, CTEdit This Event