Efficacy and tolerability of antipsychotic polypharmacy for schizophrenia spectrum disorders. A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data
Lochmann van Bennekom M, IntHout J, Gijsman H, Akdede B, Yağcıoğlu A, Barnes T, Galling B, Gueorguieva R, Kasper S, Kreinin A, Nielsen J, Nielsen R, Remington G, Repo-Tiihonen E, Schmidt-Kraepelin C, Shafti S, Xiao L, Correll C, Verkes R. Efficacy and tolerability of antipsychotic polypharmacy for schizophrenia spectrum disorders. A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. Schizophrenia Research 2024, 272: 1-11. PMID: 39142215, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2024.07.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinical Global Impression ScaleSchizophrenia spectrum disordersPositive and Negative Syndrome ScaleBaseline PANSS total scoreAntipsychotic polypharmacyPANSS total scoreTotal scorePositive symptomsPsychotic patientsPositive and Negative Syndrome Scale positive symptom subscaleNegative symptom subscale scoreSubgroup of psychotic patientsBaseline positive symptomsExtrapyramidal side effectsNegative Syndrome ScalePositive symptom subscaleSecond-generation antipsychoticsGlobal Impression ScaleModerators of efficacySeverely psychotic patientsStudy-level moderatorsStudy discontinuationSymptom subscale scoresAntipsychotic monotherapySyndrome Scale
Preliminary analysis of positive and negative syndrome scale in ketamine-associated psychosis in comparison with schizophrenia
Xu K, Krystal JH, Ning Y, Chen da C, He H, Wang D, Ke X, Zhang X, Ding Y, Liu Y, Gueorguieva R, Wang Z, Limoncelli D, Pietrzak RH, Petrakis IL, Zhang X, Fan N. Preliminary analysis of positive and negative syndrome scale in ketamine-associated psychosis in comparison with schizophrenia. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2014, 61: 64-72. PMID: 25560772, PMCID: PMC4445679, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.12.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsKetamine groupNegative Syndrome ScaleSchizophrenia groupSyndrome ScaleN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonistGlutamate receptor antagonistsPotential confounding factorsEarly course schizophreniaSymptom dimensionsSymptoms of schizophreniaReceptor antagonistChronic schizophreniaHealthy subjectsKetamine abuseSchizophrenia psychosisSchizophrenia patientsConfounding factorsSymptom severitySymptomsInpatientsSchizophreniaPsychosisKetamine usersDissociation symptomsPrincipal component factor analysis
Relationship of resting brain hyperconnectivity and schizophrenia-like symptoms produced by the NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine in humans
Driesen NR, McCarthy G, Bhagwagar Z, Bloch M, Calhoun V, D'Souza DC, Gueorguieva R, He G, Ramachandran R, Suckow RF, Anticevic A, Morgan PT, Krystal JH. Relationship of resting brain hyperconnectivity and schizophrenia-like symptoms produced by the NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine in humans. Molecular Psychiatry 2013, 18: 1199-1204. PMID: 23337947, PMCID: PMC3646075, DOI: 10.1038/mp.2012.194.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional connectivityNegative symptomsGamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neuronsNMDA receptor antagonist ketamineAspartate glutamate receptor antagonistContinuous ketamine infusionGlutamate receptor antagonistsNMDA-R antagonistsCortical functional connectivityNMDA-R antagonist ketamineSchizophrenia-like symptomsHealthy human subjectsNegative Syndrome ScaleBrain functional connectivityPrimary samplesRegion-specific mannerFunctional magnetic resonanceKetamine infusionReceptor antagonistPathological increaseSyndrome ScaleSymptomsPreclinical researchKetamineBrain oscillations
Potentiation of Low Dose Ketamine Effects by Naltrexone: Potential Implications for the Pharmacotherapy of Alcoholism
Krystal JH, Madonick S, Perry E, Gueorguieva R, Brush L, Wray Y, Belger A, D'Souza DC. Potentiation of Low Dose Ketamine Effects by Naltrexone: Potential Implications for the Pharmacotherapy of Alcoholism. Neuropsychopharmacology 2006, 31: 1793-1800. PMID: 16395307, DOI: 10.1038/sj.npp.1300994.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNMDA glutamate receptorsNMDA receptor antagonismKetamine doseReceptor antagonismGlutamate receptorsKetamine effectsProtective effectPlacebo-controlled human laboratory studyOpiate receptor antagonismEfficacy of naltrexoneDose-related fashionNMDA receptor antagonist effectsReceptor antagonist effectsTotal PANSS scoreHuman laboratory studiesPharmacotherapy of alcoholismTreatment of alcoholismHealthy human subjectsHigher ketamine doseNegative Syndrome ScaleLower ketamine doseSignificant behavioral effectsSubanesthetic dosePANSS scoresEthanol drink